Nocturne 2024 Offseason Bot
- This code base was started with Jason Daming's improved version of the CTRE Swerve Example (see notes below).
- Added basic Subsystems: Drive, Arm, Shooter, Intake and Stage.
- Cleaned up and reorganized RobotContainer.jave to make it clearer for new programmers.
- Arm, Shooter and Intake use Falcons and therefore the Phoenix 6 library. Intake and uses Talon SRX, and therefore the Phoenix 5 library.
- Stage no longer uses Talon SRX, it is testing Thrify Nova.
- This code uses the CTRE Swerve Generator built into Tuner X. After generating a project using the Generator, copy the newly-generated into this code.
- Development, Testing, and Stable will be used to determine the progress for subsystems/commands/features
- Intaking note Command Files
- Driver Controls
- Arm Subsystem
- intakeNote command
- Shooter Subsystem
- Limelight
- Photonvision and April Tag Location
- Stage Subsystem
- Intake Default Command + Subsystem
- Drivetrain (once driver controls are ready)
- Features that work, but may be put back in development again if it needs updating
- TunableNumber constants for tuning shooter Velocity PID via the Shuffleboard.
- Setpoints enumeration
- Note Following
- Trap Subsystem
- Look and Shoot
- Shoot & Move
- Improved Limelight support
- Improved PathPlanner autonomous setup
- Added SysID options for running swerve drivetrain characterization
- Different xbox joystick controller layout to try for driver comfort
- Easily scale down the max speed to help newer drivers learn
- "Turtle Mode" (left bumper) temporarily slows the drivetrain down for fine adjustments
This is an expanded version of the CTRE SwerveWithPathPlanner example using the CTRE Swerve Builder. To use it copy the generated/ file from the generated project and replace the generated/ file in this project. You will also need to set your team number.
To use the limelight ensure you have a 36h11 pipeline properly configured and then change the enable constant to true.
Will add specific steps on characterization after testing.