GOV.UK Frontend release v2.4.0
Contributions from the community include:
- Allowing extra form group classes on all form components - massive thanks to @colinrotherham
🆕 New features:
Scroll to label or legend when linked from error summary
When users click links in the error summary, the corresponding label or legend will now be moved to the top of the viewport, rather than the input. This means that the context for the input remains on-screen.
(PR #1056)
Label or legend are announced for NVDA users when navigating to an input from
the error summary
(PR #1056)
Allow form group classes on date, file upload, input, select and textarea
All remaining form groups should allow additional classes, like with radios and checkboxes
(PR #1059)
🔧 Fixes:
Remove implicit dependency on Element for classList
(PR #1063)
Single field with error should have 'aria-describeby' attribute
Although we discourage using checkboxes without fieldsets, this fix ensures that if there are no fieldset then the aria-describeby will still be usable by screenreaders by adding the element ids to the checkbox input elements 'aria-describeby' attribute.
(PR #1054)