A node module to aid in dependency managment for Web Appbuilder projects, by identifying whether a dependency is a WAB widget and should be placed in the /widgets
directory, or another dependency (i.e., third-party library, dojo dijit) which should go in /libs
Currently implemented as a set of file checks; by default, any directory which contains both Widget.js
and manifest.json
will be considered a WAB widget. The caller can also pass in a custom list of files to test against.
This module is meant to be used together with grunt-bower-task; An example gruntfile might look like:
var wabid = require('./node_modules/wabid');
module.exports = function (grunt) {
bower: {
install: {
options: {
targetDir: './',
cleanBowerDir: false,
layout: function (type, component, source) {
var path = '', subDirectory = '';
if (wabid.isWidget('bower_components/' + component)) {
subDirectory = ' is a widget';
path = 'widgets/' + component;
} else {
subDirectory = ' is a lib';
path = 'libs/' + component;
console.log(component + subDirectory);
return path;
grunt.registerTask('bower-deps', ['bower:install']);