This HATS pack includes several components like:
- Hekate
- SigP@atch3s
- Atmosphere
- Awoo installer
- Some configs to avoid Nintendo Bans (Be carefull always with this)
- Daybreak
- Lockpick_rcm payload
- pico_fly_toolbox payload
Watch this :
- Delete the existing Atmosphere, Config , Bootloader, Sept folder from your SD card
- Extract the HATS pack to your SD card
- Inject the SX Loader Payload for unpatched Switch or just boot the console for all patched Switch including the Lites
- You will then boot to Hekate. Press launch and choose whatever environment you are going to load.
- Delete the previous files or just replace it with the new downloaded pack, as easy as that.
- Please watch this video
Use this link to always download the updated pack
Well, it contains (H)ekate + (A)tmosphere + (T)infoil + (S)uper . Easy to remember, right?
- STOCK is OFW. It is the actual factory firmware that comes from the factory
- SYSMMC is OFW with patches or CFW. You can run homebrews on it but do not install game backups on this world unless you know what you are doing and its consequences. It reflects the OFW/STOCK itself.
- EMUMMC is the emulated SYSMMC. It copied itself from the OFW and placed inside the micro SD card, and it is always in the CFW method. It is unrelated to the STOCK/OFW/SYSMMC as it is a different entity after creation. You can install and run anything here, like game backups, homebrews, etc.
- Do not install game backups or run Tinfoil on the SYSMMC, as it reflects the OFW. If you accidentally installed those stuff, please do the SYSTEMWIPE immediately:
- Install game backups and others under the EMUMMC mode
- You can connect the SYSMMC and the EMUMMC to the internet as the exosphere.ini hides the console's serial number on all CFW modes
- To connect the SYSMMC to the e-shop or the Big N server, you must edit the exosphere.ini file and alter the blank_prodinfo_sysmmc=1 to blank_prodinfo_sysmmc=0. Make sure you know what you are doing and know the consequences of doing this.
- Do not use cheats on online games (like the splatoon 3)
To boot to any CFW mode, please follow this guide.
To boot to real stock, please follow this guide because launching OFW from the Launch menu is NOT the real stock, but semi-stock as stated here
- Make sure you have connected your console to your home network
- Open the album
- Press Y to find the IP address of your console
- Open any FTP manager on your computer
- Connect to the IP address shown on your console on port 5000 with username/password: switch/switch
The HATS pack hides the console's serial number on all CFW modes. That is why if you launched the sysMMC or the emuMMC and tried to connect the console to eshop or update the games online, you will see this error code. To solve this issue, please boot to the OFW mode
As mentioned, the HATS pack hides the console's serial number on all CFW modes to prevent your console from getting banned online if you accidentally / unintentionally installed pirated or illegal apps/games. However, if you insist on connecting the CFW modes to the Nintendo server, you must edit the exosphere.ini at the root of the SD card with a notepad.
To connect the sysMMC to the Nintendo server, please edit
blank_prodinfo_sysmmc=1 to blank_prodinfo_sysmmc=0
To connect the emuMMC to the Nintendo server, please edit
blank_prodinfo_emummc=1 to blank_prodinfo_emummc=0
- Download the latest Atmosphere from
- Download the latest Hekate from
- Download the latest signature patches from
- Download the latest Tinfoil from
- Download the latest DBI from
- Download the SX Gear boot.dat and boot.ini from
- Download the hekate_ipl.ini and its graphic resource from:
- Create the DBI folder inside the Switch folder and put the latest DBI into it (the .nro and its .config)
- Download any tools/homebrew apps you want to add to the pack
- Combine them all together, like extract them all into a folder, put the payloads file inside the bootloader folder
CTCaer Atmosphere-NX Blawar ITotalJustice suchmememanyskill shchmue rashevskyv fortheusers Werwolv carcaschoi HamletDuFromage dezem hwfly-nx cathery jits titz stealtshop quotanx pengu teknik DarkMatterCore J-D-K tomvita proferabg masagrator SunResearchInstitute SegFault42 mtheall joel16 XorTroll proferabg rdmrocha