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iter2 Corrections

Hadas135 edited this page Jun 22, 2017 · 14 revisions

Iteration 2

Table of Contents

Iteration Goals

Team Roles

Task Management

👉 links to issues and boards

👉 Total Estimation

👉 Screen shots


Meeting Summary


👉 What worked good and what worked less good this iteration

👉 Project progress

👉 The screens in the end of this iteration

👉 The exciting risks and the ways of dealing with them

Implementation of topics taught in the course

Process, Methods & Tools

Next iter3+4 Functionality & Main admin & Tests Planning

Iteration Goals

In the next iteration, we fixing & adding the screens:

  • Submitted projects
  • Voting to projects
  • My projects
  • Master DB
  • Submit project

Team Roles

Our team is dynamic and issues are assigned on "as needed"-basis.

Task Management

links to issues and boards.

Total Estimation

Three weeks.

Screen shots

Project Management Board - Iter2 - start:

Project Management Board - Iter2 - fin:




User Manual

Developers Manual

Meeting Summary

The client approved our recent screens.


Iter2 - Project Management Board

As we described here, we changed our design it in accordance to the changing requests of the client.

We re-designed most of the screens, meaning we accomplish the point and fixed the screens:

  • Submitted projects
  • Voting to projects
  • My projects
  • Master DB
  • Submit project

Likewise we added functionality- when you click the project on the board or voting page, the relevant information has been open only for the specific project whom we clicked.

What worked good and what worked less good this iteration:

This time around we learned from past mistakes and we worked together, syncing over our tasks. We realized that working like that is better and effective and we truly happier from the result of this iteration.

Our team still works phenomenal. We are all work together as one in the develop. We have a whattsapp group and we get together, face to face.

What worked less good this time was founding the time to fit us all and so as for the client. In addition, when we thought we found the day that fitted us all, the meeting didn’t happened after all. We solve the problem by connecting the client and showing him what we wanted via mail.

Project progress:

To stick on schedule and tasks, we will need to continue and speed up and accomplishing as much as tasks as possible, even though we accomplished most of the valuate points we had planned.

Now, we going to work on the functionality, on the connecting to database and the other things who remained to accomplish the app

The screens in the end of this iteration:


Voting in progress:

My projects:

Submitted projects:

Master DB:

Submit project:

The exciting risks and the ways of dealing with them:

The odds are still identical to what we wrote here.

Unfortunately, at this iteration we dealing mostly with the next risk-

#3. The customer change requirements.

Our client Indeed changed the requests. We will try to deal with that risk by fixing all we were requested in short time period so we could still achive all our goals in time- we already met and decide on the continuation of thw work according to the current situation.

Implementation of topics taught in the course:

In addition to what we described in this section at the previous iteration who also relevant in this one, during the course we learned about the risks that happened to us exactly as we learned them.

We were aware of the fact that the risk might happen, therefore we consider the fact that unexpected things would delay the work.

Process, Methods & Tools

We learned how to use farebase and storage our data, how to add a project and edit his data or delete it.

In the next iteration we will Add the Functionality of:

  • US10. Get project time alert
  • US11. Deleting a project after two weeks
  • US14. Adding to the administrator option to change the cost of the project
  • US15. Adding to the administrator option to change the date of the project
  • US16. Adding to the administrator option to delete a project
  • US13. Viewing projects I own

We should try as well to improve the functionality whom already partly work:

  • US2. Viewing other people suggestions
  • US3. Viewing stuff suggestions
  • US4. Viewing past projects in "TenPartners"

We will also do Testing to the software (we will use gitHub and travis for that).