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salesforcer 0.1.4

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@StevenMMortimer StevenMMortimer released this 13 Jun 19:33


  • Rebuilt package against R 4.0 (no issues observed with 3.6.3, 4.0.0, 4.0.1) (#53)
  • Upgraded to Salesforce version 48.0 (Spring '20) from version 46.0 (Summer '19)
  • Add support for connections through a proxy by setting in package options (#32)
  • CRUD operations now atomatically cast date and datetime (Date, POSIXct, POSIXlt, POSIXt)
    formats into an accepted string format recognized by Salesforce (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ)
  • Add batch_size argument to support specifying custom batch sizes for Bulk jobs
  • Add sf_convert_lead() which takes leads and will associate them to the corresponding
    Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities as directed in the input along with many other
    options to send an email to the new owner, block the opportunity creation, and more.
  • Add sf_create_attachment() along with a vignette that better describes how to
    interact with attachments and other blob data.
  • Add Attachment and Metadata vignettes along with updating the Bulk vignette.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where REST query was not correctly passing and honoring the batch
    size control argument to paginate results
  • Fix issue in results of REST query pagination where the function was looping
    infinitely because of a bug in the implementation that would continue using the
    same next_records_url that was previously passed into the function (#54)
  • Fix issue where the results of Bulk 1.0 query batches where returning
    fewer rows than expected because of using content(..., as="text") which truncated
    the results instead of using content(..., type="text/csv") (#54)
  • Fix issue where the details of an object's picklist contains NULLs (e.g. the
    validFor entry of a picklist value is NULL) so now it is replaced with NA and
    then can be bound together into a data.frame (#27)
  • Fix issue where NA values in create, update, and upsert operations where setting
    the fields to blank in Bulk APIs, but not the SOAP or REST APIs. Now NA values in
    a record will set the field to blank across all APIs (#29)
  • Fix issue where supplying all NA values in the Id field for certain operations
    would result in a cryptic error message ("BAD_REQUEST: Unsupported Tooling Sobject Type"); the affected operations are: delete, undelete, emptyRecycleBin, retrieve,
    update, and findDuplicatesByIds