released this
25 Jun 12:54
30 commits
to release-1.5
since this release
What's Changed
- feat: add shared services support when generating manifest by @piglei in #1305
- bugfix: saas 监控下发修复 by @SheepSheepChen in #1315
- fix: 测试提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1319
- fix: 体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1321
- 插件体验提单修复、指定步骤通过IFrame通信,变更当前步骤状态确定下一步是否可操作 by @leafage-collb in #1314
- update: 下拉分支接口调整,新增display_type 用户展示 by @leafage-collb in #1324
- refactor: use image value as display type instead of tag for smart ap… by @jamesgetx in #1318
- update: 云原生部署管理下拉分支接口调整,新增display_type 用户展示 by @leafage-collb in #1326
- fix: use fixed username to call bkci api by @narasux in #1328
- feat: 添加查询已生效的增强服务环境变量 KEY 的 API by @jiayuan929 in #1309
- update: 通知中心更新 by @leafage-collb in #1329
- test: only create default cluster if not exist in _set_default_cluster by @jamesgetx in #1331
- fix: 增强服务 display_name 需要显示的转为 str 类型 by @jiayuan929 in #1333
- enhance: improve some of the s-mart app checking statements by @piglei in #1332
- enhance: improve the error msg when no plans can be found binding service by @piglei in #1334
- feat: support image default app to migrate by @jamesgetx in #1316
- enhance: remove "cnative-default-cluster" concept and related code by @piglei in #1330
- bugfix: 文件读取意外 eof 时, 获取 smart 应用元信息报错抛出 by @SheepSheepChen in #1307
- fix: 体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1335
- enhance: save the original file name as "package_name" when uploading s-mart package by @piglei in #1336
- feat: 进程详情显示重启次数,云原生部署管理样式调整以及状态icon补充 by @leafage-collb in #1340
- fix: 测试提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1341
- refactor: application operation report collectors by @narasux in #1338
- enhance: refactor "unittest" style tests to "pytest" style by @piglei in #1343
- feat: 插件仓库的可见范围可配置 by @jiayuan929 in #1346
- 插件可见范围:支持设置蓝盾项目、人员组织,且修改需要审批 by @jiayuan929 in #1320
- fix: 插件体验单据修复 by @leafage-collb in #1342
- minor: remove JaegerExport because of Jaeger supports OTLP natively since v1.35 by @narasux in #1347
- fix: 云原生进程副本数展示错误修复 by @leafage-collb in #1345
- fix:普通应用-部署分支为 image 时,部署弹框 imagePullPolicy 没有展示出来 by @leafage-collb in #1352
- feat: add more information on admin42 evaluation page by @narasux in #1348
- enhance: 监控告警内容注入自定义文档链接 by @SheepSheepChen in #1339
- fix: raise Cluster.DoesNotExist in func get_cnative_target_cluster by @jamesgetx in #1354
- enhance: improve the error message when uploading a corrput package by @piglei in #1351
- 插件代码仓库名称支持全转为小写&初始化代码模板时提供额外参数 by @jiayuan929 in #1356
- fix: on_environment_offline_succeed handler type error by @narasux in #1358
- fix:体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1353
- feat:普通应用迁移至云原生应用 by @leafage-collb in #1360
- fix: duplicate create Config when backup WlApp by @jamesgetx in #1362
- fix: 迁移信息访问地址更替接口地址 by @leafage-collb in #1363
- feat: add push cnb image by @jamesgetx in #1368
- fix:修复日志查询排序参数顺序问题 by @SheepSheepChen in #1357
- refactor: clean code for AppIDField by @piglei in #1355
- feat: add a visit link to the admin application detail page by @piglei in #1359
- feat: 添加文件上传大小环境变量 by @leafage-collb in #1366
- bugfix: 云原生应用前置命令日志获取超时时间与普通应用保持一致(300s by @SheepSheepChen in #1349
- fix: missing sync_external_url_to_market after confirm app migration by @jamesgetx in #1372
- feat: operator support build container probes by @narasux in #1350
- feat: 进程详情添加相关事件 by @SheepSheepChen in #1337
- fix: 修复S-mart应用不能调用获取已经生效的增强服务环境变量 KEY API by @jiayuan929 in #1375
- feat: 插件初始化代码代码额外参数统一放到 extra_fields 字段中 by @jiayuan929 in #1361
- fix: CodeCC体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1365
- feat: app可见范围 by @leafage-collb in #1369
- fix: 部署配置:文案修改 by @leafage-collb in #1378
- feat: 增强服务 API 中返回 is_ready 用于判断是否启用 by @jiayuan929 in #1373
- feat: plugin gateway prefix changed from bk- to bp- by @jiayuan929 in #1386
- feat: add built-in env for customizing app's title/footer logo and resource paths by @jiayuan929 in #1388
- minor: set useless cfg SECRET_KEY as default by @narasux in #1390
- refactor: simplify PlatformFeatureFlag by @jiayuan929 in #1383
- fix: default app scaling_config stored in proc_spec by @narasux in #1396
- feat: 部署管理:添加查看事件功能 by @leafage-collb in #1385
- feat: 全局配置 title/footer/name/logo/产品商标 by @leafage-collb in #1395
- update: 变更features by @leafage-collb in #1398
- feat: 功能依赖项错误页面展示 by @leafage-collb in #1391
- fix: 云原生应用&普通应用 - 进程扩缩容最大最小副本数量的输入框限制有误 by @leafage-collb in #1399
- fix: error when Super Admin calls uni_apps_query_by_username API by @jiayuan929 in #1400
- fix: instance.labels may be None by @narasux in #1402
- refactor: use camel case in specVersion:3(app_desc.yaml) by @jamesgetx in #1397
- feat: add FE_FEATURE_SETTINGS_CNATIVE_MGRLEGACY frontend feature config by @jamesgetx in #1406
- fix: 通过接口标记控制云原生迁移功能是否显示 by @leafage-collb in #1408
- fix: 云原生应用:环境变量唯一性判断不正确,footer 展示优化 by @leafage-collb in #1403
- fix:云原生应用迁移文案修改,以及逻辑调整 by @leafage-collb in #1405
- fix: show the correct message when process name defined in app_desc.yaml is too long by @piglei in #1401
- fix: list idle application api must return logo_url by @narasux in #1410
- refactor: delete unuse AppFeatureFlag by @jiayuan929 in #1384
- chore: remove dead code in sourcectl.models by @piglei in #1387
- feat: add fronted feature: APP_ACCESS_TOKEN by @jiayuan929 in #1411
- update: 创建新令牌功能根据特性展示 by @leafage-collb in #1412
- fix: 修复 k8s event 无 count 字段报错 by @SheepSheepChen in #1409
- fix: 修复 k8s event 可能缺少字段导致获取 event 报错 by @SheepSheepChen in #1414
- fix(svc-otel): bKKRILL_ENCRYPT_SECRET_KEY can be set in env by @jiayuan929 in #1413
- fix: 固定 pip 版本以兼容 celery 版本 by @jiayuan929 in #1415
- refactor: simplify env cluster mock related testing code by @piglei in #1407
- fix: 全局配置字段对接修改 by @leafage-collb in #1418
- feat: apiserver support cnative application probes by @narasux in #1382
- feat: add procCommand field to specVersion:3 by @jamesgetx in #1420
- feat: add 1.5.0 changelog by @jiayuan929 in #1417
- fix: 平台公告无法获取修复 by @leafage-collb in #1424
Full Changelog: v1.4.1-beta.1...v1.5.0-beta.1