Releases: SydneyMOD/SydneyHUD
v4.0.0: BLT2 compatibilized
I apologize if we took a long time from the last pre-release.
But now we're stable version!
Here is list of changes from v3.0.1
- Compatibility with BLT2
- License as changed
- Delayed Calls Fix is now included
- Some bug fixes
v4.0 PRE-3
Thanks for all of your reports, now we are in phase 3.
in this version, we fixed some of bugs and tweaked some features.
this version is almost stable, maybe last pre- release.
If you find any bug, please report it at issue page.
v4.0 PRE-2
Thanks for feed back at v4.0 PRE-1
We included Delayed Calls Fix
in SydneyHUD for fix crash caused by not installed Delayed Calls Fix.
And so, we changed license to make more friendly due to mod creator.
Caution: This is still unstable. maybe exist some bugs we do not notice.
If you find any bug, please report it at issue page.
09/05(Tue.): Fixed the crash when running the game. I have already changed file, so you need to download new one. - kash
09/06(Wed.): Fixed access violation. - kash
Pre-release for BLT2.0
Update SyndeyHUD for working on BLT2.0, and some were fixed.
Caution: It is NOT stable, so exist some bugs we do not notice.
Fix: Buy All Assets
And, Sentry Gun Auto AP crash is fixed.
Update: v3.0
- Buy All Assets feature will buy assets automatically again
- Updated Japanese language
- Added FirstAirKit Notifier
- Separated Option menus
HotFix: v2.6.1
Fix: BuyAllAssets crashes (imported codes from WolfHUD, thanks)
Update: v2.6
Fix: down warning at onedown difficulty
Add: Tab stats font size
Add: Auto laser on
Update: v2.5
Add: Auto enable sentry AP mode