Goneovim v0.6.9
- Fix an issue where italic characters could be made invisible. (#554)
- Fix display corruption problem when a float window or external window is changed to a normal window by wincmd
- Fix an issue where the state of the title bar icon would be incorrect when the maximized state was restored after restoring the window state in borderless window mode.
- Fix an issue that prevented the input of \ on macOS with JIS layout. (#534)
- Fix an issue where it crashes when converting with IME. (#526)
- Fix segmentation violation using GonvimWorkspaceNew command (#515)
- Convert Windows paths to WSL paths when running under WSL. by @tfriedel (#549)
- Improve smooth scroll animation
- Add 'ShowDiffDialogOnDrop' option to control diff dialog display on file drop. This setting value is disabled by default.
- Add ability to open files from Finder in macOS
- Add support displaying windows with transparent blur effect in the background
- Add functionality to draw separators in the message window
- Fix that the background color of the more frontal float window is not painted if the overlapping float windows have the same background color.