40 commits
to publish
since this release
- New class RoaringBitmap32ReverseIterator
- Copy On Write (COW) always enabled - this can improve performance and reduce memory usage
- this.reverseIterator(): RoaringBitmap32ReverseIterator
- RoaringBitmap32.of(1, 2, 3 ...)
- this.indexOf(value:number, startIndex?:number): number and this.lastIndexOf(value:number, startIndex?:number)
- this.at(index:number): number
- Array methods: some, reduce, reduceRight, find, findIndex, filter, toSorted, toReversed
- varargs for add, tryAdd, remove, delete
- Update to CRoaring 1.1.2
map and forEach were not implemented correctly and were not behaving like array.map and array.forEach on the index argument. This is fixed now and index is the index of the item in the set.