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My open letter #15345

ghost opened this issue Mar 4, 2018 · 48 comments

My open letter #15345

ghost opened this issue Mar 4, 2018 · 48 comments


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ghost commented Mar 4, 2018

As I have no possibility to change anything on the website, I will post link to my open letter here. My open letter to the community of PhantomJS.
As I said on Skype yesterday @ariya - I have edited it.

Many thanks,

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ghost commented Mar 4, 2018

@NickolasBoyer: what are you confused with?

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ariya commented Mar 4, 2018

After a while, it is clear that @pixiuPL (=he) and I could not work together.

My side on the story:

  • He was never hampered to perform the usual tasks: committing code changes, triaging issues, reviewing and merging pull requests, and even making releases. Various access which he demanded was not a show-stopper, consequently I did not attend to that right away. I planned to address that at some point, just not right away (due to other life commitments).
  • Such unfulfilled demands were then blown up out of proportion, culminating in the open letter linked from the main landing page of From my perspective, this is passive aggressiveness. It indicated lack of trust and the ability to navigate and resolve conflicts, and it demonstrated a poor social skill, all of which are important (beyond just the technical prowess) in running a community project.

This is not my first rodeo in the open-source community nor my first time dealing with a team dysfunction.
As much as I tried to be as reasonable as possible, I do not believe that the situation sets a good precedent for any future healthy collaboration. Past great collaborators of this project, including @vitallium who made an enormous, significant progress to PhantomJS for years and years, always put forth the great emphasis on helping each other, vs insisting on the claim of vanity, symbolic rights (repository transfer, forum admin, etc).

In all cases, considering our differences in the way we imagine the project must be handled, the case is solved amicably: I will archive this repository (#15344), he will continue working on a fork. I thank him for his contribution and wish him all the best.

Thank you for your understanding!

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ghost commented Mar 4, 2018


As of my inability to lead:: please look at PR's. When I stepped in there was circa 50 of them; now there is none. What that suggests? That I have an ability to solve puzzles (oh yes, some of them were quite tricky)..... and I was serious about my contributions (I helped many users here as much as I could). But I have been blocked by lack of permissions you gave me (collaborator role is very limited in fact). I have also mentioned that in Skype msgs as well as mails

I didn't commit code changes? Seriously? Just look at commits list to find out how much I commited. What this has to do with hampering?

As of admin rights on forum.... I asked you for them, because I saw many spam posts across forums and I was not able to clean them as standard user. Thats it - nothing more...

You say you did not attend right away as you were busy with real-life.... OK I understand two, three days of latency, or even everything up-to-week isacceptable for me..... you say you wanted to give yourself time - OK, but you should have replied this, Instead there was no reply from you. And thats why I sent another Skype msg/mail.... I thought you miscathed it or sth alike......

And also he accused me of publicizing thing with regards to his family

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@pixiuPL I'm not really a fan of using the Github issue system as social media or any other form of unnecessary discourse but I'll bite. I don't know anything about this situation but why is this necessary? This open letter seems almost solely aimed at portraying Ariya as a incompetent lazy lozer while facilitating your own ego trip, "it just needs good, devoted leader." what even is this, we're not building a sandcastle in 4th grade. Again don't know much about this situation but a bit more professionalism and tact would be nice.

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ghost commented Mar 4, 2018

@NickolasBoyer Im tactful, but (with all respect I have for Ariya) I think he is misunderstanding sth greatly here. As he said above:: we have two different conceptions of how we would go with PJS, thats it.....

And he started to defame me, its not professional nor tactful

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alanhoff commented Mar 4, 2018


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thedward commented Mar 4, 2018


I think you misunderstood what he wrote.

The word 'hamper' means restrict, so "never hampered" means "never restricted". He was saying that you were always able to "perform the usual tasks: committing code changes, triaging issues, reviewing and merging pull requests, and even making releases". He was not saying you failed to do those things.

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rizqme commented Mar 4, 2018

@pixiuPL you joined github december 2017. Haven't done much in the open source world either. No one can find your profile in the internet. You have no right to make such accusation, have respect towards original creator. And please earn your respect first before making a rant like this.

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jmenglis commented Mar 4, 2018

Not to add additional banter here but I find it funny that you (@pixiuPL) added this commit. Yet you would open an issue with this kind of language.

I would consider the way you communicate to the OSS community as it goes a long way.

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This kind of things should be done in private @pixiuPL . Can't just bash people for being unresponsive, they have their own life too. If you can't continue maintaining the project, just apologize to the community and provides some positive feedback, no need to bash @ariya for not giving you power. I hope we all learn something from this issue.

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ahinkle commented Mar 4, 2018

@pixiuPL Oh, get off your high horse.. you just joined, clearly you are toxic to the community, and now you are demanding things? Looking at your "Open Letter" you close with a statement:

Stay tuned for more....

Like you're begging for attention and you also give personal details about Ariya's family member? .. give it a break. These type of actions should not be welcome in any type of open source community.

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Flowkap commented Mar 4, 2018

This letter is a shame. Sorry but such tone is unacceptable in general between human beings. @ahinkle post shows it's not the first time.. I understand why you're not getting the ownership. A pity for the project though.

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@ariya Are you abandoning this project just because of @pixiuPL or is there any personal reason as well? Asking this cause if it is because of him, then you should just ignore/ditch him and continue your good work with the project.

Not all people in the open source community might be like him and you may find someone better if you stick to the project or reach out by may be posting in repos like this:

All the best.

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rumblefrog commented Mar 4, 2018

I really did care about PhantomJS

What you care about is your recognition, your fame, and your stats.

Delete/Readd Entire Repo (Boosted you to # 4 contributor):

Deleting/Adding PR's (Stat Boost):

"PR Fixes" (Literally Stealing)[&Broken Commits]:

Commits "Refactoring" (Some of these made it even harder to read):

Straight Up Broken Commits:

There is so much bullshit that I got tired of looking for them, do you even look at the shit you are committing?

I’m resigning from position of collaborator

Please fucking do

just received message from Ariya on Skype asking me to respect his privacy. I allegedly not respected his privacy by giving out vague information about reason of his absence (REDACTED).

Are you kidding me, there's no reason in the world should you bring up his own personal issues.

Stay tuned for more to come….

Now you are just seeking for attention.

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at The project team will review and investigate all complaints

Really? The project team, then putting your own personal email? You act like you are doing all the work when you are actually stealing.


Lines 5 to 11 in bbbd0c0

"contributors": [
"name": "pixiuPL",
"email": "",
"web": ""

Please remove yourself, you did nothing

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MichaelErmer commented Mar 4, 2018

Wow, thats wrong on so many levels, I feel bad for @ariya having to deal with all of this.


Most PR's are Markdown only...

Also PR's to another projects CHANGELOG do not put PJS in a great light: SeleniumHQ/selenium#5468

composer/composer#7016 ...

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@pixiuPL wez sie ogarnij. Przynosisz wstyd narodowi swoim spierdoleniem umyslowym. Twoje commity sa bezuzyteczne insprowadzaja sie do dodawania spacji/ spierdalania kodu pseudofaktoringiem. Usun konto gita i przestan sie osmieszac.

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Along what @interatir said - @pixiuPL I wish that PL in your username wasn't an indication of my home country, cose you're a disgrace, politely put.

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zopieux commented Mar 4, 2018

@ariya, as @tvvignesh put it, please do not archive this project just because of a random contributor's mental meltdown. Given its popularity, I am sure it is possible for phantomjs to find a new team of core contributors if you can't take it anymore.

Props to you for staying exceptionally professional despite the situation. You have the support of the OSS community! 👌

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seirl commented Mar 4, 2018

Hi everyone,

Instead of starting a flamewar against @pixiuPL , it would be a lot more productive to just report him for breaching the terms of service of GitHub, most notably:

harass, abuse, threaten, or incite violence towards any individual or group, including GitHub employees, officers, and agents, or other GitHub Users;

violate the privacy of any third party, such as by posting another person's personal information without consent.

Instead of taunting him, we should just collectively make sure he can never harass open source contributors from now on.

EDIT: forgot this one (impersonation of the project owner described in @RumbleFrog 's comment ) :

impersonate any person or entity, [...] by fraudulently misrepresenting your identity [...]

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This is the saddest thing I have ever seen in my whole life , damn you @pixiuPL

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Just reported this @pixiuPL guy. I hope that github will ban him.

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@ariya please don't close this project i'm not good open source contributors but please don't close phantomJS just because this. please

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Well, Pixel seems like he thinks a couple of months of removing carriage returns makes him lead developer.
This should have been resolved with a swift removal of rights, let him vent all over reddit, he'll just be roundly mocked.
Part and parcel of internet comms in OSS though. Attract all sorts.

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screen shot 2018-03-05 at 10 55 49

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come at the king you best not miss

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johnsnook commented Mar 5, 2018

Well, we've reached the point in the drama where people are talking like Omar from "The Wire," so thanks everyone.

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Well, there vanishes my hope of seeing PhantomJS coming back to life with full steam ahead. A sincere thanks to all that are involved in the project, and hopefully we'll see positive development soon.

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jomo commented Mar 5, 2018

@pixiuPL you joined github december 2017. Haven't done much in the open source world either. No one can find your profile in the internet. You have no right to make such accusation, have respect towards original creator. And please earn your respect first before making a rant like this.


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3stadt commented Mar 6, 2018

@jomo I would disagree, this seems to be a forgotten commit from 2015 that was merged this january.
The commit 66102e5 you are referencing is a merge commit, made by pixi, with the changes from nwolfe.

Apart from that, I would suggest to not try doxxing pixiuPL, event though it is just digging for other online identities.
It's none of our business and it doesn't help in this situation. Just imaginge you are wrong and nwolfe-xx has nothing to do with this, it still will show up in his history and may look shady to people looking him up.

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Report this guy, useless commit!

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jomo commented Mar 6, 2018

@3stadt you're right, I was a little confused by how GitHub displays these things.

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@jomo: sorry for being so quiet on this, had no idea that my PR from 2015 was involved in this flame war. It looks to me like pixiuPL merged it since I never responded to the requests for changes (various excuses for that...) . I used that original code change at my last job, it did exactly what we needed it to do, but if it's not needed by the community, I'm fine with that.

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phanan commented Mar 6, 2018

How did this guy become a collaborator in the first place? Almost all of his commits are either simplest changes (removing random empty lines WTF?) or bad merges, and then fixes for his bad merges. Just… wow. I'd say @ariya asked for this by granting this moron the write access to such an important repository.

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I think "such an important repository" might be overstating the case a little, given the rapid decline in popularity of PhantomJS thanks to chrome-headless, jest, enzyme and recent evolutions in frontend testing.

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phanan commented Mar 6, 2018

AFAIK, PhantomJS is the one to start and inspire the rest, which sounds pretty important to me, but this is off-topic anyway.

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Selenium might have that distinction

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Hello any plans phantomjs support async/await. Please.

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MichaelErmer commented Mar 6, 2018

@revmischa you are right, most new stuff is/should be developed using headless chrome and the like, however A LOT of old projects like screenshot tools, ssl checks etc. are still implemented using phantomjs, so its still an important repository.

5.339 downloads in the last day
26.717 downloads in the last week
146.731 downloads in the last month

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kensoh commented Mar 6, 2018

Second what you said @MichaelErmer - this is the other PJS package by Medium

106,885 downloads in the last day
595,314 downloads in the last week
2,470,571 downloads in the last month

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jomo commented Mar 6, 2018

@nwolfe-xx all good! Please ignore my original comment, I was mistaken and have already deleted it.

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ariya commented Mar 6, 2018

@kid-icarus Try to follow #15342 instead. While at it, please also read #14541.

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ariya commented Mar 6, 2018

I'd say @ariya asked for this by granting this moron the write access to such an important repository.

@phanan It doesn't mean that I didn't learn my lesson, but remember: hindsight is 20/20.

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@ariya I think you should to reset the master branch to an earlier release as it and its commit history seems to be entirely broken, just look at stuff like this:

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ariya commented Mar 6, 2018

@MichaelErmer Already planned, please follow #15344.

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dabrowt1 commented Mar 7, 2018

Delete/Readd Entire Repo (Boosted you to # 4 contributor):

Call me paranoid, but this is a perfect way to introduce a malicious change to the codebase and disguise it as ignorance. Was any new release made with this changes?

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ariya commented Mar 7, 2018

@dabrowt1 Check #15344 (releases are removed, master branch will be reverted).

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@ariya Close this thread dude. Or wait, never mind. I will grab a popcorn.

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ariya commented Mar 8, 2018

The resolution has been reached. I'm closing this issue for now. Thanks everyone for your help!

@ariya ariya closed this as completed Mar 8, 2018
Repository owner locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Dec 31, 2019
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