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Building From Source

Mason J. Katz edited this page Sep 18, 2017 · 4 revisions

If you already have access to a Stacki Frontend you can use it as your build host. This will be the quickest method to get started since all the Stacki required services are already configured and running. It is also possible to build Stacki on a freshly installed server.

Grab the Source

Log into your Frontend and checkout the repository somewhere in /export (its a large repo).

# mkdir /export/src
# cd /export/src
# git clone

These instructions assume you have commit access to the Stacki/stacki.git repository, if you do not please fork the repository first, and then clone from your fork.

# cd /export/src/stacki

Prepare the Server

Frontend Server

If you are using a Stacki Frontend as your build host you will need to add an OS pallet to configure the local software repositories.
This is required as a default Stacki install will build a Frontend with only a mininal OS pallet missing many of the prerequisites for building Stacki.


To add a complete OS yum repositories grab the [latest CentOS "Everything" ISO] ( Add and enable the pallet, disabling the OS pallet, if necessary:

# stack add pallet CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1708.iso
# stack enable pallet CentOS
# stack disable pallet os


add instructions

Freshly Installed Server


Start with a fresh install of CentOS 7.4 using the "minimal" package selection. This is the default for CentOS, you should also configure the network to have access to remote yum repositories.


add instructions

Bootstrap and Build

# cd /export/src/stacki/centos
# make bootstrap

This will complete and tell you to log out and log in again, follow the directions and then restart the bootstrap.

# cd /export/src/stacki/centos
# make bootstrap
# make
# make manifest-check

This should leave you with a .iso file in the build directory, and the manifest-check should report all the packages were built.

Contribute Code

If you've made changes that you want to share with all of Stacki send us a pull request.

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