Patches to be applied by
Module | Name | Fixes | Affected versions |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-cli.patch Patch-Magento_Base-M2.2.x-cli.patch | < 2.2.0 >=2.2.0 | |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-M2.1.0-widgets-values-utf8-decode.patch | #4232 | < 2.1.8 (2.1.4 n/a) |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-M2.2-cron-prevent-already-running.patch (install all 3 patches *-prevent-already-running) | pull #12497 | 2.2 < 2.2.6 |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-M2.x.x-zoomed-photo-product.patch | MAGETWO-94989 | < 2.1-2.3 |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-M2.2.5-mangnifier-zoom-distortion.patch | > 2.2.5 | |
magento/magento2-base | Path-Magento_Base-tests-cookie-and-session-add-to-return-null-value.patch | >= 2.3.0 | |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento-FotoramaJS-M2.1.0-enable-single-frame.patch | >= 2.1.0 >= 2.2.0 | |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento-FotoramaJS-M2.1.0-enable-single-frame_M2.2.6.patch | >= 2.1.0 >= 2.2.6 | |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-setup-upgrade.patch | >= 2.1.0 >= 2.2.0 | |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-M2.1.0-catalog-gallery-allowfullscreen-false.patch | #5808 | < 2.2.0 |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-M2.1.0-errors-apply-skin-fix.patch | #4305 | < 2.2.0 |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-2.2.x-fotorama-ios.patch | #13226 | >=2.2.0 < 2.3.0 |
magento/magento2-base | Patch-Magento_Base-M2.3-remove-php-memory-limit.patch | >=2.3.0 | |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-mview-changelog-increment.patch | pull 13577 | 2.1-2.3 |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.1.x-Search-Adapter-Mysql-Mapper-fix-order.patch | #9020 | <2.2.0 |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-customer-grid.patch | #10838 | 2.2 (probably all) |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.2-cron-prevent-already-running.patch (install all 3 patches *-prevent-already-running) | pull #12497 | 2.2 |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.2.x-fix-sessions.patch | Pull #2226 | >=2.2.0 (2.2.2, 2.2.3 n/a) |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.2.5-force-unset-translation.patch | >=2.2.5 | |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.2.x-drop-session-fix.patch" | #12362 | >= 2.2.0 < 2.2.6 |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.1.x-Curl-Post-Json.patch | #8373 | < 2.2.0 |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.2.x-PRODSECBUG-2198.patch | < 2.2.8 | |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.3.1-fix-elasticsearch-generation.patch | >= 2.3.1 < 2.3.2 | |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.2.6-Fix-session-from-2.2.7.patch | #12362 | 2.2.6 |
magento/framework | Patch-Magento_Framework-result-page.patch | Allow to add body class while block render | |
magento/framework-message-queue | Patch-Message-Queue-Consumer-Transaction.patch | EE Only < 2.2.0 | |
magento/module-cms-url-rewrite | Patch-M2.2-Magento_CmsUrlRewrite-global-rewrite-delete.patch | pull 14751 | >= 2.2.0 < 2.2.5 |
magento/module-cron | Patch-Magento_Cron-M2.1.4-cron-generate-schedule.patch | #4173 | all as of 2.1.7 < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-cron | Patch-Magento_Cron-M2.2.0-2.2.3-prevent-already-running-v2.patch Patch-Magento_Cron-M2.2.4-prevent-already-running-v2.patch (install all 3 patches *-prevent-already-running) | pull #12497 | 2.2.0-2.2.4 < 2.2.6 |
magento/module-directory | Patch-Magento_Directory_M2.1-zip-codes.patch | #6694 | 2.0.11+ < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-eav | Patch-Magento_Eav-M2.3-api-product-multiselect.patch | pull 21901 | >= 2.3.0 |
magento/module-email | Patch-Magento_Email-M2.1.0-create-email-logo-1.patch | < 2.1.8 (2.1.4 n/a) | |
magento/module-email | Patch-Magento_Email-M2.2.x-cant-update-logo.patch | pull 15137 | < 2.2.6 (2.2.4 n/a) |
magento/module-email | Patch-Magento_Email-M2.2.8-2.3.2-No-Sid-In-Messages.patch | >= 2.2.8 <=2.3.2 | |
magento/module-elasticsearch | Patch-Magento_Elasticsearch-M2.2-total-fields-limit-10000.patch | Increase default fields limit | >= 2.2.0 |
magento/module-elasticsearch | Patch-Magento_Elasticsearch-M2.3.x-Send-Error-Message.patch | >= 2.3.0 | |
magento/module-elasticsearch | Patch-Magento_Elasticsearch-M2.3.0-M2.3.1-prices-pass-website-id.patch | >= 2.3.0 <= 2.3.1 | |
magento/module-elasticsearch | Patch-Magento_Elasticsearch-M2.3-attribute-options-optimization.patch | Attribute Options Optimization | >= 2.3.0 |
magento/module-indexer | Patch-Magento_Indexer-M2.3.1-indexer-reindex-optional-dependencies.patch | indexer:reindex command - Optional dependencies | >= 2.3.1 |
magento/module-review | Patch-Magento_Review-M2.2-review-renderer-module-namespace.patch | all as of 2.2.5 | |
magento/module-review | Patch-Magento_Review-M2.3-observer-catalog-check-is-active.patch | Fix: Product Collection Observer - Check module status | |
magento/module-theme | Patch-Magento_Email-M2.1.0-create-email-logo-2.patch | < 2.1.8 (2.1.4 n/a) | |
magento/module-page-cache | Patch-Magento_PageCache-M2.1.0-element-js-error-fix.patch | #6818 | < 2.1.10 < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-widget | Patch-Magento_Widget-M2.1.0-widgets-restore-conditions.patch | #2913 | < 2.1.9 (2.1.4 n/a) |
magento/module-cms | Patch-Magento_Cms-page-layout-handles.patch | #9247 | < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-tax | Patch-Magento-Tax-M2.1.0-free-shipping-availability-on-backend.patch | ? | >=2.1.4 >=2.2.0 |
magento/module-tax | Patch-Magento_Tax-M2.X.X-sequence-fix.patch | < 2.2.0 | |
magento/module-quote | Patch-Magento_Quote-M2.2.0-2.2.3-totals-extension-attributes.patch | #12819 | 2.2.0-2.2.3 |
magento/module-sales-rule | Patch-Magento_SalesRule-M2.1.6-fix-to-date-parameter.patch | #6762 | < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-google-tag-manager | Patch_Magento_GoogleTagManager_M2.1.0-fix-empty-product-list-block.patch | EE Only | |
magento/module-customer | Patch-Magento_Customer-M2.1.9-array-street-line.patch (Patch-Magento_Customer-array-street-line.patch)Patch-Webshipr_Shipping-get-shipping-address-fix.patch | pull #10582 2.1.9 - error saving shipping address in checkout | >= 2.1.9 < 2.2.2 |
magento/module-customer | Patch-Magento_Customer-M2.1.9-generate-new-formkey-wishlist.patch | #11825 | >=2.1.9 >=2.2.0 <2.2.4(maybe) |
magento/module-wishlist | Patch-Magento_Wishlist-M2.x.x-add-to-wishlist-login-register.patch | #11825 | >=2.1.9 >=2.2.0 <2.2.4(maybe) |
magento/module-wishlist | Patch-Magento_Wishlist-M2.x.x-wishlist-keep-item-in-cart.patch | >=2.1.0 | |
magento/module-wishlist | Patch-Magento_Wishlist_M2.x.x-failed-login-attempts.patch | >=2.2.* 2.3.* | |
magento/module-ui | Patch-Magento_Ui-M2.1.0-allow-backend-to-know-the-origin-input-of-the-upload-request.patch | #5438 | < 2.1.8 (2.1.4 n/a) |
magento/module-ui | Patch-Magento_Ui-M2.1.9-country-select-extra-empty-option.patch | 2.1.9 buggy implementation link | >= 2.1.9 <2.2.0 ??? |
magento/module-ui | Patch-Magento_Ui-M2.1.x-layout-cache-empty-menu.patch | #8554 | < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-ui | Patch-Magento_Ui-M2.2.x-invalid-date-range-fix.patch | #16119 | < 2.3.0 |
magento/module-ui | Patch-Magento-Ui_fix-reset-disabled-attributes.patch | < 2.2.5 | |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-rest-api-auto-enable-product-fix.patch | < 2.2.0 all as of 2.1.9 | |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-rest-api-single-store-fix.patch | >= 2.1.0 >= 2.2.0 < 2.2.6 | |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.1-fix-product-auto-startdates.patch | #4387 | < 2.1.10 < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.1.4-regeneration-without-changes-fix.patch (install 2 patches *-regeneration-without-changes-fix) | #7874 | >=2.1.4 < 2.1.9 |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento-Catalog-M2.1.x-toolbar-default-sorting.patch | fix toolbar default sorting | >=2.1.0 <2.2.0 |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.1.4-product-flat-indexer.patch | ? | >= 2.1.0 |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.1.0-image-attribute-backend-model-hardcoded-attribute-code-removal.patch | #5438 | < 2.1.8 (2.1.4 n/a) |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.1.3-category-indexer-range.patch | #8018 | >= 2.1.0 >= 2.2.0 |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.2.x-related-products-visibility-in-admin.patch | #13720 | >= 2.2.1 >= 2.3.0 |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.2.x-PRODSECBUG-2198.patch | < 2.2.8 | |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-improve-root-category-indexer-2.2.8.patch | > 2.2.8 | |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.2.x-skip-empty-custom-options-skus.patch | 2.2.5 | |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento-Catalog-M2.1.x-2.2.7-fix-save-customizable-options.patch | pull #16838 | >= 2.1.* <=2.3.1 |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.1-flat-availability.patch | Allow to use invalid Flat Indexer | >= 2.1 |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.3-category-flat-chunk-limit.patch | Catalog Category Flat chunk limit | |
magento/module-catalog | Patch-Magento_Catalog-M2.3-fix-category-image-upload.patch | Fix: Category Image Upload | |
magento/module-catalog-inventory | Patch-Magento_CatalogInventory_M2.1.3-hide-out-of-stock.patch | #8566 | >=2.1.0 < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-catalog-inventory | Patch-Magento_CatalogInventory-M2.1.x-stock-item-events-fix.patch | #4857 | <2.2.0 |
magento/module-catalog-inventory | Patch-Magento_CatalogInventory-M2.2.0-2.2.3-fix-update-stock-item-on-product-save.patch | Fix: Update stock item on product save | >=2.2.0 <2.2.4 |
magento/module-catalog-inventory | Patch-Magento_CatalogInventory-M2.2.0-2.2.4-stock-index.patch | #12205 | >=2.2.0 <2.2.5 |
magento/module-catalog-inventory | Patch-Magento_CatalogInventory-M2.3.3-2.3.4-fix-stock-indexer-deleting-new-records.patch | #15984 | 2.3.3-2.3.4 |
magento/module-catalog-inventory | Patch-Magento_CatalogInventory-M2.2-new-item-use-config-manage-stock.patch | Fix: Use Config Manage Stock in new Stock Item | |
magento/module-catalog-rule | Patch-Magento-Catalog-Rule-M2.1.X-cron-job.patch | Q-67970 | >= 2.1.0 >= 2.2.0 |
magento/module-catalog-staging | Patch-Magento_Catalog_Staging-timestam.patch | ? | |
magento/module-catalog-url-rewrite | Patch-Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite-M2.1.4-regeneration-without-changes-fix.patch (install 2 patches *-regeneration-without-changes-fix) | #7874 | >=2.1.4 < 2.1.9 |
magento/module-catalog-widget | Patch-Magento_CatalogWidget-M2.1.0-widgets-restore-conditions.patch | #2913 | < 2.1.8 (2.1.4 n/a) |
magento/module-swatches | Patch-Magento_Swatches-rest-api-visual-swatches-fix.patch | >= 2.1.4 | |
magento/module-swatches | Patch-Magento_Swatches-rest-api-visual-swatches-fix_2.2.6.patch | >= 2.2.6 | |
magento/module-swatches | Patch-Magento_Swatches-M2.1.x-zero-value-attribute-options-fix.patch | #10266 | <= 2.1.10 |
magento/module-sales | Patch-Magento_Sales-creditmemo-partial-tax-refund.patch | #10982 | 2.1-2.3 |
magento/module-sales | Patch-Magento_Sales-M2.2-invoice-subtotal-canceled.patch | Canceled amount in Invoice Subtotal | |
magento/module-sales | Patch-Magento_Sales-M2.3-invoice-tax-canceled.patch | Canceled amount in Invoice Tax | |
magento/module-staging | Patch-Magento_Staging-M2.2-fix-duplicated-rollback.patch | 2.2 | |
magento/module-store | Patch-Magento_Store-emulation.patch | MAGETWO-59649 | 2.1-2.3 |
magento/module-developer | Patch-Magento_Developer-M2.1.x-disable-debug-loging.patch | #4362 | < 2.2.3 < 2.2.0 ??? |
magento/module-checkout | Patch-Magento_Checkout-cart-form-key.patch | disable form key validation | >= 2.1.0 >= 2.2.0 |
magento/module-checkout | Patch-Magento_Checkout-M2.3.x-cart-form-key.patch | disable form key validation | >= 2.3.0 |
magento/module-checkout | Patch-Magento_Framework-M2.2.x-drop-session-fix.patch | #12362 | >= 2.2.0 < 2.2.6 |
magento/module-checkout | Patch-Magento_Checkout-M2.3.3-replace-ES6-code.patch | #22119 | >=2.3.0 <2.3.4 |
magento/module-checkout | Patch-Magento_Checkout-M2.3-billing-same-as-shipping-manually-v2.patch | Don't change checkbox billing-same-as-shipping automatically | |
magento/module-checkout | Patch-Magento_Checkout-M2.3.3-place-order-allow-empty-billing.patch | Allow placing order with empty billing address | |
magento/module-checkout | Patch-Magento_Checkout-M2.3.3-save-shipping-method-not-found.patch | Don't throw carrier not found error | |
magento/module-configurable-product | Patch-Magento_ConfigurableProduct-M2.1.2-configurable-options-sort.patch | #7441 | 2.1.x |
magento/module-configurable-product | Patch-Magento_ConfigurableProduct-M2.2.x-priceBox-prior-to-initialization.patch | #8018 | 2.2.x |
magento/module-configurable-product | Patch-Magento_Configurable-M2.1.3-lowest-price-provider.patch Patch-Magento_Configurable-M2.1.6-lowest-price-provider.patch | #13933 #9796 | <= 2.1.5 < 2.2.0 |
magento/module-configurable-product | Patch-Magento_ConfigurableProduct-M2.2.x-fix-empty-price-in-category-page.patch | On development stage | >=2.2.1 |
magento/module-configurable-product | Patch-Magento_ConfigurableProduct-M2.2.x-fix-min-max-prices.patch | #15654 | >=2.2.0 <2.3.0 |
magento/module-configurable-product | Patch-Magento_ConfigurableProduct-M2.2.x-fix-min-max-prices_M2.2.6.patch | #15654 | >=2.2.6 |
magento/module-configurable-product | Patch-Magento_ConfigurableProduct-M2.2.8-fix-min-max-prices.patch | #15654 | =2.2.8 |
magento/module-configurable-product | Patch-Magento_Configurable_M2.1.x-fix-get-price.patch | #5519 | <2.1.10 |
magento/module-cache-invalidate | Patch-Magento_CacheInvalidate-M2.1.x-purge-cache.patch | #7614 | <2.2 |
magento/module-config | Patch-Magento_Config-Fix-of-Saving-clone-field-M2.2.6.patch | #19070 | 2.2.5 2.2.6 |
magento/module-company | Patch-Magento_Company-M2.3.3-company-double-save-error.patch | Fix: double save company error | |
magento/module-page-builder | Patch-Magento_PageBuilder-M2.3.4-fix-preview-mode.patch | Fix: Preview Mode | >=2.3.4 |
magento/module-persistent-history | Patch-Magento_PersistentHistory-no-such-entity-with-address-id-fix.patch | #15115 | 2.2.x-2.3.0 |
magento/module-sitemap | Patch-Magento_Sitemap-M2.2.x-fix-sitemap-links.patch | #15115 | 2.2.x |
magento/module-backend | Patch-Magento_Backend-M2.3-menu-log-level.patch | Menu Log Level - Debug |
3th party modules:
Module | Name | Fixes | Affected versions |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-1.8.0-configurable-price.patch | Fix configurable product price | >=1.8.0 |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_Algoliasearch-1.12.1-Amasty-conflict-resolve.patch | Resolve conflict with Amasty modules (due searchFilterList virtualType Overriding) | 1.12.1 |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia-AlgoliaSearch-1.12.1-out_of_stock_configurable.patch | Fix configurable product checking for indexation | 1.12.1 |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-1.11.0-configurable-product-special-price-fix.patch | Special price with configurable product fix | >=1.11.0 |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-1.7-catalogrule-index-mview.patch | Subscribe to price index to reindex catalog rule changes on schedule | 1.7.0-1.9.1 |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-1.9-fix-queue-jobs.patch | 1.9 | |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia-AlgoliaSearch-1.10.0-out_of_stock_configurable.patch | 1.10.0 | |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-1.10.0-configurable-price.patch | Fixed issue with wrong prices for configurable products | 1.10.0 |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-1.10.0-1.12.0-unsubscribe-price-index.patch | Unsubscribe Price Index - algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2#870 | 1.10.0-1.12.0 |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-add-store-to-facets.patch | ||
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-customer-group-catalogrule-price-website-id.patch | algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2#853 | |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-emulation-clean-scope.patch | algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2#857 | |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-pages-trigger-index.patch | Page indexer listeners on mview | |
algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2 | Patch-Algolia_AlgoliaSearch-remove-show-all-products.patch | Remove show all products | |
amasty/shopby | Patch-Amasty_Shopby-2.10.5-remove-price-indexer.patch | Remove auto price indexer for v2.10.5 | 2.10.5 |
amasty/shopby | Patch-Amasty_Shopby-2.12.5-remove-price-indexer.patch | Remove auto price indexer for v2.12.5 | 2.12.5 |
amasty/shopby | Patch-Amasty_Shopby-2.13.7-remove-price-indexer.patch | Remove auto price indexer for v2.13.7 | 2.13.7 |
amasty/shopby | Patch-Amasty_Shopby-category-es-performance2.patch | ES performance fixes for category filter | |
amasty/module-improved-layered-navigation-root | Patch-Amasty-ImprovedLayeredNavigationRoot-M2.1.4-block-configurable.patch | all as of 1.15.1 | |
amasty/module-shop-by-brand | Patch-Amasty_ShopbyBrand-2.6.x-missing-option-error-fix.patch | >=2.6.0 < 2.6.5 | |
amasty/module-shop-by-brand | Patch-Amasty_ShopbyBrand-2.6.x-fix-empty-title-for-brand-page.patch | >=2.6.5 | |
amasty/shopby-root | Patch-Amasty_ShopbyRoot-2.5.3-fix-broken-filters.patch | 2.5.3 | |
amasty/shopby-seo | Patch-Amasty-ShopbySeo-2.4.6-set-category-sort.patch | Add sorting from category settings | >=2.4.6 (didn't check older versions) <2.5.0 |
amasty/label | Patch-Amasty_Label-compatibility-with-M2.3.patch | Fix: require jQuery widget | |
bsscommerce/ajaxcart | Patch-Bss_AjaxCart-1.1.4-improvements.patch | =1.1.4 | |
bsscommerce/ajaxcart | Patch-Bss_AjaxCart-add-productIds-to-response.patch | Fix GTM compatibility | |
colinmollenhour/cache-backend-redis | Patch-Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis-1.10.6-remove-by-chunks.patch | Fixed removal of large amount of keys by dividing to chunks | 1.10.6 |
klarna/module-base | Patch-Klarna_Base-fix-round-to-int-and-tax-calculation.patch | Fix rounding and discount tax calculation | |
klarna/module-kco | Patch-Klarna_Kco-5.0.5-reload-summary-action-error-log.patch | Fix wrong function parameters order | >=5.0.5 |
klarna/module-kco | Patch-Klarna_Kco-8-fix-total-base-calculation-plugin.patch | Fix: Total Base Calculation Plugin - Check is KCO enabled | |
klarna/module-kco | Patch-Klarna_Kco-fix-shipping-methods-reload-and-widget-update.patch | Fix shipping method reload | |
klarna/module-core | Patch-Klarna_Core-fix-customer-address-no-such-exception.patch | Fix no such entity with addressId error in Klarna checkout | >=4.2.3 (didn't check older versions) |
klarna/module-kco-core | Patch-Klarna_Kco_Core-Block-Info-fix-constructor-m2_5_2.patch | Fix Incorrect dependency in class Klarna\KcoCore\Block\Info\Klarna | >=5.2 (didn't check older versions) |
klarna/module-kco-core | Patch-Klarna-KcoCore-log-json-encode.patch | Convert logs from array to json format | >=5.2.1 (didn't check older versions) |
dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension | Patch-Dotdigitalgroup_email-subject-fix.patch | Fix utf8 encoding in the subject of email | ? |
trollweb/module-bring | Patch-Trollweb-Bring-2.3.2-Customer-number-argument-usage | Fix wrong Customer Number param in request for carriers | 2.3.2 |
vconnect/module-allinone | Patch-Vconnect_Allinone-2.3.x-allowed-methods-fix.patch | Fixed allowed methods in carrier model | >=2.3.0 |
vconnect/module-allinone | Patch-Vconnect_Allinone-allowed-methods-fix.patch | Fixed allowed methods in carrier model | >=2.2.0 < 2.3.0 |
vconnect/module-allinone | Patch-Vconnect_Allinone-2.3.x-find-points-fix.patch | Address fix for findPoints call | >=2.3.0 |
vconnect/module-allinone | Patch-Vconnect_Allinone-fix-js-for-ie.patch | Fixed JS for IE | >=2.2.0 |
vpietri/adm-quickdevbar | Patch-ADM_QuickDevBar-jquery-ui.patch |
Full composer.json example:
"extra": {
"magento-force": "override",
"patches": {
"algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2": {
"Fixed processing of queue jobs": "",
"Unsubscribe Price Index -": "",
"Special price with configurable product fix": "",
"Resolve conflict with Amasty": "",
"Configurable product out of stock": "",
"Configurable product price fix": "",
"Configurable product price fix": "",
"Configurable product out of stock": "",
"Fixed issue with wrong prices for configurable products": "",
"Remove auto price indexer for v2.10.5": "",
"Remove auto price indexer for v2.12.5": "",
"Set storeId for get facets": "",
"Catalogrule price for customer groups:": "",
"Clean scope code resolver:": "",
"Page indexer listeners on mview": "",
"Remove show all products": ""
"amasty/shopby": {
"ES performance fixes for category filter": ""
"amasty/module-improved-layered-navigation-root": {
"Fix: Remove unnecessary configurable block": ""
"amasty/shopby-seo": {
"Fix: Broken product links in cart on different stores": "",
"Fix: Add sorting from category settings": "",
"Fix: Broken product links in cart on different stores and fix wishlist": ""
"amasty/module-shop-by-brand": {
"Fix error when option was removed from attribute": ""
"Fix epty brand column on brand page": ""
"amasty/shopby-root": {
"Fix filters exception on category page": ""
"amasty/label": {
"Fix: require jQuery widget": ""
"colinmollenhour/cache-backend-redis": {
"Fix: Remove by Chunks -": ""
"magento/framework-message-queue": {
"Fix Consumer Transactions Callbacks": ""
"magento/framework": {
"Pull request:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Pull request:": "",
"Pull request:": "",
"Pull request:": "",
"Fix: Unset translations for same key-value only if given force parameter": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix: SQL injection vulnerability": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Allow to add body class while block render": ""
"magento/magento2-base": {
"Fix MAGE_DIRS for CLI": "",
"Fix FotoramaJS for single frame": "",
"Fix FotoramaJS for single frame": "",
"Fix: cache clean after di compile": "",
"Fix: cache clean after di compile": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Pull request:": "",
"Fix zoom in profuct page (Todo check: MAGETWO-94989)": "",
"Fix magnifier zoom calculation": "",
"Add null to return value for session and cookies": "",
"Remove PHP memory_limit": ""
"magento/module-developer": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-cache-invalidate": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-catalog": {
"Fix:": "",
"Fix: Product auto enable on REST API update": "",
"Fix: Set default website insteed of admin on REST API create product": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix: catalog_product_flat does not update column with empty value. Fix options linking.": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix: Change toolbar default sorting": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix: SQL injection vulnerability": "",
"Fix: Brand page for multystore": "",
"Fix: skip empty Custom Options SKUs to avoid adding extra delimiters to configurable product SKU": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Allow to use invalid Flat Indexer": "",
"Catalog Category Flat chunk limit": "",
"Fix: Category Image Upload": ""
"magento/module-catalog-inventory": {
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix: Update stock item on product save": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix: Use Config Manage Stock in new Stock Item": ""
"magento/module-catalog-rule": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-catalog-staging": {
"Fix: changing the date depending on the locale": ""
"magento/module-catalog-widget": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-cms": {
"Pull request:": ""
"magento/module-cms-url-rewrite": {
"Pull request:": ""
"magento/module-configurable-product": {
"": "",
"Pull request:": "",
"Pull request:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-cron": {
"Fix:": "",
"Pull request:": "",
"Pull request:": ""
"magento/module-customer": {
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix: Disable cache for customer section data": ""
"magento/module-directory": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-eav": {
"Pull:": ""
"magento/module-email": {
"": "",
"": "",
"Disable adding ?SID in email message urls": ""
"magento/module-elasticsearch": {
"Ignore Elastic Search Error": "",
"Website prices:": "",
"Index settings - mapping.total_fields.limit = 10000": "",
"Attribute Options Optimization": ""
"magento/module-google-tag-manager": {
"Fix: Check block before get Product List": ""
"magento/module-indexer": {
"indexer:reindex command - Optional dependencies": ""
"magento/module-page-builder": {
"Fix: Preview Mode": ""
"magento/module-page-cache": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-review": {
"Fix review namespace": "",
"Fix: Product Collection Observer - Check module status": ""
"magento/module-sales": {
"Fix: Partial creditmemo tax amount": "",
"Canceled amount in Invoice Subtotal": "",
"Canceled amount in Invoice Tax": ""
"magento/module-sales-rule": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-staging": {
"Fix: Duplicated rollback": ""
"magento/module-store": {
"Fix emulation in admin store (Todo check: MAGETWO-59649)": ""
"magento/module-swatches": {
"Fix: Add ability to set visual swatch by store ID as well as textual one": "",
"Fix: Add ability to set visual swatch by store ID as well as textual one": "",
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-tax": {
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-theme": {
"": ""
"magento/module-ui": {
"Fix broken by: MAGETWO-57144": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix reset of disabled attributes": ""
"magento/module-widget": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-wishlist": {
"Fix:": "",
"Add ability to keep item in cart after adding to wishlist": ""
"Remove failed login attempts from the database patch CVE-2019-8118 PRODSECBUG-2452": ""
"magento/module-offline-shipping": {
"Fix:": "",
"Add ability create freeshipping by cart rule for Flatrate": ""
"magento/module-catalog-url-rewrite": {
"Fix: depended on module-catalog patch": ""
"mirasvit/module-feed": {
"Fix: DI compile without DB v2": ""
"magento/module-quote": {
"Fix: Reset broken shipping address in quote": "",
"Fix: Broken product links in cart on different stores": "",
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-checkout": {
"Fix: addresses from other store on checkout": "",
"Fix: addresses from other store on checkout 2.2+": "",
"Fix: Add to cart form key": "",
"Fix: Add to cart form key": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Fix:": "",
"Don't change checkbox billing-same-as-shipping automatically": "",
"Allow placing order with empty billing address": "",
"Don't throw carrier not found error": ""
"magento/module-company": {
"Fix: double save company error": ""
"magento/module-backend": {
"Menu Log Level - Debug": ""
"klarna/module-core": {
"Fix no such entity with addressId error in Klarna checkout": ""
"klarna/module-base": {
"Fix rounding and discount tax calculation": ""
"klarna/module-kco-core": {
"Fix Incorrect dependency in class Klarna_KcoCore_Block_Info_Klarna": "",
"Convert logs from array to json format": ""
"klarna/module-kco": {
"ReloadSummary action wrong order of parameters": "",
"Fix: Total Base Calculation Plugin - Check is KCO enabled": "",
"Fix: shipping method reload", ""
"bsscommerce/ajaxcart": {
"Add event + multiple add to cart (reorder) fix": "",
"Fix GTM compatibility": ""
"dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension": {
"Fix utf8 encoding in the subject of email": ""
"magento/module-config": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-persistent-history": {
"Fix:": ""
"magento/module-sitemap": {
"Fix:": ""
"trollweb/module-bring": {
"Fix Сustomer number argument name and usage": ""
"vconnect/module-allinone": {
"Fixed allowed methods in carrier model": "",
"Address fix for findPoints call": ""
"Fixed JS for IE": "",
"Fixed Postnord refreshing": ""
"vpietri/adm-quickdevbar": {
"jQuery/ui": ""