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Tracker for External Browser Bugs, Library Bugs, and Features

Devon Govett edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 78 revisions

This page will track the React Spectrum team's contributions to external non-Adobe libraries, browsers, and specifications.

Original issues

These are issues that were originally found, reported, and worked around by the React Spectrum team.

Type Category Project Name Author Submit Date
Bug Browser WebKit Intl.NumberFormat formats ar-AE numbers differently from other browsers Rob Snow 2020-10-23
Bug Browser WebKit PointerDown not fired after PointerUp on disabled form element Rob Snow 2020-11-19
Bug Browser WebKit Safari on iOS fires "pointerenter" with mouse pointerType in addition to touch Devon Govett 2020-07-21
Bug Browser WebKit Safari/VoiceOver BUG: WAI-ARIA Listbox option with aria-labelledby announces as only "text" Michael Jordan 2020-03-19
Bug Browser WebKit aria-modal="true" autofocuses the first focusable child when inside an iframe Devon Govett 2020-05-14
Bug Browser WebKit CSS hover and "pointer: fine" media queries do not evaluate to true with iOS 13.4 mouse support Devon Govett 2020-03-19
Bug Browser WebKit AX: Radiogroup orientation horizontal left and right arrow keys go the wrong way in RTL Rob Snow 2020-05-29
Bug Browser WebKit AX: Updating aria-hidden on a role="row" is not reflected in VoiceOver on iOS Devon Govett 2021-03-02
Bug Browser WebKit AX: Pointer events are not fired by VoiceOver inside iframe Devon Govett 2021-03-02
Bug Browser WebKit pointercancel event not fired on drag start Devon Govett 2021-03-02
Bug Browser WebKit Auto scroll on drag should be enabled on macOS Devon Govett 2021-03-02
Bug Browser WebKit Intl.DateTimeFormat incorrectly parses patterns with 'h' literal Devon Govett 2021-08-19
Bug Browser WebKit dragleave and drop events are not fired if dropEffect is set to link on iOS 2022-09-01
Bug Browser WebKit AX: Label of aria grid is not announced when contained within a main landmark Devon Govett 2022-04-29
Bug Browser WebKit Intl.DateTimeFormat returns ethiopic-amete-alem rather than ethioaa for calendar in resolvedOptions Devon Govett 2022-06-13
Bug Browser WebKit Regression in Safari 18: all: revert-layer breaks due to style changes on parent elements Devon Govett 2024-09-24
Bug Browser WebKit bdo element uses bidi-override instead of isolate-override Devon Govett 2024-11-27
Bug Browser WebKit Safari 18 regression: all: revert-layer is broken when CSS properties are inherited Devon Govett 2024-12-02
Bug Browser WebKit all: revert-layer breaks em-based sizing units in SVGs Devon Govett 2024-12-17
Bug Browser Firefox Mouse events not guaranteed to fire after pointer events Rob Snow 2020-11-06
Bug Browser Firefox [Bug] Talkback doesn't explicitly announce aria-disabled li element Daniel Lu 2021-01-29
Bug Browser Firefox selectstart event does not fire for Select All command Devon Govett 2021-11-19
Bug Browser Chrome Accessible Name incorrect when self-reference and use aria-label and value James Nurthen 2020-12-16
Bug Browser Chrome VisualViewport resize event never fires inside an iframe Devon Govett 2021-06-07
Bug Browser Chrome Intl.DateTimeFormat formatting time that matches timezone offset produces 24:00:00 Devon Govett 2021-08-19
Bug Browser Chrome Intl.DisplayNames returns original string for non-country regions Devon Govett 2021-11-02
Bug Browser Chrome ondragstart still fires when pointerdown and mousedown events are defaultPrevented Daniel Lu 2022-03-08
Bug Browser Chrome Touch-drag: dragend's dataTransfer's dropEffect is always "none", even when set in dragover Daniel Lu 2022-08-17
Bug Browser Chrome dataTransfer.effectAllowed is always "copyMove" on Android Devon Govett 2022-09-01
Bug Browser Chrome Extraneous blur events fired by VoiceOver with relatedTarget null Devon Govett 2023-08-17
Bug AT Talkback Talkback does not act correctly for input type=range which have different max and min James Nurthen 2020-12-18
Bug AT Talkback Talkback acts strangely when step used with input type=range James Nurthen 2020-12-18
Bug AT Talkback Talkback cannot reduce a slider with negative range James Nurthen 2020-12-18
Bug AT Talkback Talkback not reading aria-valuetext on an input type=range James Nurthen 2020-12-18
Bug AT WebKit AX: VoiceOver for iOS does not announce required state for an input with both aria-required="true" and aria-roledescription Michael Jordan 2021-01-27
Bug AT WebKit AX: [iOS] [VoiceOver] [Safari] Element with role="spinbutton" announces with value as a percent, even when no aria-valuemin or aria-valuemax is defined Michael Jordan 2021-01-28
Bug AT WebKit AX: [iOS] [VoiceOver] [Safari] VoiceOver miscalculates hit target of elements within a Storybook iframe, resulting in unexpected input with the wrong item selected Michael Jordan 2021-03-15
Bug Library React React 17.0.0-rc.1 checkboxes and radio groups sometimes fire onChange incorrectly Devon Govett 2020-09-15
Bug Library Preact autoFocus not being applied Niklas Mischkulnig 2020-08-25
Bug Library Preact input type=checkbox cannot be a controlled component Niklas Mischkulnig 2020-08-24
Bug Library Preact Infinite loop caused by unstable context value Niklas Mischkulnig 2020-08-25
Bug Library Preact onKeyDownCapture and onKeyDown overwrite each other Niklas Mischkulnig 2020-09-02
PR Library Preact Fix capturing and non-capturing listeners on the same element Devon Govett 2020-09-09
PR Library Testing library Fire mouse events with the correct properties Devon Govett 2020-05-22
Feat Library Quicklink Option to use prerender where available? Devon Govett 2020-07-12
Bug Spec UI Events Update focusin/focusout event order to match implementations? Devon Govett 2020-08-25
Feat Spec ECMA 402 Add graphics units to NumberFormat Devon Govett 2020-09-15
Feat Spec ECMA 402 Add locale sensitive substring matching functions to Intl.Collator Devon Govett 2020-10-12
Feat Spec ECMA 402 Accessing the sequence of eras of a calendar Devon Govett 2021-08-19
Feat Spec HTML Support multiple items of the same type in DataTransfer API for drag and drop Devon Govett 2020-11-08
Feat Spec UI Events A way to determine what the value of an input will be if beforeinput is not prevented Devon Govett 2021-01-22
Bug Spec UI Events visibilitychange fired in different order when arriving vs departing Rob Snow 2021-04-30
Bug Spec UI Events visibilitychange fires in a bad order Rob Snow 2021-04-30
Bug Spec ECMA 402 Default hour-cycle computation can resolve to non-preferred hour format Devon Govett 2021-08-19
Bug Spec Temporal Should PlainYearMonth throw when adding days? Devon Govett 2021-08-19
Bug Spec Typescript ResolvedNumberFormatOptions is missing currencySign option Rob Snow 2021-05-4
Bug Node NumberFormat Intl.NumberFormat resolvedOptions style is wrong Rob Snow 2021-06-15
Bug AT Talkback Click event from TalkBack double tap doesn't have the correct default PointerEvent attributes Daniel Lu 2021-11-12

Duplicate issues

These are issues that were not originally opened by the React Spectrum team, but that we ran into and worked around.

Type Category Project Name Author Comment Date
Bug Browser WebKit AX: aria-label and aria-labelledby ignored when for-id association present on form input Devon Govett 2020-12-17
Bug Browser WebKit Clicking on a non-text input element does not give it focus
Bug Browser WebKit releasePointerCapture() not working for implicit capture; can't opt-in to pointerenter/leave for touches
Bug Browser WebKit AX: activedescendant on combobox not honored correctly in VoiceOver
Bug Browser WebKit aria-selected options in listboxes not properly announced James Nurthen 2020-10-07
Bug Browser WebKit AX: combobox aria-activedescendant is not read in VoiceOver unless the listbox has display: none until input has focus
Feat Browser WebKit Enable ability to prevent scrolling in Element.focus()
Bug Browser WebKit PointerEvent has 0 as pressure when the input device is not pressure-sensitive Daniel Lu 2021-11-10
Bug Browser WebKit Interop issue with position: sticky within contain: paint
Bug Browser WebKit dataTransfer.effectAllowed returns "all" when it's set to "copy" or "move" during dragstart Devon Govett 2022-09-01
Bug Browser WebKit modifier key state flags do not function on drag events Devon Govett 2022-09-01
Bug Browser WebKit MouseEvent altKey property only changes on dragStart Devon Govett 2022-09-01
Bug Browser Chrome Meter element, and new ARIA meter role, should be exposed via IA2_ROLE_LEVEL_BAR; not ROLE_SYSTEM_PROGRESSBAR
Bug Browser Chrome compositions should end with "insertFromComposition" input events Devon Govett 2021-01-28
Bug Browser Chrome Intl.DateTimeFormat formatting time that matches timezone offset produces 24:00:00 Devon Govett 2021-07-14
Bug Browser Firefox The left and right keyboard navigation of radio buttons is backwards.
Bug Browser Firefox calling this.blur() in onfocus handler or this.focus() in an onblur handler do not work
Bug Browser Firefox [css-grid][flex]Intrinsic size on grid-subflex / subbitem keeps the image width whilst image is resized. Rob Snow 2021-8-20
Bug Browser Firefox Intl.DateTimeFormat: wrong era "A" instead of "AD" for Gregorian calendar using era: 'short' option Devon Govett 2022-05-19
Bug Browser Firefox Keypress not recognised as user event for popup blocker Devon Govett
Bug Library React Mouseenter event not triggered when cursor moves from disabled button Rob Snow 2020-12-1
Feat Browser Chrome ImplementWheelEvent.webkitDirectionInvertedFromDevice Devon Govett 2020-10-29
Feat Browser Firefox HTML <meter> not spoken by screen readers
Feat Spec UI Events Expose 'direction-inversion' in wheel events Devon Govett 2020-10-29
Bug Spec ARIA Combobox shouldn't need aria-controls until the popup is rendered James Nurthen 2020-10-07
Bug AT aXe Bug: does not correctly handle the option to have elements with role="group" in a listbox context ARIA 1.2 2021-9-7
BUG Browser Firefox overflow:auto causes DIV to get tab focus even if it has no scrollbars

Original issues we haven't tried to fix yet

These are issues that were originally opened by the React Spectrum team and we haven't determined a fix for.

Type Category Project Name Author Submit Date
Bug Browser Firefox Click fired on wrong element in touch compared to mouse Rob Snow 2021-02-10
Bug Browser Chrome Click fired on wrong element in responsive mode Rob Snow 2020-11-17
Bug Browser WebKit AX: Safari/VoiceOver: Table headers aria-describedby isn't announced by VoiceOver Daniel Lu 2021-07-28
Bug AT VoiceOver AX: [macOS][Accessibility][VoiceOver] VoiceOver fails to announce selected state for rows within WAI-ARIA data grid Michael Jordan 2021-01-05
Bug AT VoiceOver AX: VoiceOver does not announce row/column header and index information when navigating focusable rows or cells within WAI-ARIA data grid Michael Jordan 2021-02-17
Bug AT VoiceOver AX: VoiceOver table navigation breaks when a virtualized data grid scrolls Michael Jordan 2021-02-18
Bug AT VoiceOver Talkback doesn't fire a click on a visually hidden element with specific devices Daniel Lu 2022-04-19
Bug Browser WebKit Text within dragged element is dimmed on iPad Devon Govett 2021-03-22
Bug Browser Firefox Incorrect height measured when "overflow" style is changed in textarea Daniel Lu 2022-08-24
Bug Browser Firefox Scroll position of textarea is lost if "overflow" style is modified Daniel Lu 2022-08-29
Bug Browser Firefox Click count (event.detail) is different compared to Chrome/Safari when clicking a label element Rob Snow 2022-10-19
Bug AT Talkback Element with role=link is not available when swiping through page James Nurthen 2023-2-2
Bug AT Talkback Talkback is unable to access combobox dropdown options via swiping left/right Daniel Lu 2023-3-21
Bug Browser Firefox Indeterminate progress bar gets set a value of 50 Yihui Liao 2023-10-18
Bug Browser Chrome Calling scrollIntoView on container with scrollPadding causes the contents to erroneously scroll Daniel Lu 2024-9-11

Duplicate issues we're trying to fix

These are issues that were not originally opened by the React Spectrum team, but that we ran into and are submitting fixes for.

Type Category Project Name Author Comment Date
Bug CSS Preprocesser reduce-css-calc Fix Parse error on custom property fallback Fix in postcss-calc once spectrum-css upgrades Rob Snow 2020-12-18
Bug Browser Webkit pointerdown events are not fired for clicks that follow a drag&drop - 2019-09-26

Issues that we've encountered and haven't tried to fix/workaround yet

Type Category Project Name Author Comment Date
Bug Browser Chrome Issue 1293803: Drag event handlers stop working when using custom MIME type with setData on dragstart
Bug AT Webkit Bug 190437 - AX: VoiceOver does not perceive changes to text node content in HTML headings and ARIA headings Seems to be fixed in iOS 15 - -
Bug Browser Chrome Issue 229301: Touch initiated drag and drop doesn't work on Windows with touch screen - -
Bug Browser Chrome sticky + scroll padding + scrollIntoView = bug - -
Bug Browser Safari scroll-padding causes unwanted scroll on sticky elements - -