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Super Hackio edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 4 revisions

This object is the most complex out of all the new ones.
This object has two different states: Activated and Deactivated. Which state the object goes into is determined before the level starts.
Instances of this object are single use only, but get re-triggered upon loading any map, OR as of GLE-V3, if you collect a NoBootOut Star.

Note: THE ORDER THAT YOU PLACE THESE SWITCHES MATTERS if you want to chain them together. In a Level Editor, all objects are stored in a list or tree, and when the game loads your map file, it reads that list/tree from the top down, meaning that ScenarioSwitch instances higher in the list/tree get activated first. A very useful functionality if you set it up correctly.

This object requires that a galaxy have a ZoneInfo.arc with a ScenarioSwitch.bcsv file inside the csv folder on the archive root. If it is not present, the game will either Crash or Freeze.

Property Name Description
Obj_Arg0 Check Index The index inside ZoneInfo.arc/Stage/csv/ScenarioSwitch.bcsv to use for checking game progress.
For more information, see Progress Checking.
Obj_Arg1 No Deactivated state If set, the Deactivated state is not triggered.
-1 = Use Deactivated state. (Default)
1 = Disable Deactivated state.
SW_A Switch A Optional. The switch to turn ON when the check passes, or OFF if it fails (and Obj_Arg1 is not set).
SW_B Switch B Optional. The switch to turn OFF when the check passes, or ON if it fails (and Obj_Arg1 is not set).

Activated State

The Activated state will occur if the check succeeds.
SW_A is turned ON.
SW_B is turned OFF.

Note: When SW_B turns off, it actually turns it off. It doesn't just "do nothing". If it is already on, it will be turned off again.

Deactivated State

If not disabled by Obj_Arg1, the deactivated state will occur if the check fails.
SW_A is turned OFF.
SW_B is turned ON.

Note: When SW_A turns off, it actually turns it off. It doesn't just "do nothing". If it is already on, it will be turned off again.

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