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removePrimers bug fixes and version bump to 1.12.1
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benjjneb committed May 10, 2019
1 parent b298181 commit f4423b9
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Showing 4 changed files with 103 additions and 86 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Description: The dada2 package infers exact amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) fr
removing substitution and chimera errors. Taxonomic classification is available
via a native implementation of the RDP naive Bayesian classifier, and species-level
assignment to 16S rRNA gene fragments by exact matching.
Version: 1.12.0
Version: 1.12.1
Date: 2019-04-22
Maintainer: Benjamin Callahan <>
Author: Benjamin Callahan <>, Paul McMurdie, Susan Holmes
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions R/dada.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ assign("PSEUDO_ABUNDANCE", Inf, envir=dada_opts)
#' If dada is run in selfConsist=TRUE mode, the algorithm will infer both the sample composition and
#' the parameters of its error model from the data.
#' @param derep (Required). A \code{\link{derep-class}} object, the output of \code{\link{derepFastq}}.
#' A list of such objects can be provided, in which case each will be denoised with a shared error model.
#' @param derep (Required). The file path(s) to the fastq or fastq.gz file(s), or any file format supported
#' by \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}}, corresponding to the samples to be denoised.
#' A \code{\link{derep-class}} object (or list thereof) returned by \code{link{derepFastq}} can also be provided
#' If multiple samples are provided, each will be denoised with a shared error model.
#' @param err (Required). 16xN numeric matrix, or an object coercible by \code{\link{getErrors}}
#' such as the output of the \code{\link{learnErrors}} function.
Expand Down
175 changes: 94 additions & 81 deletions R/filter.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,101 +97,114 @@ removePrimers <- function(fn, fout,
if(any(fout %in% fn)) stop("Output files must be distinct from the input files.")
# Check and enforce primers
if(!is.character(primer.fwd)) stop("Primer sequences must be provided as base R strings.")
if(!is.null(primer.rev)) {
if(is.null(primer.rev)) {
has.rev <- FALSE
} else {
has.rev <- TRUE
if(!is.character(primer.rev)) stop("Primer sequences must be provided as base R strings.")
fixed.fwd <- C_isACGT(primer.fwd)
if(has.rev) fixed.rev <- C_isACGT(primer.rev)
# Read in file
fq <- readFastq(fn)
inseqs <- length(fq)
# Match patterns
match.fwd <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.fwd, sread(fq), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.fwd), "list")
if(has.rev) {
match.rev <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.rev, sread(fq), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.rev), "list")
# If orient, match reverse complement as well
if(orient) {
fq.rc <- reverseComplement(fq)
match.fwd.rc <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.fwd, sread(fq.rc), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.fwd), "list")
rval <- matrix(0L, nrow=length(fn), ncol=2)
colnames(rval) <- c("", "reads.out")
rownames(rval) <- basename(fn)
for(i in seq_along(fn)) {
# Read in file
fq <- readFastq(fn[[i]])
inseqs <- length(fq)
# Match patterns
match.fwd <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.fwd, sread(fq), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.fwd), "list")
if(has.rev) {
match.rev.rc <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.rev, sread(fq.rc), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.rev), "list")
match.rev <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.rev, sread(fq), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.rev), "list")
# Tally up hits
# Check for possible mis-oriented primer sequences?
hits.fwd <- sapply(match.fwd, length)
if(has.rev) hits.rev <- sapply(match.rev, length)
if(!require.fwd) stop("Currently, only require.fwd=TRUE is supported.")
if(has.rev && !require.rev) stop("Currently, only require.rev=TRUE is supported when a reverse primer sequence is provided.")
if(require.fwd && sum(hits.fwd) == 0) stop("No sequences matched the provided forward primer sequence.")
if(has.rev && require.rev && sum(hits.rev) == 0) stop("Reverse primer sequences were provided, but no sequences matched the provided reverse primer sequence.")
if(any(hits.fwd>1) || (has.rev && any(hits.rev>1))) {
if(verbose) message("Multiple matches to the primer(s) in some sequences. Using the longest possible match.")
match.fwd[hits.fwd>1] <- sapply(match.fwd[hits.fwd>1], `[`, 1)
if(has.rev) match.rev[hits.rev>1] <- sapply(match.rev[hits.rev>1], function(x) rev(x)[1])
if(orient) {
hits.fwd.rc <- sapply(match.fwd.rc, length)
if(has.rev) hits.rev.rc <- sapply(match.rev.rc, length)
if(any(hits.fwd.rc>1) || (has.rev && any(hits.rev.rc>1))) {
if(verbose) message("Multiple matches to the primer(s) in some reverse-complement sequences. Using the longest possible match.")
match.fwd.rc[hits.fwd.rc>1] <- sapply(match.fwd.rc[hits.fwd.rc>1], `[`, 1)
match.rev.rc[hits.rev.rc>1] <- sapply(match.rev.rc[hits.rev.rc>1], function(x) rev(x)[1])
# If orient, match reverse complement as well
if(orient) {
fq.rc <- reverseComplement(fq)
match.fwd.rc <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.fwd, sread(fq.rc), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.fwd), "list")
if(has.rev) {
match.rev.rc <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.rev, sread(fq.rc), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.rev), "list")
# If orient, replace non-matches with rc matches where they exist
if(orient) {
flip <- !hits.fwd & hits.fwd.rc
if(any(flip) && verbose) cat(sum(flip), "sequences out of", length(flip), "are being reverse-complemented.\n")
fq[flip] <- fq.rc[flip]
match.fwd[flip] <- match.fwd.rc[flip]
# Tally up hits
# Check for possible mis-oriented primer sequences?
hits.fwd <- sapply(match.fwd, length)
if(has.rev) {
match.rev[flip] <- match.rev.rc[flip]
hits.rev <- sapply(match.rev, length)
if(has.rev) hits.rev <- sapply(match.rev, length)
if(!require.fwd) stop("Currently, only require.fwd=TRUE is supported.")
if(has.rev && !require.rev) stop("Currently, only require.rev=TRUE is supported when a reverse primer sequence is provided.")
if(require.fwd && sum(hits.fwd) == 0) stop("No sequences matched the provided forward primer sequence.")
if(has.rev && require.rev && sum(hits.rev) == 0) stop("Reverse primer sequences were provided, but no sequences matched the provided reverse primer sequence.")
if(any(hits.fwd>1) || (has.rev && any(hits.rev>1))) {
if(verbose) message("Multiple matches to the primer(s) in some sequences. Using the longest possible match.")
match.fwd[hits.fwd>1] <- sapply(match.fwd[hits.fwd>1], `[`, 1)
if(has.rev) match.rev[hits.rev>1] <- sapply(match.rev[hits.rev>1], function(x) rev(x)[1])
# If require, remove sequences w/o forward and reverse hits
keep <- rep(TRUE, length(fq))
if(require.fwd) keep <- keep & (hits.fwd > 0)
if(has.rev && require.rev) keep <- keep & (hits.rev > 0)
if(!all(keep)) {
fq <- fq[keep]
match.fwd <- match.fwd[keep]
if(has.rev) match.rev <- match.rev[keep]
# If trim, narrow to the desired subsequence
if(trim.fwd) {
first <- sapply(match.fwd, end) + 1
} else {
first <- rep(1L, length(fq))
if(has.rev && trim.rev) {
last <- sapply(match.rev, start) - 1
} else {
last <- width(fq)
keep <- last > first
if(!all(keep)) first <- first[keep]; last <- last[keep]; fq <- fq[keep]
fq <- narrow(fq, first, last) # Need to handle zero case gracefully, w/ informative error
# Delete fout if it already exists (since writeFastq doesn't overwrite)
if(file.exists(fout)) {
if(file.remove(fout)) {
if(verbose) message("Overwriting file:", fout)
if(orient) {
hits.fwd.rc <- sapply(match.fwd.rc, length)
if(has.rev) hits.rev.rc <- sapply(match.rev.rc, length)
if(any(hits.fwd.rc>1) || (has.rev && any(hits.rev.rc>1))) {
if(verbose) message("Multiple matches to the primer(s) in some reverse-complement sequences. Using the longest possible match.")
match.fwd.rc[hits.fwd.rc>1] <- sapply(match.fwd.rc[hits.fwd.rc>1], `[`, 1)
if(has.rev) match.rev.rc[hits.rev.rc>1] <- sapply(match.rev.rc[hits.rev.rc>1], function(x) rev(x)[1])
# If orient, replace non-matches with rc matches where they exist
if(orient) {
flip <- !hits.fwd & hits.fwd.rc
if(any(flip) && verbose) cat(sum(flip), "sequences out of", length(flip), "are being reverse-complemented.\n")
fq[flip] <- fq.rc[flip]
match.fwd[flip] <- match.fwd.rc[flip]
hits.fwd <- sapply(match.fwd, length)
if(has.rev) {
match.rev[flip] <- match.rev.rc[flip]
hits.rev <- sapply(match.rev, length)
# If require, remove sequences w/o forward and reverse hits
keep <- rep(TRUE, length(fq))
if(require.fwd) keep <- keep & (hits.fwd > 0)
if(has.rev && require.rev) keep <- keep & (hits.rev > 0)
if(!all(keep)) {
fq <- fq[keep]
match.fwd <- match.fwd[keep]
if(has.rev) match.rev <- match.rev[keep]
# If trim, narrow to the desired subsequence
if(trim.fwd) {
first <- sapply(match.fwd, end) + 1
} else {
stop("Failed to overwrite file:", fout)
first <- rep(1L, length(fq))
if(has.rev && trim.rev) {
last <- sapply(match.rev, start) - 1
} else {
last <- width(fq)
keep <- last > first
if(!all(keep)) first <- first[keep]; last <- last[keep]; fq <- fq[keep]
fq <- narrow(fq, first, last) # Need to handle zero case gracefully, w/ informative error
# Delete fout if it already exists (since writeFastq doesn't overwrite)
if(file.exists(fout[[i]])) {
if(file.remove(fout[[i]])) {
if(verbose) message("Overwriting file:", fout[[i]])
} else {
stop("Failed to overwrite file:", fout[[i]])
writeFastq(fq, fout[[i]], "w", compress=compress)
outseqs <- length(fq)
rval[i,c("", "reads.out")] <- c(inseqs, outseqs)
if(verbose) {
outperc <- round(outseqs * 100 / inseqs, 1)
outperc <- paste(" (", outperc, "%)", sep="")
message("Read in ", inseqs, ", output ", outseqs, outperc, " filtered sequences.", sep="")
writeFastq(fq, fout, "w", compress=compress)
outseqs <- length(fq)
if(verbose) {
outperc <- round(outseqs * 100 / inseqs, 1)
outperc <- paste(" (", outperc, "%)", sep="")
message("Read in ", inseqs, ", output ", outseqs, outperc, " filtered sequences.", sep="")
if(all(rval[,"reads.out"]==0)) {
warning("No reads passed the primer detection.")
} else if(any(rval[,"reads.out"]==0)) {
message("Some input samples had no reads pass the primer detection.")
return(invisible(c(, reads.out=outseqs)))

#' Filter and trim fastq file(s).
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions man/dada.Rd

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