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Releases: addisonlynch/iexfinance

v0.5.0 Release

12 Dec 01:26
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v0.4.3 Release

28 Aug 21:07
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This is a minor patch release from 0.4.2 that repairs compatibility issues with
pandas 0.25.0. We recommend that all users upgrade.

Bug Fixes

  • Removes uses of pandas.compat which was removed with pandas' end of Python 2 support in 0.25.0

v0.4.2 Release

20 Jun 00:36
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v0.4.2 (June 19, 2019)

This is a minor release from 0.4.1. We recommend that all users update
to maintain compatibility with IEX Cloud and optimize message weighting
in calls.


  • Removes support for the legacy Version 1.0 IEX Developer API, which
    was retired in favor of IEX Cloud in June 2019
  • Optimized retrieval of historical prices with get_historical_data
    to allow for close prices only and single day charts to reduce
    message counts
  • Add support for End of Day options prices

New Endpoints


  • End of Day Options (get_eod_options)

Data APIs

  • /time-series (get_time_series)
  • /data-points (get_data_points)


  • Adds logging for queries, including message count usage and
    debugging information. Logging level defaults to WARNING, but can
    be set to other levels through the IEX_LOG_LEVEL environment
    variable. The following levels provide various information:

    • WARNING - errors only
    • INFO - message count used
    • DEBUG - request information
  • Add close_only keyword argument to get_historical_data to allow
    for retrieval of adjusted close only at reduced message cost
    (through chartCloseOnly query parameter)

  • Optimize get_historical_data to use chartByDay if a single date
    is passed which reduces message count (thanks shlomikushchi)

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • When IEX_API_VERSION is set to v1, IEX Cloud will now be used,
    and as such this has the same behavior as iexcloud-v1

  • The following legacy-only endpoints have been deprecated and will
    raise an ImmediateDeprecationError when called:

    • iexfinance.stocks.get_crypto_quotes
    • iexfinance.refdata.get_iex_corporate_actions
    • iexfinance.refdata.get_iex_dividends
    • iexfinance.refdata.get_iex_next_day_ex_date
    • iexfinance.refdata.get_listed_symbol_dir
    • iexfinance.stocks.Stock.get_effective_spread
  • The get_all method of iexfinance.stocks.Stock has been
    immediately deprecated

Bug Fixes

  • Certain failed requests which erroneously-returened
    IEXAuthorizationError now return IEXQueryError

v0.4.1 Release

15 May 02:18
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This is a minor release from 0.4.0. We recommend that all users update
to maintain compatibility with IEX Cloud.


  • Defaults to IEX Cloud for all API calls
  • Adds warnings to all legacy-only endpoints which will be deprecated
    on June 1, 2019, and warnings when IEX_API_VERSION is v1
  • Testing support for all legacy Version 1.0 endpoints has ended
  • Adds support for IEX Cloud sandbox environment

New Endpoints


  • /fund-ownership (get_fund_ownership)
  • /institutional-ownership (get_institutional_ownership)
  • /insider-roster (get_insider_roster)
  • /insider-summary (get_insider_summary)
  • /insider-transactions (get_insider_transactions)

Alternative Data

  • /ceo-compensation (iexfinance.altdata.get_ceo_compensation)


  • Adds support for the IEX Cloud sandbox environment. Specify
    iexcloud-sandbox as IEX_API_VERSION for use with test secret
  • Refactored test suite to reduce code bloat and consolidate output

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • iexcloud-v1 is now the default IEX_API_VERSION, as v1 support
    will end on 6/1/2019

  • Stock Field/Additional methods <stocks.additional_methods>
    are no longer supported by the v1 Deveoper API. These methods are
    retained in IEX Cloud

  • All legacy-only endpoints will now warn of impending deprecation on
    June 1, 2019

    • iexfinance.stocks.get_crypto_quotes
    • iexfinance.refdata.get_iex_corporate_actions
    • iexfinance.refdata.get_iex_dividends
    • iexfinance.refdata.get_iex_next_day_ex_date
    • iexfinance.refdata.get_listed_symbol_dir
  • Deprecations (functions moved or renamed):

    • get_market_gainersiexfinance.stocks.get_market_gainers
    • get_market_losersiexfinance.stocks.get_market_losers
    • get_market_most_active
    • get_market_iex_volume
    • get_market_iex_percent
    • get_symbolsiexfinance.refdata.get_symbols
    • get_iex_corporate_actions
    • get_iex_dividendsiexfinance.refdata.get_iex_dividends
    • get_iex_next_day_ex_date
    • get_listed_symbol_dir
    • get_topsiexfinance.iexdata.get_tops
    • get_lastiexfinance.iexdata.get_last
    • get_deepiexfinance.iexdata.get_deep
    • get_deep_bookiexfinance.iexdata.get_deep_book
    • get_stats_intradayiexfinance.iexdata.get_stats_intraday
    • get_stats_recentiexfinance.iexdata.get_stats_recent
    • get_stats_recordsiexfinance.iexdata.get_stats_records
    • get_stats_dailyiexfinance.iexdata.get_stats_daily
    • get_stats_summaryiexfinance.iexdata.get_stats_summary
    • stocks.get_today_earningsstocks.get_earnings_today
    • stocks.Stock.get_previous
    • stocks.Stock.get_relevant

Bug Fixes

  • Repair DataFrame output formatting for a number of Stock methods
  • Fix project description for PyPi


  • Testing support all legacy Version 1 endpoints has ended. These
    endpoints will be deprecated in 0.4.2

v0.4.0 Release - Support for IEX Cloud

21 Feb 05:02
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This is a major release from 0.3.5, and we recommend that all users


New Endpoints


  • /balance-sheet (get_balance_sheet)
  • /cash-flow (get_cash_flow)
  • /estimates (get_estimates)
  • /historical (get_historical_prices) (same as get_chart)
  • /income (get_income_statement)
  • /price-target (get_price_target)


  • /account/usage (iexfinance.account.get_usage)
  • /account/metadata (iexfinance.account.get_metadata)
  • /account/payasyougo (iexfinance.account.allow_pay_as_you_go,

Reference Data

  • /ref-data/symbols (iexfinance.get_symbols)
  • /ref-data/iex-symbols (iexfinance.get_iex_symbols)

Alternative Data

  • /crypto/quote (iexfinance.altdata.get_crypto_quote)
  • /stock/sentiment (iexfinance.altdata.get_social_sentiment)

API System Metadata

  • /status (iexfinance.apidata.get_api_status)


  • Adds support for setting persistent output format settings using the
    environment variable IEX_OUTPUT_FORMAT
  • Select between IEX API versions using the IEX_API_VERSION
    environment variable
  • The StockReader base class has been renamed Stock and the
    duplicate Stock function has been removed
  • Loosened testing restrictions on return types to allow for int or
    float to eliminate periodic even number returns and CI failures
  • Improved testing for _IEXBase base class configuration (request
    parameters, output formatting)
  • Adds tox for cross-version testing (thank you Jack Moody)
  • Adds official Python 3.7 support and CI build (thank you Jack Moody)

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • Deprecated iexfinance.Stock and iexfinance.get_historical_data
    have been removed. These are now available as
    iexfinance.stocks.Stock and

    • iexfinance.marketdata has been moved to a new module

      • get_market_tops, get_market_last, get_market_deep,
        get_market_book have been deprecated and renamed
        (respectively) get_tops, get_last, get_deep,
    • iexfinance.stats moved to a new module iexdata.

      • get_stats_intraday, get_stats_recent,
        get_stats_records, get_stats_daily, get_stats_monthly
        have been moved to iexdata. The top level functions
        iexfinance.get_stats_intraday etc. have been deprecated
      • get_stats_monthly renamed to get_stats_summary
  • The named parameter range_ for
    iexfinance.stocks.Stock.get_dividends, get_splits, and
    get_chart is now the keyword argument range

  • iexfinance.stocks.Stock.get_previous deprecated

v0.3.5 Release

28 Nov 05:05
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This is a minor release from 0.3.4.


  • Adds support for intraday historical prices
  • Adds support for endpoint additions and updates from 8/8/2018
    provider updates (including expanded cryptocurrency support)
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements


  • Adds support for intraday historical data through get_historical_intraday of stocks.
  • Adds support for the Sector Performance endpoint of Stocks (thank you kafana).
  • Adds support for the List infocus endpoint of Stocks (thank you kafana).
  • Adds support for the Collections endpoint of Stocks
  • Adds support for the Crypto endpoint of Stocks
  • Adds support for the Earnings Today endpoint of Stocks
  • Adds support for the IPO Calendar endpoint of Stocks
  • Adds pandas DataFrame output formatting for get_chart, get_dividends, get_earnings, get_financials, and multiple get_historical_data symbol requests.
  • Adds support for list-like data types for symbols (tuple, pandas.Series, numpy.ndarray, etc)
  • Sets index of DataFrame historical and time series data to pandas.DatetimeIndex for easier sorting and wrangling (thank you Brian Wylie) GH83

Bug Fixes

  • Some Stocks endpoints return incorrectly GH34
  • get_time_series returns incorrect range when passed range_ parameter
  • Repaired issue where get_historical_data for an invalid symbol does not raise an exception GH82

Backward Compatability

  • Stock and get_historical_data have been moved to iexfinance.stocks. The top-level functions remain with warnings but will be deprecated in v0.4.0.

v0.3.4 Release

12 Jul 20:15
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This is a minor release from 0.3.3.


Adds and updates endpoints related to the May 25, 2018 provider update to the IEX API

New Features

  • Added support for the Largest Trades endpoint through the get_largest_trades method of Stock


  • Added tests and documentation for cryptocurrency support [GH66] (#66)
  • Added docstring for get_chart changeFromClose and chartLast parameters GH65

Bug Fixes

  • Removes dividend-issuing tickers from historical price tests [GH61] (#61)
  • Fix KeyError exception when there is no earnings or financials data on a ticker. (Thank you reixd)

v0.3.3 Release

21 Apr 21:56
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This is a minor release from 0.3.2 which repairs PyPi upload and installation issues.

Please see the release notes for v0.3.2 for more information on the latest updates. This version simply repairs installation issues.

Bug Fixes

  • Repairs installation problems for Python 2 and 3 by adding (#44)

v0.3.2 Release

21 Apr 21:55
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This is a minor release from 0.3.1, which repairs various bugs and adds minor enhancements.

New Features

  • Adds decimal parsing option (thank you @reixd)
  • Adds support for market movers through the Stocks list endpoint (#52)


  • Adds default date paremeters (thank you stubs)
  • Code refactoring for performance and simplicity

Bug Fixes

  • Repaired 0.3.1 docs
  • IEX Market Data functions not filtering when symbol passed (#46)
  • Expected close test fails (#45)

v0.3.1 Release

10 Mar 00:48
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This is a minor release from 0.3.0, which repairs various bugs related to the
Stocks endpoints. The iexfinance documentation has been expanded and repaired.


  • Significant cleanup and rebuild of iexfinance docs

Bug Fixes

  • Symbols with non-alphanumeric characters fail (#38)
  • Some Stocks endpoints return incorrectly (#34)
  • Repaired CodeCov code coverage support (#14)