Enhancements and Bug Fixes:
- Add connectionKey attribute missing from the Message object #630 (vzhikserg), fixing #614
- Improve error messages for channel attach when realtime is not active #627 (vzhikserg), fixing #594
- Add verbose logs in push notification related code #623 (QuintinWillison)
- Defaults: Generate environment fallbacks #618 (vzhikserg), fixing #603
- Rest.publishBatch: support overloaded method that takes params #604 (SimonWoolf)
Code Quality Improvements:
- Refactor unit tests related to hosts and environmental fallbacks #629 (vzhikserg), fixing #628
- Move tests for EventEmitter to unit tests #626 (vzhikserg)
- Adopt more Groovy conventions in Gradle scripts #625 (QuintinWillison)
- Gradle conform and reformat #624 (QuintinWillison)
- Fix param and return javadoc statements #622 (vzhikserg)
- Make Ably version more robust #619 (vzhikserg)
- Remove unnecessary calls to the toString method #617 (vzhikserg)
- Update EditorConfig #616 (QuintinWillison)
- Upgrade Gradle wrapper to version 6.6.1 #615 (QuintinWillison)
- Checkstyle: AvoidStarImport #613 (QuintinWillison)
- Checkstyle: UnusedImports #612 (QuintinWillison)
- Convert tabs to spaces in all Java source files #610 (QuintinWillison)
- Introduce Checkstyle #609 (QuintinWillison)
- Remove redundant public keywords in the interfaces' definitions #608 (vzhikserg)