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Initial Setup JAVA

Peter Manev edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

SELKS comes with Debian standard pre-installed OpenJDK.

For Elasticsearch either Oracle or OpenJDK are acceptable. Oracle JAVA can not be shipped by default with SELKS (Debian distro) due to licensing challenges.

If you decide to switch from OpenJDK to Oracle JAVA please follow the instructions below. Make sure you have the system up to date - SELKS Upgrades

In general after installation of SELKS though you could easily switch to Oracle Java executing the following script:

root@SELKS:~# /opt/selks/Scripts/Java/

The script is part of the selks-scripts-stamus package of scripts and is already installed in SELKS.

That's it.

NOTE: This would install Java8 by default - oracle-java8-installer and libc6-dev packages.

Check if everything is up and running:

systemctl status elasticsearch
systemctl status logstash

If not:

systemctl restart elasticsearch logstash kibana


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