Releases: TopologyHealth/SAGE
Releases · TopologyHealth/SAGE
What's Changed
- Pointing to correct Dockerfile by @ActuallyConnor in #91
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.0.3
What's Changed
- Firebase deploy improvements by @oyisre in #1
- Update dependencies by @oyisre in #2
- add explicit type for fhir resources sage supports by @oyisre in #3
- Basic CPG editor by @oyisre in #5
- Bug/add library to simplified bundle by @oyisre in #6
- New Title by @jananikathirkamar in #7
- Simple-info-icon by @joshcds in #8
- Fix-paste by @joshcds in #9
- Bug/av canonical field by @oyisre in #10
- Display as Saved Cards and New Card in basic view by @JosephMitchellCDS in #11
- Firendly name mappings by @joshcds in #13
- UI/use default card style by @oyisre in #12
- Required fields added and identified with red * by @jananikathirkamar in #15
- Improvements to typing by @oyisre in #14
- Datepicker for three date fields by @JosephMitchellCDS in #16
- Show resource title and id in advanced view dropdown by @JosephMitchellCDS in #17
- Test for advanced cpg by @JosephMitchellCDS in #18
- use publisher for url, fix definitionCanonical for basic view PDs by @oyisre in #19
- Empty required fields appear red signalling invalidity by @jananikathirkamar in #20
- Created inline functions for Basic CPG form fields to abridge repetitive code by @jananikathirkamar in #22
- bug/av cannot clear text fields by @oyisre in #23
- Medication request UI - Start customizing the form for this Card by @joshcds in #24
- [DevOps] Adding linting to project by @ActuallyConnor in #21
- added ActivityDefinition.text by @jananikathirkamar in #25
- Feature/medicationrequest page1 by @joshcds in #27
- Create new firebase preview channel on PRs only by @oyisre in #29
- Med UI three pages by @JosephMitchellCDS in #26
- Card From pages => Added state handling by @joshcds in #30
- use react components for ICardForm page one and two by @oyisre in #31
- Med UI three pages by @JosephMitchellCDS in #32
- Friendlynames-typing by @joshcds in #35
- Embed Structor in Questionnaire editor by @oyisre in #33
- Medrequest-timingfield by @joshcds in #37
- Fix firebase deploy by @oyisre in #36
- Fix AWS Amplify deploy by @oyisre in #38
- SAGE-247 Fix relatedArtifact field to accept input and appear in JSON bundle by @jananikathirkamar in #39
- Organize page 1 sage 244 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #42
- Dose quantity unit sage 246 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #41
- Fix card export errors sage 248 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #44
- Basic view condition editor and CQL wizard by @oyisre in #46
- Dockerize SAGE by @ActuallyConnor in #40
- Added Patient Age filter by @joshcds in #47
- Use Bioportal api for code search and add in-progress wizard filters by @oyisre in #48
- Sage-275 fix age by @joshcds in #49
- use bioportal api in gh action by @oyisre in #50
- Add related artifact type sage 254 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #51
- new display page formatting and fixed dosage problem by @JosephMitchellCDS in #54
- add medication code search to basic view by @oyisre in #53
- layout changes complete by @JosephMitchellCDS in #55
- Add period filter by @oyisre in #52
- SAGE-283-allergy-reaction by @joshcds in #56
- SAGE-285-encounter-class-priority by @joshcds in #57
- SAGE-286-encounter-statusclasshistory by @joshcds in #58
- Use firebase-hosted structor fork by @oyisre in #59
- add condition editor to collectinformation card by @oyisre in #60
- SAGE-295 Restyle basic or advanced cpg page by @jananikathirkamar in #61
- Create new home page sage 301 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #62
- Add basic routing sage 307 by @oyisre in #63
- Use esbuild by @oyisre in #65
- merge in esbuild addition by @oyisre in #66
- Update the top navigation bar sage 296 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #64
- Left nav bar sage 298 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #67
- added minor fixes to landing page - top bar and spacing by @jananikathirkamar in #68
- Create new home page sage 301 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #69
- Sidebar mostly works SAGE-298 by @jananikathirkamar in #70
- Create progress breadcrumb sage 310 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #71
- Edit what does the card do page sage 302 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #72
- Left nav bar sage 298 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #73
- Create authoring info page sage 300 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #74
- Window shows for when is the card played page SAGE-303 by @jananikathirkamar in #75
- styling fixes by @JosephMitchellCDS in #76
- Save card confirmation dialog SAGE-297 by @jananikathirkamar in #77
- Small changes to dosage instruction SAGE-319 by @jananikathirkamar in #80
- General styling and fixing small issues by @JosephMitchellCDS in #81
- react and react-bootstrap upgraded by @JosephMitchellCDS in #78
- added condition.stage, removed stage.assessment SAGE-284 by @jananikathirkamar in #82
- Clarify dose instructions sage 320 by @JosephMitchellCDS in #83
- fix authoring page and show export dialog by @oyisre in #84
- added related artifact tool tip SAGE-322 by @jananikathirkamar in #85
- Sage UI refresh sage 292 by @oyisre in #86
- gitignore .npmrc file by @ActuallyConnor in #88
- Adding CODEOWNERS file to manage infrastructure related changes better by @ActuallyConnor in #87
- Publish docker image to GH registry by @ActuallyConnor in #89
New Contributors
- @oyisre made their first contribution in #1
- @jananikathirkamar made their first contribution in #7
- @joshcds made their first contribution in #8
- @ActuallyConnor made their first contribution in #21
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...0.0.1