- Raspberry PI Model 3B (link)
- Raspberry PI Camera (link)
- Arduino Motor Shielf (link)
- Robocar Chasis (link)
- Breadboard and Jumper Wires (link)
- SD Card (link)
- Power bank for mobile
In addiion below accessories are good to have
- Setup PI: Download and install Raspbian
- Assemble car
- Configure Motor Shield (link)
- script (link)
- Random Forest Model: (link)
- Fully Connected Neural Net: (link)
- Multilayer Perceptron: (link)
- Convolution Neural Net
- rf_client.py (run on PI)
- rf_server.p (run on Laptop)
This post from Zheng Wang's is really good (link). His car can detect obstacles and traffic light.