Bonzomatic Network (windows)
This tool let's you live code a pixel shader and send it as text across a network to receive it somewhere else for display in real time.
This version adds:
- shader's time is now synced between sender and grabber
- shader's time can be reset by pressing F4
- midi control knobs values are now sent to grabber (only every 0.3s so it can be a bit laggy)
- coder's name can have a different size and color than other text and can be shown even when editor is hidden.
- no more green square before coder's name to show "online" status, it's only if coder's is offline that a red square will appear.
Bonzo_Launcher is also now available, it's a tool to launch and manage several bonzomatic windows, it is a key tool to make the Shader Royale competition. It can move the windows as a mosaic or resize one to put it in fullscreen. You can find more info here: