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Dade Lamkins edited this page Oct 15, 2022 · 1 revision

id: maptype title: MapType hide_table_of_contents: true

Applies To Blish HUD TacO
Markers, Trails


Hides the marker or trail if the current map is not one of the specified map types.

Attribute Data Type Example Description
maptype Custom String Array profession="instance,public" The map type(s) the marker or trail should be shown while on.

Supported values


Map types can be difficult to predict and don't always match expectations. It is best to check what the map type ID instead of assuming the map type.


Value Description
unknown An unknown map type. Used as fallback.
redirect Redirect map type, e.g. when logging in while in a PvP match.
charactercreate Character create map type.
pvp PvP map type.
gvg GvG map type. Unused.
instance Instance map type, e.g. dungeons and story content.
public Public map type, e.g. open world.
tournament Tournament map type. Probably unused.
tutorial Tutorial map type.
usertournament User tournament map type. Probably unused.
center Eternal Battlegrounds (WvW) map type.
eternalbattlegrounds Eternal Battlegrounds (WvW) map type.
bluehome Blue Borderlands (WvW) map type.
blueborderlands Blue Borderlands (WvW) map type.
greenhome Green Borderlands (WvW) map type.
greenborderlands Green Borderlands (WvW) map type.
redhome Red Borderlands (WvW) map type.
redborderlands Red Borderlands (WvW) map type.
fortunesvale Fortune's Vale. Unused.
jumppuzzle Obsidian Sanctum (WvW) map type.
obsidiansanctum Obsidian Sanctum (WvW) map type.
edgeofthemists Edge of the Mists (WvW) map type.
publicmini Mini public map type, e.g. Dry Top, the Silverwastes and Mistlock Sanctuary.
wvwlounge WvW lounge map type, e.g. Armistice Bastion.

This attribute supports providing an array of map types (values separated by comma) meaning one or more values can be provided. If the player character is any on any of the provided map types the the marker or trail is shown.

How it works

The mumblelink API provides a value indicating the active map type. This state is updated in realtime.

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