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The navdb object

The Navdatabase object serves as a global navigation database. It contains data on waypoints, airports, airways, flight information regions (FIRs), and ICAO country codes.

Waypoint/Navaid properties

Name Value Description
wpid string identifier
wplat deg latitude
wplon deg longitude
wptype string type: VOR, NDB, ILS, LOC, GS, OM, MM, IM, DME, TACAN, or FIX
wpelev m elevation
wpvar deg magnetic variation
wpfreq kHz/MHz Navaid frequency kHz(NDB) or MHz(VOR)
wpdesc string description

Airway (legs) properties

Name Value Description
awid string identifier
awfromwpid string from waypoint identifier
awfromlat deg from waypoint latitude
awfromlon deg from waypoint longitude
awtowpid string to waypoint identifier
awtolat deg to waypoint latitude
awtolon deg to waypoint longitude
awndir 1 or 2 number of directions
awlowfl int lowest flight level
awupfl int highest flight level

Airport properties

Name Value Description
apid string ICAO 4-character identifier
apname string full name
aplat deg latitude
aplon deg longitude
apmaxrwy m max runway length
aptype 1, 2, or 3 type: 1=large, 2=medium, 3=small
apco string 2-character country code
apelev m field elevation above mean sea level

FIR properties

Name Value Description
fir string FIR name
firlat0 deg start latitude of a line of border
firlon0 deg start longitude of a line of border
firlat1 deg end latitude of a line of border
firlon1 deg end longitude of a line of border

ICAO country code data

Name Value Description
coname string full name
cocode2 string 2-character (A2) code
cocode3 string 3-character (A3) code
conr integer country number

Runway threshold data

Name Value Description
rwythresholds - runway threshold data: ICAO airport code, runway identifier, latitude, longitude, bearing
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