Mini app for audio filtering in real-time using butterworth filter.
# Clone repository
git clone
# Requirements if you don't have them
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run
Main window looks like this:
There are 4 buttons in settings tab (настройки):
- Start (Старт) - starts the audio stream and audio processing
- Stop (Стоп) - stops the audio stream and audio processing
- Without filter (Без фильтра) - starts the audio stream and audio processing without filter
- Low pass filter (Фильтр нижних частот) - starts the audio stream and audio processing with low pass filter
- High pass filter (Фильтр верхних частот) - starts the audio stream and audio processing with high pass filter
- Band pass filter (Полосовой фильтр) - starts the audio stream and audio processing with band pass filter
- Band stop filter (Режекторный фильтр) - starts the audio stream and audio processing with band stop filter
Second tab Graphs (Графики) contains 2 graphs:
- Waveform (Волновой сигнал) - shows the waveform of input audio signal
- Frequency spectrum (Спектр частот) - shows the frequency spectrum of input audio signal
If you choose one of the filters, it shows cutoff frequency which you can change in settings tab, like this:
In that case, the lower frequency for band stop filter is 1000 Hz, and the higher frequency is 2000 Hz.