We could not be more proud of the 3.0.1 dcm2bids release 😊 . We put everything we've learned from our past experiences and listen to all our users' ideas into this version.
Advanced searching criterias such as extractors combined with custom entities, the ability to compare floats or the auto_extract_entities option directly accessible from dcm2bids command will make the conversion to BIDS smoother than ever and significantly reduce the complexity and the length of your configuration file especially for multi-site acquisitions.
We highly encourage you to dive into the documentation since we added quite a lot of new features.
Please don't hesitate to give us your feedback using this #240.
Thank you again for all our users who contributed in some ways to this release. Thank you @SamGuay for the long discussions and late debug sessions. 🎉
What's Changed
- [DOC] fix typo and add detail about entity reordering by @Remi-Gau in #183
- update version to match release by @SamGuay in #185
- [ENH] Refactorisation - Major API upgrade by @arnaudbore in #200
- Get README from bids toolkit by @arnaudbore in #201
- Add bids-validator option by @arnaudbore in #206
- Upgrade feature Intended for by @arnaudbore in #207
- [ENH] Upgrade custom entities by @arnaudbore in #208
- [FIX] Broken scaffold no more by @SamGuay in #209
- [FIX,ENH] - Improve dcm2bids_helper mod by @SamGuay in #210
- Generalization of sidecarchanges using ids by @arnaudbore in #213
- [ENH] dataType -> datatype and modalityLabel -> suffix by @arnaudbore in #214
- Fix log n version by @SamGuay in #219
- [BF] valid participant by @arnaudbore in #215
- Allow a criteria item to be a dict with a key - any (or) or all (and) by @arnaudbore in #217
- Add an option to use duplicates instead of runs as suggested in heudiconv project. by @arnaudbore in #218
- [BF] Valid session by @arnaudbore in #222
- add test helper by @arnaudbore in #220
- [BF] dcm2bids_scaffold by @arnaudbore in #224
- prevent doc deployment by pushing to master by @SamGuay in #226
- [ENH] Add major OS executables on new release by @SamGuay in #221
- [ENH] Generalization of defaceTpl to post_op by @arnaudbore in #225
- [ENH] Rename all cap var by @arnaudbore in #227
- Revert doc to 2.1.9 by @arnaudbore in #228
- Automated version-control documentation for 2.1.9 and up by @SamGuay in #231
- Fix GHA for docs + layouts by @SamGuay in #234
- [ENH] Add float comparison by @arnaudbore in #229
- [Quick Fix] Add specific message when no acquisition was found by @arnaudbore in #235
- Fix typo src_file dst_file by @arnaudbore in #236
- Improve doc for v3.0.0 by @arnaudbore in #223
- [FIX] - update the alias for dev and latest by @SamGuay in #237
- Quick fix version by @arnaudbore in #238
- Update docs by @smeisler in #239
- [BF] fix sidecars suggested by Sam by @arnaudbore in #243
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.1.9...3.0.1