My modified version that fixes the issues of the original repo to run it now with python3.10 at 2023
3D U2-Net: A 3D Universal U-Net for Multi-Domain Medical Image Segmentation by Chao Huang, Qingsong Yao, Hu Han, Shankuan Zhu, Shaohua Zhou. This is a code repo of the paper early accepted by MICCAI2019.
Abstract. Fully convolutional neural networks like U-Net have been the state-of-art methods in medical image segmentation. Practically, a network is highly specialized and trained separately for each segmentation task. Instead of a collection of multiple models, it is highly desirable to learn a universal data representation for different tasks, ideally a single model with the addition of a minimal number of parameters to steer to each task. Inspired by the recent success of multi-domain learning in image classification, for the first time we explore a promising universal architecture that can handle multiple medical segmentation tasks, regardless of different organs and imaging modalities. Our 3D Universal U-Net (3D U2-Net) is built upon separable convolution, assuming that images from different domains have domain-specific spatial correlations which can be probed with channel-wise convolution while also sharing cross-channel correlations which can be modeled with pointwise convolution. We evaluate the 3D U2-Net on five organ segmentation datasets. Experimental results show that this universal network is capable of competing with traditional models in terms of segmentation accuracy while requiring only 1% of the parameters. Additionally, we observe that the architecture can be easily and effectively adapted to a new domain without sacrificing performance in the domains used to learn the shared parameterization of the universal network.
Brief instructions to apply the code:
My implementation uses
Clone the repository by:
!git clone
Create a virtual env with
(if you're running from local machine)!python -m venv venv
first, install all the necessary requirements
!pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the datasets from Medical Segmentation Decathlon
Please put the downloaded files in the
directory!tar -xf /content/drive/MyDrive/MSD/Task02_Heart.tar -C /content/3D-Universal-U-Net-for-Multi-Domain-Medical-Image-Segmentation/dataset
scripts in
are utilized as
is to explore the characteristics of the images, e.g. pixel spacings.
is used to do offline preprocessing (e.g. cropping, resampling) of the data samples to save time for training.
usage: [-h] [--nProc NPROC] [--tasks TASKS [TASKS ...]]
!python --tasks Task02_Heart Task04_Hippocampus
is the main file to train the independent models as well as the shared model.
usage: [-h] [--tasks TASKS [TASKS ...]] [--trainMode TRAINMODE] [--module MODULE] [--ckp CKP] [--resume_ckp RESUME_CKP] [--resume_epoch RESUME_EPOCH] [--fold FOLD] [--model MODEL] [--out_tag OUT_TAG] [--base_outChans BASE_OUTCHANS] [--predict]
!python --module series_adapter --tasks Task02_Heart Task04_Hippocampus
is the main file to train the proposed universal model with separable convolution.
usage: [-h] [--tasks TASKS [TASKS ...]] [--trainMode TRAINMODE] [--module MODULE] [--ckp CKP] [--resume_ckp RESUME_CKP] [--resume_epoch RESUME_EPOCH] [--fold FOLD] [--model MODEL] [--out_tag OUT_TAG] [--base_outChans BASE_OUTCHANS] [--predict PREDICT] [--pred_epoch PRED_EPOCH]
!python --module parallel_adapter --tasks Task02_Heart Task04_Hippocampus
Terminal commands to train all models are presented in
To accelerate training, the authors built a fast tool to do online image augmentation with CUDA on GPU(especially for elastic deformation). cuda_spatial_defrom.
If you use this code, please cite their paper as:
Huang C., Han H., Yao Q., Zhu S., Zhou S.K. (2019) 3D U 2-Net: A 3D Universal U-Net for Multi-domain Medical Image Segmentation. In: Shen D. et al. (eds) Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2019. MICCAI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11765. Springer, Cham
The authors give a lot of thanks to the open-access data science community for the public data science knowledge. Special thanks are given to @Guotai Wang and @Rebuffi as some of the code is borrowed from their repos: and