109 commits
to master
since this release
8.0.0 (2023-05-22)
Bug Fixes
- charset explicit utf8 (#969) (ff400bd)
- deps: update all dependencies docker tags (#480) (7fa4622)
- deps: update all dependencies docker tags (patch) (#481) (3e53f08)
- deps: update docker tag to v2.4.1 (#656) (f190150)
- deps: update hadolint/hadolint docker tag to v1.17.7 (#307) (a9b0272)
- deps: update nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged:1.23-alpine docker digest to ae94ea4 (#1001) (a304e99)
- dhall: deactivate container_test (#963) (730dedc)
- gitlab: add rules.change (#247) (d26347b)
- nginx4spa: fix $uri/ order (#476) (552abd5)
- nginx4spa: handle next.js static urls (#474) (c9df933)
- nginx4spa: use non-root user (630cd5c)
- nginx4spa: use upstream nginx image (#1006) (4949939)
- nginx: allow skip envsubst (#946) (d4e43ea)
- nginx: hide nginx version in folders (#971) (76ef24e)
- secu: upgrade nginx image (#972) (5d9d5aa)
- add hadolint (#40) (7bc8b83)
- add nginx security headers to default config (#681) (b9f3f09)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies docker tags (minor) (#494) (f553c0b)
- deps: update docker tag to v1.11.0 (#899) (62317e4)
- deps: update docker tag to v2.5.0 (#685) (f072b93)
- deps: update docker tag to v2.6.0 (#705) (5fb2155)
- deps: update docker tag to v2.7.0 (#804) (9e5fe94)
- deps: update docker tag to v2.8.0 (#893) (38d6f60)
- deps: update hadolint/hadolint docker tag to v1.18.0 (#312) (a77a0bc)
- deps: update hadolint/hadolint docker tag to v1.23.0 (#566) (acd6329)
- deps: update hadolint/hadolint docker tag to v1.23.0 (#614) (9c84026)
- deps: update hadolint/hadolint docker tag to v2 (#617) (c065987)
- deps: update nginx docker tag to v1.18 (#220) (1b82cfe)
- deps: update nginx docker tag to v1.19 (#301) (41763d0)
- deps: update nginx docker tag to v1.20 (#616) (0303d48)
- deps: update nginx docker tag to v1.21 (#665) (5f13390)
- nginx4spa: add spa nginx image (#33) (1bfd078)
- nginx4spa: configurable PORT (#61) (476fe97)
- nginx: nginx image (#765) (3516776)
- nginx: Use unpriviledged docker images (#956) (764247c)
- use partial pin to master version glob (#55) (28e9317)
Performance Improvements
- nginx: port needs to be changed in projects using these images