Releases: WillStrohl/dnnextensions
Open Graph Protocol Module 02.01.00
This is the original open-source module that allows you to manage the Open Graph Protocol tags for the various pages on your DNN website.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rock stars!
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
- Jeremy Farrance, Accuraty
- John Ramminger
- (2 private sponsors)
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Release Note Prefixes
The following prefixes are defined as:
- SI: Support Inquiry - This issue was reported by a support customer and was prioritized above all other tasks.
Version 02.01.00 Updates
- Increased minimum supported version of DNN to DNN Platform 09.11.00. (No Issue) Thank you, @alejoroman0605!
- Increased minimum supported version of NewtonSoft.Json to 13.00.03. (No Issue) Thank you, @WillStrohl!
- Ensured all DLL & Visual Studio references are consistent. (No Issue) Thank you, @WillStrohl!
Bug Fixes & Maintenance Updates
- Caching error message always shows. (Issue #31) Thank you, @alejoroman0605!
Lightbox Gallery 01.16.00
This is a lightbox gallery module, written by Will Strohl. Its original purpose was to highlight a few ways that jQuery can be integrated into DNN. It has since become one of the most popular ways to include image galleries into your DNN website.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rock stars!
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
- Jeremy Farrance, Accuraty
- John Ramminger
- (2 private sponsors)
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Release Note Prefixes
The following prefixes are defined as:
- SI: Support Inquiry - This issue was reported by a support customer and was prioritized above all other tasks.
Version 01.16.00 Updates
- Updated to build against DNN Platform 9.11.0. (Issue #249) Thank you, @alejoroman0605!)
Bug Fixes & Maintenance Updates
- Removed
from the DLL references. (No Issue) Thanks, @alejoroman0605! - Resolved bug preventing the setting from showing/hiding titles & descriptions. (Issue #211) Thanks, @alejoroman0605!
Content Injection 03.02.00
This is the original open-source module that allows you to inject any kind of HTML content you wish into your DNN website. You can inject raw HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of any kind.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rock stars!
- David Poindexter, nvisionative
- Dan Rice, Pure Systems
- Matt Rutledge, Believe Kids
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
- Jeremy Farrance, Accuraty
- John Ramminger
- (2 private sponsors)
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Release Note Prefixes
The following prefixes are defined as:
- SI: Support Inquiry - This issue was reported by a support customer and was prioritized above all other tasks.
Version 03.02.00 Updates
- Updated to build against DNN Platform 9.13.0. (Issue #241) Thank you, @WillStrohl!)
Bug Fixes & Maintenance Updates
- None at this time.
Content Injection 03.01.00
This is the original open-source module that allows you to inject any kind of HTML content you wish into your DNN website. You can inject raw HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of any kind.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rock stars!
- David Poindexter, nvisionative
- Dan Rice, Pure Systems
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
- Matt Rutledge, Believe Kids
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Release Note Prefixes
The following prefixes are defined as:
- SI: Support Inquiry - This issue was reported by a support customer and was prioritized above all other tasks.
Version 03.01.00 Updates
- Improved the User Experience When Creating a new Content Injection (No Issue, Thanks, @WillStrohl!)
- Updated to build against DNN Platform 9.10.0. etc. (Issue #237) Thank you, @WillStrohl!)
- Updated to build against .NET Framework 4.8. (Issue #237) Thank you, @WillStrohl!)
- Updated the underlying build scripts to use the latest build features in upendodnn generator. (No Issue, Thanks, @WillStrohl!)
- Added a symbols package (No Issue, Thanks, @WillStrohl!)
Bug Fixes & Maintenance Updates
- None at this time.
Lightbox Gallery 01.15.00
This is a lightbox gallery module, written by Will Strohl. Its original purpose was to highlight a few ways that jQuery can be integrated into DNN. It has since become one of the most popular ways to include image galleries into your DNN website.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rock stars!
- David Poindexter, nvisionative
- Dan Rice, Pure Systems
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
- Matt Rutledge, Believe Kids
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Release Note Prefixes
The following prefixes are defined as:
- SI: Support Inquiry - This issue was reported by a support customer and was prioritized above all other tasks.
Version 01.15.00 Updates
- Updated to build against DNN Platform 9.10.0. etc. (Pull #227) Thank you, @WillStrohl!)
- Updated to build against .NET Framework 4.7.2. (Issue #227) Thank you, @WillStrohl!)
Bug Fixes & Maintenance Updates
- Updated the build scripts to work against the latest upendodnn generator build scripts.
Open Graph Protocol Module 02.00.00
This is the original open-source module that allows you to manage the Open Graph Protocol tags for the various pages on your DNN website.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rockstars!
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
- Dan Rice, Pure Systems
- David Poindexter, nvisionative
- Matt Rutledge, Believe Kids
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Open Graph Protocol Module: Version 02.00.00
- Increased minimum supported version to DNN 9.4.0, Thanks @hismightiness!
- Now generating and releasing a Symbols package, Thanks @hismightiness!
- Removed deprecated DNN API references (DNN 10+ compatible!), Thanks @hismightiness, @MaiklT, and @moorecreative!
Content Injection Module 03.00.00
This is the original open-source module that allows you to inject any kind of HTML content you wish into your DNN website. You can inject raw HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of any kind.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rockstars!
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
- Dan Rice, Pure Systems
- David Poindexter, nvisionative
- Matt Rutledge, Believe Kids
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Content Injection Module: Version 03.00.00
- Increased minimum supported version to DNN 9.4.0, Thanks @hismightiness!
- Now generating and releasing a Symbols package, Thanks @hismightiness!
- Fixed install/upgrade issue with SQL provider in version 2.0 (Issue 178), Thanks @hismightiness, @MaiklT, and @moorecreative!
Lightbox Gallery Module 01.14.00
This is a lightbox gallery module, written by Will Strohl. Its original purpose was to highlight a few ways that jQuery can be integrated into DNN. It has since become one of the most popular ways to include image galleries into your DNN website.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rockstars!
- Dan Rice, Pure Systems
- David Poindexter, nvisionative
- Matt Rutledge, Believe Kids
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Lightbox Gallery Module: Version 01.14.00
- Updated to build against DNN 9.6.1 or newer
- Updated .NET Framework 4.7.2
- Removed support for Telerik
Lightbox Gallery Module 01.13.00
This is a lightbox gallery module, written by Will Strohl. Its original purpose was to highlight a few ways that jQuery can be integrated into DNN. It has since become one of the most popular ways to include image galleries into your DNN website.
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider sponsoring any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rockstars!
- Dan Rice, Pure Systems
- David Poindexter, nvisionative
- Matt Rutledge, Believe Kids
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
Code Contributors
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
Lightbox Gallery Module: Version 01.13.00
- Updated to build against DNN 9.3.2 or newer
- Updated build process to create a symbols package
- Now using Fancybox 3!
- Updated all client-side libraries
- Using a CDN for all third-party client-side libraries
- Replaced the web handlers with secured Web API web services
- Updated MSBuild version
- Project is now using Nuget references, instead of local references
- Resolved error with sorting albums and images (Issue #177)
This module is not suggested to be used with DNN 9.6+ yet.
Disqus Module version 02.01.02
This release has the follow updates and enhancements:
- Added override settings to resolve Disqus unique key compatibility issues when migrating from one DNN instance to another. (See the module settings.)
- Updated to use .NET framework version 4.5.1
System Requirements
- DNN 8.0 or newer
- SQL Server 2008 or newer
- .NET Framework 4.5.1 or newer