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Fix bugs in the Nockma prettyprinter and parser (#2632)
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This pr addresses a number of problems.

1. It fixes a bug where paths were annotated as operations rather than
paths in the parser.
2. It fixes a bug that happened when unfolding cells in the pretty
printer in order to minimize delimiters. It caused the stdlibcall hints
to be ignored for the unfolded arguments.
3. In order to properly test this, we can't ignore the hints for the Eq
instance, so I've changed that.
4. I've introduced the class NockmaEq for nockma semantic equality. This
is used in the evaluator as well as in the semantic tests.
5. I've added a bigger test. I found these bugs while working with this
  • Loading branch information
janmasrovira authored Feb 9, 2024
1 parent 672004c commit 50a62f6
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,824 additions and 52 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ ghc-options:
# Warnings
- -Weverything
- -Wno-all-missed-specialisations
- -Wno-missed-specialisations
- -Wno-missing-export-lists
- -Wno-missing-import-lists
- -Wno-missing-kind-signatures
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Nockma/Evaluator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ asCell = \case
asBool :: (Members '[Reader EvalCtx, Error (NockEvalError a)] r, NockNatural a) => Term a -> Sem r Bool
asBool t = do
a <- asAtom t
return (a == nockTrue)
return (nockmaEq a nockTrue)

asPath ::
(Members '[Reader EvalCtx, Error (NockEvalError a), Error (ErrNockNatural a)] r, NockNatural a) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ eval inistack initerm =
r <- evalArg crumbEvalSecond stack (cellTerm ^. cellRight)
return . TermAtom $
| l == r -> nockTrue
| nockmaEq l r -> nockTrue
| otherwise -> nockFalse

goOpCall :: Sem r (Term a)
Expand Down
68 changes: 46 additions & 22 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Nockma/Language.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,31 +53,30 @@ data StdlibCall a = StdlibCall
{ _stdlibCallFunction :: StdlibFunction,
_stdlibCallArgs :: Term a

deriving stock instance (Lift a) => Lift (StdlibCall a)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Lift)

data CellInfo a = CellInfo
{ _cellInfoLoc :: Maybe Interval,
{ _cellInfoLoc :: Irrelevant (Maybe Interval),
_cellInfoCall :: Maybe (StdlibCall a)
deriving stock (Lift)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Lift)

data Cell a = Cell'
{ _cellLeft :: Term a,
_cellRight :: Term a,
_cellInfo :: Irrelevant (CellInfo a)
_cellInfo :: CellInfo a
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Lift)

data AtomInfo = AtomInfo
{ _atomInfoHint :: Maybe AtomHint,
_atomInfoLoc :: Maybe Interval
_atomInfoLoc :: Irrelevant (Maybe Interval)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Lift)

data Atom a = Atom
{ _atom :: a,
_atomInfo :: Irrelevant AtomInfo
_atomInfo :: AtomInfo
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Lift)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,21 +175,21 @@ makeLenses ''AtomInfo
makeLenses ''CellInfo

atomHint :: Lens' (Atom a) (Maybe AtomHint)
atomHint = atomInfo . unIrrelevant . atomInfoHint
atomHint = atomInfo . atomInfoHint

termLoc :: Lens' (Term a) (Maybe Interval)
termLoc f = \case
TermAtom a -> TermAtom <$> atomLoc f a
TermCell a -> TermCell <$> cellLoc f a

cellLoc :: Lens' (Cell a) (Maybe Interval)
cellLoc = cellInfo . unIrrelevant . cellInfoLoc
cellLoc = cellInfo . cellInfoLoc . unIrrelevant

cellCall :: Lens' (Cell a) (Maybe (StdlibCall a))
cellCall = cellInfo . unIrrelevant . cellInfoCall
cellCall = cellInfo . cellInfoCall

atomLoc :: Lens' (Atom a) (Maybe Interval)
atomLoc = atomInfo . unIrrelevant . atomInfoLoc
atomLoc = atomInfo . atomInfoLoc . unIrrelevant

naturalNockOps :: HashMap Natural NockOp
naturalNockOps = HashMap.fromList [(serializeOp op, op) | op <- allElements]
Expand All @@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ serializeOp = \case
OpHint -> 11
OpTrace -> 100

class (Eq a) => NockNatural a where
class (NockmaEq a) => NockNatural a where
type ErrNockNatural a :: Type
nockNatural :: (Member (Error (ErrNockNatural a)) r) => Atom a -> Sem r Natural
serializeNockOp :: NockOp -> a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,11 +266,11 @@ nockBoolLiteral b
instance NockNatural Natural where
type ErrNockNatural Natural = NockNaturalNaturalError
nockNatural a = return (a ^. atom)
nockTrue = Atom 0 (Irrelevant (atomHintInfo AtomHintBool))
nockFalse = Atom 1 (Irrelevant (atomHintInfo AtomHintBool))
nockNil = Atom 0 (Irrelevant (atomHintInfo AtomHintNil))
nockTrue = Atom 0 (atomHintInfo AtomHintBool)
nockFalse = Atom 1 (atomHintInfo AtomHintBool)
nockNil = Atom 0 (atomHintInfo AtomHintNil)
nockSucc = over atom succ
nockVoid = Atom 0 (Irrelevant (atomHintInfo AtomHintVoid))
nockVoid = Atom 0 (atomHintInfo AtomHintVoid)
errInvalidOp atm = NaturalInvalidOp atm
errInvalidPath atm = NaturalInvalidPath atm
serializeNockOp = serializeOp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,15 +298,15 @@ instance IsNock Natural where
toNock = TAtom

instance IsNock NockOp where
toNock op = toNock (Atom (serializeOp op) (Irrelevant (atomHintInfo AtomHintOp)))
toNock op = toNock (Atom (serializeOp op) (atomHintInfo AtomHintOp))

instance IsNock Bool where
toNock = \case
False -> toNock (nockFalse @Natural)
True -> toNock (nockTrue @Natural)

instance IsNock Path where
toNock pos = TermAtom (Atom (encodePath pos ^. encodedPath) (Irrelevant (atomHintInfo AtomHintPath)))
toNock pos = TermAtom (Atom (encodePath pos ^. encodedPath) (atomHintInfo AtomHintPath))

instance IsNock EncodedPath where
toNock = toNock . decodePath'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,7 +336,7 @@ a >># b = TermCell (a >>#. b)
pattern Cell :: Term a -> Term a -> Cell a
pattern Cell {_cellLeft', _cellRight'} <- Cell' _cellLeft' _cellRight' _
Cell a b = Cell' a b (Irrelevant emptyCellInfo)
Cell a b = Cell' a b emptyCellInfo

{-# COMPLETE TCell, TAtom #-}

Expand All @@ -349,18 +348,43 @@ pattern TCell l r <- TermCell (Cell' l r _)
pattern TAtom :: a -> Term a
pattern TAtom a <- TermAtom (Atom a _)
TAtom a = TermAtom (Atom a (Irrelevant emptyAtomInfo))
TAtom a = TermAtom (Atom a emptyAtomInfo)

emptyCellInfo :: CellInfo a
emptyCellInfo =
{ _cellInfoCall = Nothing,
_cellInfoLoc = Nothing
_cellInfoLoc = Irrelevant Nothing

emptyAtomInfo :: AtomInfo
emptyAtomInfo =
{ _atomInfoHint = Nothing,
_atomInfoLoc = Nothing
_atomInfoLoc = Irrelevant Nothing

class NockmaEq a where
nockmaEq :: a -> a -> Bool

instance NockmaEq Natural where
nockmaEq a b = a == b

instance (NockmaEq a) => NockmaEq [a] where
nockmaEq a b =
case zipExactMay a b of
Nothing -> False
Just z -> all (uncurry nockmaEq) z

instance (NockmaEq a) => NockmaEq (Atom a) where
nockmaEq = nockmaEq `on` (^. atom)

instance (NockmaEq a) => NockmaEq (Term a) where
nockmaEq = \cases
(TermAtom a) (TermAtom b) -> nockmaEq a b
(TermCell a) (TermCell b) -> nockmaEq a b
TermCell {} TermAtom {} -> False
TermAtom {} TermCell {} -> False

instance (NockmaEq a) => NockmaEq (Cell a) where
nockmaEq (Cell l r) (Cell l' r') = nockmaEq l l' && nockmaEq r r'
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Nockma/Pretty/Base.hs
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Expand Up @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ instance (PrettyCode a, NockNatural a) => PrettyCode (Atom a) where
AtomHintOp -> nockOp atm >>= ppCode
AtomHintPath -> nockPath atm >>= ppCode
| atm == nockTrue -> return (annotate (AnnKind KNameInductive) "true")
| atm == nockFalse -> return (annotate (AnnKind KNameAxiom) "false")
| nockmaEq atm nockTrue -> return (annotate (AnnKind KNameInductive) "true")
| nockmaEq atm nockFalse -> return (annotate (AnnKind KNameAxiom) "false")
| otherwise -> fail
AtomHintNil -> return (annotate (AnnKind KNameConstructor) "nil")
AtomHintVoid -> return (annotate (AnnKind KNameAxiom) "void")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,12 +85,14 @@ instance (PrettyCode a, NockNatural a) => PrettyCode (Cell a) where
return (oneLineOrNextBrackets inside)

unfoldCell :: Cell a -> NonEmpty (Term a)
unfoldCell c = c ^. cellLeft :| go [] (c ^. cellRight)
unfoldCell c = c ^. cellLeft :| reverse (go [] (c ^. cellRight))
go :: [Term a] -> Term a -> [Term a]
go acc = \case
t@TermAtom {} -> reverse (t : acc)
TermCell (Cell l r) -> go (l : acc) r
go acc t = case t of
TermAtom {} -> t : acc
TermCell (Cell' l r i) -> case i ^. cellInfoCall of
Nothing -> go (l : acc) r
Just {} -> t : acc

instance (PrettyCode a, NockNatural a) => PrettyCode (Term a) where
ppCode = \case
Expand Down
43 changes: 25 additions & 18 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Nockma/Translation/FromSource/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Language
import Juvix.Extra.Strings qualified as Str
import Juvix.Parser.Error
import Juvix.Parser.Lexer (onlyInterval, withLoc)
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (Atom, many, some)
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (Atom, Path, many, some)
import Juvix.Prelude.Parsing hiding (runParser)
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,32 +82,39 @@ atomOp = do
let info =
{ _atomInfoHint = Just AtomHintOp,
_atomInfoLoc = Just loc
_atomInfoLoc = Irrelevant (Just loc)
return (Atom (serializeNockOp op') (Irrelevant info))

atomDirection :: Parser (Atom Natural)
atomDirection = do
WithLoc loc dirs <-
withLoc $
symbol "S" $> []
<|> NonEmpty.toList <$> some (choice [symbol "L" $> L, symbol "R" $> R])
return (Atom (serializeNockOp op') info)

atomPath :: Parser (Atom Natural)
atomPath = do
WithLoc loc path <- withLoc pPath
let info =
{ _atomInfoHint = Just AtomHintOp,
_atomInfoLoc = Just loc
{ _atomInfoHint = Just AtomHintPath,
_atomInfoLoc = Irrelevant (Just loc)
return (Atom (serializePath dirs) (Irrelevant info))
return (Atom (serializePath path) info)

direction :: Parser Direction
direction =
symbol "L" $> L
<|> symbol "R" $> R

pPath :: Parser Path
pPath =
symbol "S" $> []
<|> NonEmpty.toList <$> some direction

atomNat :: Parser (Atom Natural)
atomNat = do
WithLoc loc n <- withLoc dottedNatural
let info =
{ _atomInfoHint = Nothing,
_atomInfoLoc = Just loc
_atomInfoLoc = Irrelevant (Just loc)
return (Atom n (Irrelevant info))
return (Atom n info)

atomBool :: Parser (Atom Natural)
atomBool =
Expand All @@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ patom :: Parser (Atom Natural)
patom =
<|> atomNat
<|> atomDirection
<|> atomPath
<|> atomBool
<|> atomNil
<|> atomVoid
Expand All @@ -150,9 +157,9 @@ cell = do
info =
{ _cellInfoCall = c,
_cellInfoLoc = Just (lloc <> rloc)
_cellInfoLoc = Irrelevant (Just (lloc <> rloc))
return (set cellInfo (Irrelevant info) r)
return (set cellInfo info r)
stdlibCall :: Parser (StdlibCall Natural)
stdlibCall = do
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/Nockma/Compile/Tree/Positive.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ runNockmaAssertion hout _main tab = do
getReturn :: Term Natural -> Maybe (Term Natural)
getReturn = \case
TermAtom Nockma.Atom {..}
| _atomInfo ^. unIrrelevant . atomInfoHint == Just AtomHintVoid -> Nothing
| _atomInfo ^. atomInfoHint == Just AtomHintVoid -> Nothing
t -> Just t

testDescr :: Tree.PosTest -> TestDescr
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/Nockma/Eval/Positive.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ allTests = testGroup "Nockma eval unit positive" (map mk tests)
eqNock :: Term Natural -> Check ()
eqNock expected = do
actual <- ask
unless (expected == actual) (err actual)
unless (nockmaEq expected actual) (err actual)
err :: Term Natural -> Check ()
err actual = do
Expand All @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ eqNock expected = do
eqTraces :: [Term Natural] -> Check ()
eqTraces expected = do
ts <- ask
unless (ts == expected) (err ts)
unless (nockmaEq ts expected) (err ts)
err :: [Term Natural] -> Check ()
err ts = do
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/Nockma/Parse/Positive.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ tests =
[ PosTest "Identity" $(mkRelDir ".") $(mkRelFile "Identity.nock"),
PosTest "Identity Pretty" $(mkRelDir ".") $(mkRelFile "IdentityPretty.pnock"),
PosTest "StdlibCall" $(mkRelDir ".") $(mkRelFile "StdlibCall.pnock"),
PosTest "Stdlib" $(mkRelDir ".") $(mkRelFile "Stdlib.nock")
PosTest "Stdlib" $(mkRelDir ".") $(mkRelFile "Stdlib.nock"),
PosTest "Compiled Tree program" $(mkRelDir ".") $(mkRelFile "Compiled.pnock")

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