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Documentation for the compiler (#166)
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* getting rid of CompileState.union

* document projections

* more documentation

* fix mdata change; drop Expr.lty

* more docs, some renamings

* more WIP documentation

* more docstrings

* finished Compiler docstrings

* small adjustments

* add `cmpDef` docs

Co-authored-by: Hanting Zhang <>
  • Loading branch information
arthurpaulino and winston-h-zhang authored Aug 16, 2022
1 parent 37bc874 commit b6f946f
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Showing 17 changed files with 473 additions and 363 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions TestsUtils/CompileAndExtractTests.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ def pairConstants (x y : Array Const) :
def reindexExpr (map : NatNatMap) : Expr → Expr
| e@(.var ..)
| e@(.sort _)
| e@(.lit ..)
| e@(.lty ..) => e
| e@(.lit ..) => e
| .const n i ls => .const n (map.find! i) ls
| .app e₁ e₂ => .app (reindexExpr map e₁) (reindexExpr map e₂)
| .lam n bi e₁ e₂ => .lam n bi (reindexExpr map e₁) (reindexExpr map e₂)
Expand Down
17 changes: 4 additions & 13 deletions Yatima/Cli/CompileCmd.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,25 +18,16 @@ def compileRun (p : Cli.Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
if !(p.hasFlag "prelude") then setLibsPaths
let mut stt : CompileState := default
let log := p.hasFlag "log"
let mut errMsg : Option String := none
let mut cronos :=
for arg in args do
for filePath in ← getLeanFilePathsList ⟨arg⟩ do
let filePathStr := filePath.toString
cronos ← cronos.clock filePathStr
match ← compile filePath log stt with
| .ok stt' => match stt.union stt' with
| .ok stt' =>
stt := stt'
cronos ← cronos.clock filePathStr
| .error msg => errMsg := some msg; break
| .error msg => errMsg := some (toString msg); break
if errMsg.isSome then break
match errMsg with
| some msg =>
IO.eprintln msg
return 1
| none => pure ()
| .ok stt' =>
stt := stt'
cronos ← cronos.clock filePathStr
| .error msg => IO.eprintln msg; return 1
if p.hasFlag "summary" then
IO.println s!"{stt.summary}"
IO.println s!"\n{cronos.summary}"
Expand Down
24 changes: 8 additions & 16 deletions Yatima/Cli/PipeCmd.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,29 +23,21 @@ def pipeRun (p : Cli.Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
cronos ← cronos.clock "Compilation"
if !(p.hasFlag "prelude") then setLibsPaths
let mut stt : CompileState := default
let mut errMsg : Option String := none
let log := p.hasFlag "log"
let mut cronos' :=
for arg in args do
for filePath in ← getLeanFilePathsList ⟨arg⟩ do
let filePathStr := filePath.toString
cronos' ← cronos'.clock filePathStr
match ← compile filePath log stt with
| .ok stt' => match stt.union stt' with
| .ok stt' =>
stt := stt'
cronos' ← cronos'.clock filePathStr
| .error msg => errMsg := some msg; break
| .error msg => errMsg := some (toString msg); break
if errMsg.isSome then break
match errMsg with
| some msg =>
IO.eprintln msg
return 1
| none =>
if p.hasFlag "summary" then
IO.println s!"{stt.summary}"
IO.println s!"\n{cronos'.summary}"
| .ok stt' =>
stt := stt'
cronos' ← cronos'.clock filePathStr
| .error msg => IO.eprintln msg; return 1
if p.hasFlag "summary" then
IO.println s!"{stt.summary}"
IO.println s!"\n{cronos'.summary}"

cronos ← cronos.clock "Compilation"
if p.hasFlag "typecheck" then
cronos ← cronos.clock "Typechecking"
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions Yatima/Compiler/CompileError.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import Yatima.Datatypes.Const

namespace Yatima.Compiler

/-- Errors that can be thrown in `Yatima.Compiler.CompileM` -/
inductive CompileError
| notFoundInCache : Name → CompileError
| invalidDereferringIndex : Nat → Nat → CompileError
| notFoundInRecrCtx : Name → CompileError
| invalidConstantIndex : Nat → Nat → CompileError
| unknownConstant : Name → CompileError
| unfilledLevelMetavariable : Lean.Level → CompileError
| unfilledExprMetavariable : Lean.Expr → CompileError
Expand All @@ -26,7 +28,8 @@ inductive CompileError

instance : ToString CompileError where toString
| .notFoundInCache n => s!"Could not find cid of '{n}' in cache"
| .invalidDereferringIndex idx size =>
| .notFoundInRecrCtx n => s!"Could not find '{n}' in recrCtx"
| .invalidConstantIndex idx size =>
s!"Invalid index {idx} for dereferring a constant. Must be < {size}."
| .unknownConstant n => s!"Unknown constant '{n}'"
| .unfilledLevelMetavariable l => s!"Unfilled level metavariable on universe '{l}'"
Expand Down
119 changes: 59 additions & 60 deletions Yatima/Compiler/CompileM.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,30 +10,18 @@ open Std (RBMap)
The state for the `Yatima.Compiler.CompileM` monad.
IMPORTANT: `consts` is unreliable when compiling multiple files!
* `store` contains the resulting set of objects in the IPLD format
* `consts` is the "pure" array of constants, without CIDs
* `cache` is just for optimization purposes
structure CompileState where
store : Ipld.Store
cache : RBMap Name (ConstCid × ConstIdx) compare
consts : Array Const
cache : RBMap Name (ConstCid × ConstIdx) compare
deriving Inhabited

namespace CompileState

def union (s s' : CompileState) : Except String CompileState := do
let mut cache := s.cache
for (n, c') in s'.cache do
match s.cache.find? n with
| some c₁ =>
if c₁.1 != c'.1 then return throw s!"Conflicting declarations for '{n}'"
| none => cache := cache.insert n c'
return .ok ⟨ s'.store,

def summary (s : CompileState) : String :=
/-- Creates a summary off of a `Yatima.Compiler.CompileState` as a `String` -/
def CompileState.summary (s : CompileState) : String :=
let consts := ", ".intercalate $
fun c => s!"{} : {c.ctorName}"
"Compilation summary:\n" ++
Expand All @@ -48,77 +36,86 @@ def summary (s : CompileState) : String :=
s!" const_meta size: {}\n" ++
s!" cache size: {s.cache.size}"

end CompileState
The type of entries for the `recrCtx`. It contains:
1. The index of the constant in the mutual block
2. The index in the list of weakly equal mutual definitions (N/A inductives)
3. The constant index in array of constants
abbrev RecrCtxEntry := (Nat × Option Nat × ConstIdx)

abbrev RecrCtxEntry := (Nat × Option Nat × Nat)
The read-only environment for the `Yatima.Compiler.CompileM` monad.
* `constMap` is the original set of constants provided by Lean
* `univCtx` is the current list of universes
* `bindCtx` is the current list of binders
* `recrCtx` is keeps the information for names that represent recursive calls
* `log` tells whether the user wants to log the compilation
structure CompileEnv where
constMap : Lean.ConstMap
univCtx : List Lean.Name
univCtx : List Name
bindCtx : List Name
-- (mutual index in recrCtx, weakly equal index (N/A inductives), constant index in array of constants)
recrCtx : Std.RBMap Lean.Name RecrCtxEntry compare
log : Bool
deriving Inhabited

/-- Instantiates a `Yatima.Compiler.CompileEnv` from a map of constants -/
def CompileEnv.init (map : Lean.ConstMap) (log : Bool) : CompileEnv :=
⟨map, [], [], .empty, log⟩

The monad in which compilation takes place is a stack of `ReaderT`, `ExceptT`
and `StateT` on top of IO
abbrev CompileM := ReaderT CompileEnv $
ExceptT CompileError $ StateT CompileState IO

/-- Basic runner function for `Yatima.Compiler.CompileEnv` -/
def (env : CompileEnv) (ste : CompileState) (m : CompileM α) :
IO $ Except CompileError CompileState := do
match ← ( m env) ste with
| (.ok _, ste) => return .ok ste
| (.error e, _) => return .error e

def withName (name : Name) : CompileM α → CompileM α :=
/-- Computes with a new binder in the monad environment -/
def withBinder (name : Name) : CompileM α → CompileM α :=
withReader $ fun e =>
⟨e.constMap, e.univCtx, name :: e.bindCtx, e.recrCtx, e.log⟩

def withResetCompileEnv (levels : List Lean.Name) :
/-- Computes with a given list of levels and reset binders and `recrCtx` -/
def withLevelsAndReset (levels : List Name) :
CompileM α → CompileM α :=
withReader $ fun e => ⟨e.constMap, levels, [], .empty, e.log⟩

def withRecrs (recrCtx : RBMap Lean.Name RecrCtxEntry compare) :
/-- Computes with a given `recrCtx` -/
def withRecrs (recrCtx : RBMap Name RecrCtxEntry compare) :
CompileM α → CompileM α :=
withReader $ fun e => ⟨e.constMap, e.univCtx, e.bindCtx, recrCtx, e.log⟩

def withLevels (lvls : List Lean.Name) : CompileM α → CompileM α :=
/-- Computes with a given list of levels-/
def withLevels (lvls : List Name) : CompileM α → CompileM α :=
withReader $ fun e => ⟨e.constMap, lvls, e.bindCtx, e.recrCtx, e.log⟩

inductive StoreKey : TypeType
| univ : Ipld.Both Ipld.UnivCid → StoreKey (Ipld.Both Ipld.Univ)
| expr : Ipld.Both Ipld.ExprCid → StoreKey (Ipld.Both Ipld.Expr)
| const : Ipld.Both Ipld.ConstCid → StoreKey (Ipld.Both Ipld.Const)

def StoreKey.find? (key : StoreKey A) : CompileM (Option A) := do
let store := (← get).store
match key with
| .univ univCid =>
match store.univ_anon.find? univCid.anon, store.univ_meta.find? univCid.meta with
| some univAnon, some univMeta => pure $ some ⟨ univAnon, univMeta ⟩
| _, _ => pure none
| .expr exprCid =>
match store.expr_anon.find? exprCid.anon, store.expr_meta.find? exprCid.meta with
| some exprAnon, some exprMeta => pure $ some ⟨ exprAnon, exprMeta ⟩
| _, _ => pure none
| .const constCid =>
match store.const_anon.find? constCid.anon, store.const_meta.find? constCid.meta with
| some constAnon, some constMeta => pure $ some ⟨ constAnon, constMeta ⟩
| _, _ => pure none

def StoreKey.find! (key : StoreKey A) : CompileM A := do
let some value ← StoreKey.find? key | throw $ .custom "Cannot find key in store"
return value

inductive StoreValue : TypeType
| univ : Ipld.Both Ipld.Univ → StoreValue (Ipld.Both Ipld.UnivCid)
| expr : Ipld.Both Ipld.Expr → StoreValue (Ipld.Both Ipld.ExprCid)
| const : Ipld.Both Ipld.Const → StoreValue (Ipld.Both Ipld.ConstCid)

def StoreValue.insert : StoreValue A → CompileM A
/-- Possibly gets a `Yatima.Compiler.RecrCtxEntry` from the `recrCtx` by name -/
def getFromRecrCtx (name : Name) : CompileM $ Option RecrCtxEntry :=
return (← read).recrCtx.find? name

/-- Forcibly gets a `Yatima.Compiler.RecrCtxEntry` from the `recrCtx` by name -/
def getFromRecrCtx! (name : Name) : CompileM $ RecrCtxEntry := do
match ← getFromRecrCtx name with
| some entry => pure entry
| none => throw $ .notFoundInRecrCtx name

/-- Auxiliary type to standardize additions of CIDs to the store -/
inductive StoreEntry : TypeType
| univ : Ipld.Both Ipld.Univ → StoreEntry (Ipld.Both Ipld.UnivCid)
| expr : Ipld.Both Ipld.Expr → StoreEntry (Ipld.Both Ipld.ExprCid)
| const : Ipld.Both Ipld.Const → StoreEntry (Ipld.Both Ipld.ConstCid)

/-- Adds CID data to the store, but also returns it for practical reasons -/
def addToStore : StoreEntry A → CompileM A
| .univ obj =>
let cid := ⟨ ToIpld.univToCid obj.anon, ToIpld.univToCid obj.meta ⟩
modifyGet (fun stt => (cid, { stt with store :=
Expand All @@ -132,7 +129,7 @@ def StoreValue.insert : StoreValue A → CompileM A
| .const obj =>
let cid := ⟨ ToIpld.constToCid obj.anon, ToIpld.constToCid obj.meta ⟩
match obj.anon, obj.meta with
-- Mutual definition/inductive blocks do not get added to the set of definitions
-- Mutual definition/inductive blocks do not get added to the set of constants
| .mutDefBlock .., .mutDefBlock ..
| .mutIndBlock .., .mutIndBlock .. =>
modifyGet fun stt => (cid, { stt with store :=
Expand All @@ -144,14 +141,16 @@ def StoreValue.insert : StoreValue A → CompileM A
const_meta := cid.meta obj.meta,
consts := cid } })

/-- Adds data associated with a name to the cache -/
def addToCache (name : Name) (c : ConstCid × ConstIdx) : CompileM Unit := do
modify fun stt => { stt with cache := stt.cache.insert name c }

def addToConsts (idx : Nat) (c : Const): CompileM Unit := do
/-- Adds a constant to the array of constants at a given index -/
def addToConsts (idx : ConstIdx) (c : Const) : CompileM Unit := do
let consts := (← get).consts
if h : idx < consts.size then
modify fun stt => { stt with consts := consts.set ⟨idx, h⟩ c }
throw $ .invalidDereferringIndex idx consts.size
throw $ .invalidConstantIndex idx consts.size

end Yatima.Compiler

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