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Building SELKS

Peter Manev edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 50 revisions


You can download the latest SELKS ready to use from here. However if you would like to build SELKS from scratch and/or customize and modify it - you can follow this guide bellow.


NOTE: You can build SELKS from scratch with a choice of a OS distribution based on one of the below:

  • Debian Buster

You need a Debian Buster with a decent Internet access. Building a SELKS ISO will require the download of a complete system. You will also need around 5 GB of space in the build directory.

Get the sources and prepare the system

git clone

Install the dependencies:


Build the system

You can now start the build:


Please note, that the previous command can take up to 40 min to complete. You will then find the ISO file under Stamus-Live-Build/SELKS.iso

usage: ./ options

SELKS build your own ISO options:

  -h      Help info
  -g      GUI option - can be "no-desktop"
  -p      Add package(s) to the build - can be one-package or "package1 package2 package3...." (should be confined to up to 10 packages)
  -k      Kernel option - can be the stable standard version of the kernel you wish to deploy -
          aka you can choose any kernel "4.x.x"  or "5.x.x" you want.
          Example: "5.10" or "5.11" or "4.19.128"

          More info on kernel versions and support:

  By default no options are required. The options presented here are if you wish to enable/disable/add components.
  By default SELKS will be build with a standard Debian Buster 64 bit distro and kernel ver 4.19.x respectively.

EXAMPLE (default):


The example above (is the default) will build a SELKS standard Debian Buster 64 bit distro - see Get source from git

EXAMPLE (customizations):

./ -k 5.4.46

The example above will build a SELKS Debian 64 bit distro with kernel ver 5.4.46

./ -k 5.11.16 -p one-package

The example above will build a SELKS Debian 64 bit distro with kernel ver 5.11.16 and add the extra package named "one-package" to the build.

./ -k 5.6.18 -g no-desktop -p one-package

The example above will build a SELKS Debian 64 bit distro, no desktop with kernel ver 5.6.18 and add the extra package named "one-package" to the build.

./ -k 5.6.18 -g no-desktop -p "package1 package2 package3"

The example above will build a SELKS Debian 64 bit distro, no desktop with kernel ver 5.6.18 and add the extra packages named "package1", "package2", "package3" to the build.

If you wish to do a subsequent build you need first to remove the output directory before starting a new build:

rm -rf Stamus-Live-Build/

If you plan to build SELKS multiple time you will gain time and spare bandwidth on Debian servers by using an APT proxy such as apt-cacher-ng. To use it, simply set LB_CONFIG_OPTIONS variable which allow you to pass any option to lb config

LB_CONFIG_OPTIONS="--apt-http-proxy http://localhost:3142/" ./

In a similar way, you could specify a mirror:

LB_CONFIG_OPTIONS="--mirror-binary http://mirror/debian/ --mirror-binary-security http://mirror/debian-security/ --mirror-binary-backports http://mirror/debian-backports/" ./
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