Build your own Authentican flow with ExpressJs and Handlebars,
You'll be building your very own platform to authenticate and add users. You will be able to register with a username and password, and using packages like bcrypt and JWT will make sure that everything is properly secured
We believe in learning by doing!
You will be working on this project with your team. Your mentor will be with you to help you out and answer any questions.
First, fork this repository and clone onto your own machine
The project has been split into steps, which are documented in separate files in the walkthrough folder here on the master branch.
Each step builds progressively on top of the previous step. Just follow the instructions and commit the changes as prompted at the end of each step. Have fun!
Throughout each step, we have bolded any jargon that you may or may not be familiar with. At the bottom, you'll find a keywords section, some of them with links to further explanations.
make sure to check the documentation of the packages that we are going to use, so you can be able to solve the tasks.
Take the workshop slowly do not rush things, and read the READMEs that given to you
We think learning together is really important. We'd like you to do this workshop in pairs.
One of you can fork this repository and you can take it in turns to 'drive' (i.e. type).
Don't worry, you can both get a copy of your work if the other person forks their partner's version too 😄
- Step 0 - Project files walkthrough
- Step 1 - Hash a password
- Step 2 - Verify user
- Step 3 - Cookies
- Step 4 - JWT - stateless session management
- Step 5 - Authentication middleware
- Step 6 - Async/await
Have fun learning