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Landscape export

alexander-petkov edited this page Sep 11, 2024 · 17 revisions


The Landscape Export allows users to create an 8-band raster image, suitable for use with Fire Behaviour simulators such as Flammap/Farsite.

This service is implemented as a Web Processing Service (WPS) module as part of Geoserver

Data availability

The module uses Landfire data at 30 meters resolution that covers CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii, for [versions] up to 1.4.0.

Data can be requested for a pair of geographical longitude/latitude coordinates, for an area of size between 5 and 60 US miles.

Users can request the original 30m resolution, or create a coarser Landscape file up to 1/10th of the original data.

Raster bands

The raster bands, as required by Flammap/Farsite are as follows:

Band Data Landfire name
1 Elevation DEM
2 Slope SLP
3 Aspect ASP
4 Fuel model FBFM40
5 Forest Canopy Cover CC
6 Forest Canopy Height CH
7 Forest Canopy Base Height CBH
8 Forest Canopy Bulk Density CBD


Web interface

This service can be accessed from

  1. Go to the WPS Request Bulder page.
  2. Choose gs:LandscapeExport from the drop-down list:
  3. Enter your desired parameters. Fields denoted with * are mandatory.
  • POINT or POLYGON geometry--the algorithm checks for POINT geometry first, then for a POLYGON. If neither is provided, the process terminates. If both are supplied, the point is input geometry.

    Example WKT inputs:

    POINT( -110 40)
    POLYGON ((-109.9 40.1, -109.9 39.9, -110.1 39.9, -110.1 40.1, -109.9 40.1))

    Example JSON inputs:

  • Coordinate reference system for the input geometry--default is EPSG:4326.

  • Landfire version--currently LF105 (for version 1.0.5) through LF140 (for version 1.4.0). Default value is LF140.

  • Resolution: pixel resolution in meters, where minimum value is 30, and maximum value is 300. Default value is 30.

  • Dеsired extent (in miles)--minimum 5, maximum 60 miles. Default value is 5 miles.

To generate a 8-band Landscape raster, click "Execute process". "Generate XML from process inputs/outputs" creates an XML document, useful for command line requests.


It is possible to extract weather data by using a HTTP Get request, either via a browser, or a command line utility such as curl or wget (useful for scripted requests). The input parameters are provided as key/value pairs as part of the URL, and separated by a semicolon (;). The symbols '+' or '%20' are used to encode spaces in parameter names and values. String values should be URL encoded, this applies most of all to the supplied geometry.

Below is an example of such a request using curl, where the extracted data is saved to landscape.tif. Either point or polygon parameter needs to be supplied, along with sourceCRS. Other parameters are optional:

curl "
             &RawDataOutput=output" -o landscape.tif


Below is a sample XML-formatted document with sample inputs. This can be saved to a file and used in a POST request from the command line, which is very useful in automated scenarios.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><wps:Execute version="1.0.0" service="WPS" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:wps="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:wcs="" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <wps:RawDataOutput mimeType="image/tiff">

With the XML content saved to a file (for example, landscape.xml), a command line POST request can be constructed to extract a 8-band Landscape file in Geotiff format. Here is an example with using curl:

curl -q -v -XPOST -H "Content-type: xml" -d @landscape.xml "" -o output.tiff

The result is an 8-band Landscape Geotiff, suitable for Flammap/Farsite

The output from the LandscapeExport service imported in Flammap: