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Releases: StevenMMortimer/salesforcer

salesforcer 1.0.2

06 Nov 14:13
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salesforcer 1.0.2


  • Increment the package's default Salesforce API version to 61.0 (Summer '24).

  • Remove deprecation warning for basic authentication (password and
    security token) because many users have found that it's still possible to
    use for programmatic (API-based) access even if their org requires users to
    log in via multi-factor authentication. (#128)


  • Add two new datetime formats that will automatically be parsed if they appear
    in the query recordset "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M" and "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M". (#127)

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug that caused Bulk 1.0 queries using the PKChunking option to error
    out because the query info returned a vector of IDs instead of one which was
    expected by the sf_batch_status_bulk() function. (#124)

  • Explicitly specify the column name repair method for all as_tibble() and
    as_tibble_row() function calls because this could be causing issues when
    parsing and binding query recordsets. (#124)

salesforcer 1.0.1

02 Mar 15:50
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  • Increase the package's default Salesforce API version to 54.0 (Spring '22)
  • Added a deprecation warning that using basic authentication (password and
    security token) will no longer work since Salesforce announced that all
    customers will be migrated to MFA beginning February 1st, 2022
    (link). Many thanks to @klaw2 for highlighting in #113.
  • Remove deprecated use of dplyr::across() and add logic to circumvent a
    new warning emitted by readr::type_convert() when no character columns
    are present

Bug fixes

  • Changed the naming convention for dashboard-related functions to contain the
    action verb first (e.g., sf_copy_dashboard instead of sf_dashboard_copy)

salesforcer 1.0.0

07 Jul 03:59
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  • Increase the package's default Salesforce API version to 52.0 (Summer '21).

  • Remove uses of {RForcecom} after it was archived on CRAN on 6/8/2021 (#101)

  • Remove LazyData option in DESCRIPTION since data() is not utilized

  • Deprecate argument in sf_write_csv() from path to file as was done in
    {readr} v1.4.0.

  • Deprecate argument bind_using_character_cols because we will always need
    to bind as character and then parse if guess_types=TRUE. Per comments in
    tidyverse/readr#588 and tidyverse/readr#98, we must read all of the data as
    character first and then use type_convert() to ensure that we use all values
    in the column to guess the type. The default for read_csv() is to only use
    the first 1,000 rows and its guess_max argument cannot be set to Inf.

  • Change lifecycle status from "Maturing" to "Status" per the retirement of
    "Maturing" in the {lifecycle} package. The documentation notes:

    Previously we used as maturing for functions that lay somewhere between experimental and stable. We stopped using this stage because, like questioning, it’s not clear what actionable information this stage delivers.

    In addition, the lifecycle guidance states that experimental packages have
    version numbers less than 1.0.0 and may have major changes in its future.
    The {salesforcer} package has achieved a stable state with core
    functionality implemented and a focus on backwards compatibility due to the
    volume of users.


  • Improve documentation to retrieve the access token or session ID after
    authentication (#97)

  • Improve parsing of Bulk API query recordsets from CSV where all values
    in the column will be used to guess the type instead of the first 1000.

Bug fixes

  • Generalize the date and datetime parsing mechanism, such that, reports with
    date and datetime fields are not returned as NA (#93)

  • Fix the format of the OwnerChangeOptions header so it is accepted (#94)

  • Fix bug that caused Bulk 2.0 calls to crash when the results had datetime
    fields in the recordset (#95)

salesforcer 0.2.2

12 Sep 15:17
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  • This release relaxes the dependency on {dplyr} and brings back use of
    rbindlist() from {data.table} because of limitations of dplyr::bind_rows().
    As noted in (tidyverse/dplyr#5429) {dplyr} will only support binding data.frames
    or lists of data.frames, not a list of lists which is needed in some
    applications of the {salesforcer} package.
  • Due to other recent changes between {vctrs} and {dplyr}, you may now see the
    following warning displayed when loading {salesforcer}, which is emitted by the
    loading of {dplyr}:
Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame' when loading 'dplyr'


  • None

Bug fixes

  • None

salesforcer 0.2.1

07 Sep 18:30
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  • CAUTION: This release requires {dplyr 1.0.0} because {dplyr 1.0.1} introduced
    a bug in bind_rows() with how it binds lists where the list elements have differing
    lengths. This is documented in tidyverse/dplyr#5417 and r-lib/vctrs#1073. The
    timeline for a fix is unknown as of Aug 16, 2020.
    You can install the older
    version of {dplyr} using the following command:
remotes::install_version("dplyr", "1.0.0")


  • Add support for the defaultLimit argument in sf_search() to be able to
    restrict the number of records from each individual object when searching
    across one or more objects.
  • Add support for updating attachments with the sf_update_attachments()
    function (#79).
  • Add support for downloading attachments just by its Id. In addition, the
    sf_download_attachment() function returns the file path of the downloaded
    content instead of a logical indicating success.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug introduced in {salesforcer 0.2.0} which could not stack records with
    errors longer than length 1. The new solution is to always return the errors
    column as a list, which is coerced to length 1 for the record (#66).
  • Fix bug in sf_search() that was passing "true"/"false" instead of actual
    boolean value for the spellCorrection parameter in the POST body.

salesforcer 0.2.0

21 Jul 21:45
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  • CAUTION: This release only has automated test coverage on R 4.0.0 or greater.
    Users should still be able to install and run using R (>= 3.6.0); however, it
    is recommended to upgrade to R 4.0.0 or greater.

  • Add experimental support for the Reports and Dashboards REST API.

  • Add support for Bulk 2.0 queries that was added in Salesforce version 47.0
    (Winter '20). CAUTION: The Bulk 2.0 API is now the default API when using
    sf_query_bulk() or sf_run_bulk_query()
    . Please test prior to upgrading
    in a production environment where you are running bulk queries.

  • Standardize the column order and format of query and CRUD operations that
    prioritizes the object type and Ids over other fields and finaly relationship
    fields. CAUTION: This will switch up the order of the columns returned by
    your existing code
    . Please test prior to upgrading in a production environment
    where column ordering is a breaking change. For example we prioritize the following
    fields in queries alphabetically within this prioritization waterfall:

    1. The sObject field first (indicates the record's object if multiple objects returned in the results)
    2. The Id field second (Id, id, sf__Id)
    3. Salesforce record success status (Success, success, sf_Success)
    4. Salesforce record created status (Created, created, sf__Created)
    5. Salesforce record error(s) status (Error, error, errors,
      errors.statusCode, errors.fields, errors.message, sf__Error)
    6. All other fields from the target object (e.g. Name, Phone, etc.)
    7. Relationship fields (fields from a parent or child of the target). For example,
      anything typically containing a dot like Account.Id, Owner.Name, etc.
  • Standardize the names of functions that submit long running jobs to Salesforce.
    These functions now all start with sf_run_*. However, the original names have
    been aliased to the new names so this version will acknowledge the old function
    names without deprecation warning.For example, the new names are:

    • sf_query_bulk() ==> sf_run_bulk_query()
    • sf_bulk_operation() ==> sf_run_bulk_operation()
    • sf_run_report()
  • Add support for logging in with a proxy without having to use OAuth 2.0 as
    the authentication method. When proxy support was first implemented in
    {salesforcer} 0.1.4, it only supported proxy connections when logging in via
    OAuth 2.0. Now, this untested version of proxy support for basic
    authentication has been implemented. This means that proxy users should be
    able to login using just a username, password, and security token if their
    organization has not implemented OAuth 2.0 or if they do not want to use OAuth
    2.0 while logging in via this package.

  • Add lifecycle badges to signal maturity of different package aspects.

  • Add two vignettes, one that outlines the query types supported by the package
    and another that outlines the new report functionality that was introduced in
    this release.

  • Add enhanced query test coverage in its own test script.

  • Remove dependency on {data.table} which does not have a build for R-devel. This
    should only affect sf_read_metadata().

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug that prevented enabling PKChunking in Bulk 1.0 queries. Users can
    now specify using TRUE/FALSE or details like chunkSize that imply TRUE.
    The results are then parsed appropriately by waiting for all individual
    batches to finish. (#46)

  • Fix bugs in REST and SOAP API queries to prevent infinite looping and
    mangling results of relationship queries, specifically parent-to-child
    nested queries. (#19, #35, #38, #54)

  • Fix bug in REST and SOAP APIs where the creation of a record that fails
    duplicate rules will return the duplicate match results as well and cause the
    entire function call to fail because it cannot parse the results. Now only the
    status code and message are returned and the function will execute
    successfully even if the record has not been created due to the rule.

salesforcer 0.1.4

13 Jun 19:33
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  • Rebuilt package against R 4.0 (no issues observed with 3.6.3, 4.0.0, 4.0.1) (#53)
  • Upgraded to Salesforce version 48.0 (Spring '20) from version 46.0 (Summer '19)
  • Add support for connections through a proxy by setting in package options (#32)
  • CRUD operations now atomatically cast date and datetime (Date, POSIXct, POSIXlt, POSIXt)
    formats into an accepted string format recognized by Salesforce (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ)
  • Add batch_size argument to support specifying custom batch sizes for Bulk jobs
  • Add sf_convert_lead() which takes leads and will associate them to the corresponding
    Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities as directed in the input along with many other
    options to send an email to the new owner, block the opportunity creation, and more.
  • Add sf_create_attachment() along with a vignette that better describes how to
    interact with attachments and other blob data.
  • Add Attachment and Metadata vignettes along with updating the Bulk vignette.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where REST query was not correctly passing and honoring the batch
    size control argument to paginate results
  • Fix issue in results of REST query pagination where the function was looping
    infinitely because of a bug in the implementation that would continue using the
    same next_records_url that was previously passed into the function (#54)
  • Fix issue where the results of Bulk 1.0 query batches where returning
    fewer rows than expected because of using content(..., as="text") which truncated
    the results instead of using content(..., type="text/csv") (#54)
  • Fix issue where the details of an object's picklist contains NULLs (e.g. the
    validFor entry of a picklist value is NULL) so now it is replaced with NA and
    then can be bound together into a data.frame (#27)
  • Fix issue where NA values in create, update, and upsert operations where setting
    the fields to blank in Bulk APIs, but not the SOAP or REST APIs. Now NA values in
    a record will set the field to blank across all APIs (#29)
  • Fix issue where supplying all NA values in the Id field for certain operations
    would result in a cryptic error message ("BAD_REQUEST: Unsupported Tooling Sobject Type"); the affected operations are: delete, undelete, emptyRecycleBin, retrieve,
    update, and findDuplicatesByIds

salesforcer 0.1.3

10 Jun 23:09
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  • Upgraded to version 46.0 (Summer '19) from version 45.0 (Spring '19)
  • Add RForcecom backward compatibile version of rforcecom.getObjectDescription()
  • Add sf_describe_object_fields() which is a tidyier version of rforcecom.getObjectDescription()
  • Allow users to control whether query results are kept as all character or the
    types are guessed (#12)
  • Add sf_get_all_jobs_bulk() so that users can see retrieve details for all
    bulk jobs (#13)
  • Add new utility functions sf_set_password() and sf_reset_password() (#11)
  • Add two new functions to check for duplicates (sf_find_duplicates(), sf_find_duplicates_by_id()) (#4)
  • Add new function to download attachments to disk (sf_download_attachment()) (#20)
  • The object_name argument, required for bulk queries, will be inferred if left blank,
    making it no longer a required argument
  • Almost all functions in the package now have a control argument and dots (...) which
    allows for more than a dozen different control parameters listed in sf_control() to be
    fed into existing function calls to tweak the default behavior. For example, if you would
    like to override duplicate rules then you can adjust the DuplicateRuleHeader. If you
    would like to have certain assignment rule run on newly created records, then pass in the
    AssignmentRuleHeader (#4, #5)
  • Add new function sf_undelete() which will take records out of the Recycle Bin
  • Add new function sf_empty_recycle_bin() which will remove records permanently
    from the Recycle Bin
  • Add new function sf_merge() which combines up to 3 records of the same type
    into 1 record (#22)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug where Username/Password authenticated sessions where not working with
    api_type = "Bulk 1.0"
  • Fix bug where Bulk 1.0 queries that timeout hit an error while trying to abort
    since that only supported aborting Bulk 2.0 jobs (#13)
  • Fix bug that had only production environment logins possible because of hard
    coding (@weckstm, #18)
  • Make sf_describe_object_fields() more robust against nested list elements and
    also return picklists as tibbles (#16)
  • Fix bug where four of the bulk operation options (content_type, concurrency_mode,
    line_ending, and column_delimiter) where not being passed down from
    the top level generic functions like sf_create(), sf_update(), etc. However,
    line_ending has now been moved into the sf_control function so it is no longer
    explicitly listed for bulk operations as an argument. (@mitch-niche, #23)
  • Ensure that for SOAP, REST, and Bulk 2.0 APIs the verbose argument prints out
    the XML or JSON along with the URL of the call so it can be replicated via cURL or
    some other programming language (#8)

salesforcer 0.1.2

12 Apr 17:05
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  • Add support for Bulk 1.0 operations of "create", "update", "upsert", "delete" and "hardDelete"
  • Bulk 2.0 operations, by default, now return a single tbl_df containing all
    of the successful records, error records, and unprocessed records
  • Created internal functions that explicity call each API for an operation. For
    example, sf_create() routes into sf_create_soap(), sf_create_rest(), and

salesforcer 0.1.1

08 Apr 06:11
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  • Add sf_search() with REST and SOAP API support for SOSL and free text search
  • Add sf_describe_objects() with REST and SOAP API to return object metadata
  • Add REST API support for upsert (sf_upsert())
  • Add SOAP API support for the following operations:
    • sf_create()
    • sf_update()
    • sf_delete()
    • sf_retrieve()
  • Add Metadata API support for the following operations:
    • sf_create_metadata()
    • sf_read_metadata()
    • sf_update_metadata()
    • sf_upsert_metadata()
    • sf_delete_metadata()
    • sf_describe_metadata()
    • sf_list_metadata()
    • sf_rename_metadata()
    • sf_retrieve_metdata()
    • sf_deploy_metdata()
  • Make the default file name for a cached token .httr-oauth-salesforcer so that
    it does not clash with other package token names

Bug Fixes

  • sf_user_info() returning argument is of length zero because token is not
    automatically refreshed before calling GET

  • sf_token() ignoring basic auth'ed sessions since it was only looking for a token
    using token_avaiable(). Replace with sf_auth_check() so now it considers a
    session or a token to be "available" (#1).