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Frequently Asked Questions

JRobertoReyesG edited this page May 27, 2020 · 7 revisions

What is TOMP?

The TOMP-WG (Transport Operator, MaaS Provider - Working Group) is an initiative which has as main goal to create a standardized language for the technical communication between Transport Operators and MaaS Providers in a MaaS ecosystem by means of an API (Applicable Programming Interface). The language describes how the different stakeholders should communicate with each other. The TOMP-API is being developed by an open working group with public and private stakeholders, in communication with the MaaS Alliance Technology and Standardization working group, aimed at facilitating the implementation of MaaS and corresponding exchange of data. The TOMP-API describes a full MaaS journey, including planning, booking, payments and trip execution.

Why do we need a standard for communication between MaaS Providers and Transport Operators?

For MaaS to be successful, Transport Operators are required to share their transport services and availability of their assets in a digital form with MaaS Providers. When both MaaS Providers and Transport Operators use a standardized interface, it is easier to share information and connect to new stakeholders. The standard enhances an interoperable MaaS ecosystem.

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface is a structured and documented interface for communication between different applications. The TOMP-API makes use of the REST API architectural style with requests from the clients and corresponding responses of the API. The API is written in a JSON format.

Where do I find more information about the TOMP-API?

The TOMP working group has an open communication policy and documentation or reports are available online. The LinkedIn page shows regular news updates. The TOMP working group is using Github for the development of the standard. At Github the latest version of the Blueprint can be found. The Blueprint describes the scope and architecture of the TOMP-API.

How do I contribute to the development of the TOMP-API?

Issues are being monitored at Github. Feel free to post any suggestions or comments on there. If you wish to participate actively in the working group, you can join the biweekly meeting of the working group in Utrecht or with Skype. Ask Bon Bakermans ( for more information. A Slack channel is used for all daily communication and discussion.

Who supports the TOMP-API?

The TOMP working group was initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. It is being developed by several MaaS Providers, Transport Operators, mobility experts and research parties. The working group develops in cooperation with the MaaS Alliance and the MaaS lab of KNV.

How much effort does it take for a Transport Operator or MaaS Provider to use or implement the TOMP-API?

The TOMP-API should be connected to the backoffice of the MaaS Provider or Transport Operator. The time it takes for a transport operator to implement the TOMP-API depends on the present architecture of the backoffice. Most transport operators have systems that are already in place and sometimes this requires to change large parts of the system to adhere to the TOMP-API’s desirable sequence of planning, booking and payment. Depending on the structure of the existing systems, it takes from two to four weeks for a developer to set up a working prototype.

Which related standards are interesting or relevant?

The TOMP-API adopts other standards and makes use of NeTEx and GBFS+. Existing standards are used an made more compatible for the MaaS ecosystem. The working group is looking for possibilities to develop a City Data Specification (CDS) for the exchange of data between cities and transport operators. An interesting API is the sustainable mobility API of MaaS Global. This software can be used by MaaS Providers or Transport Operators to estimate the environmental impact of personal mobility.

How are the seven MaaS pilots in the Netherlands related to the TOMP-API?

The MaaS providers selected for the seven MaaS pilots will use the TOMP-API as their technical interface with Transport Operators. Using the TOMP-API makes it easier to connect with other operators and to scale up.

How are the MaaS functionalities supported by the TOMP-API?

The attached document explains the whole MaaS chain and the related TOMP-API functions.

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