Useful projects and resources for COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus)
COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus) is a current epidemic as of today. Developers around the world are building applications for the public to get up-to-date and accurate information as quickly as possible.
If you are a developer, you may also be able to contribute to some of these projects.
Link | Description |
Coronavirus | World Health Organisation. |
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) | World Health Organisation. |
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public | World Health Organisation. |
Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19) | World Health Organisation. |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
1405 | @BlankerL/DXY-COVID-19-Crawler | 2019新型冠状病毒疫情实时爬虫及API |
857 | @ExpDev07/coronavirus-tracker-api | 🦠 A simple and fast (< 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak. It's written in python using the 🍼 Flask framework. Supports multiple sources! |
828 | @NovelCOVID/API | API for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 or the Novel Coronavirus Strain |
673 | @mathdroid/covid-19-api | COVID-19 global data (from JHU CSSE for now) as-a-service |
97 | @nat236919/Covid2019API | COVID-2019 API |
77 | @amodm/api-covid19-in | COVID Rest API for India data, using Cloudflare Workers |
44 | @rlindskog/covid19-graphql | COVID-19 GraphQL API |
31 | @sorxrob/2019-ncov-api | Map, data and timeline of coronavirus (COVID-19) |
30 | @COVID19Tracking/covid-tracking-api | COVID-19 Rest & GraphQL API for US data, using Cloudflare Workers |
28 | @isjeffcom/coronvirusFigureUK | A data crawler for geting COVID-19 figure from NHS official website |
20 | @andreagrandi/covid-api | COVID19 Api based on Johns Hopkins CSSE data |
16 | @ChrisMichaelPerezSantiago/covid19 | This API provides updated real-time data on coronavirus cases from the worldometers page, provided by the most reputable organizations and statistical offices in the world. |
12 | @bizz84/coronavirus_rest_api_flutter_course | Coronavirus REST API Flutter Course |
9 | @ExpDev07/coronavirus-tracker | 🦠 A live tracker and visualization of the coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Consists purely of a frontend written in EmberJS. |
4 | @lkd70/coronapi | A Coronavirus (COVID-19) tracking API (Bing data) |
3 | @marlon360/rki-covid-api | An API for the spread of covid in Germany |
2 | @AlaeddineMessadi/COVID-19-REPORT-API | ⚕️🚑 COVID-19 API Service to keep tracking cases worldwide 🌍 |
1 | @episphere/corona | Exploring realtime interoperability with COVID-19 data |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
15541 | @CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE |
2680 | @pcm-dpc/COVID-19 | COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione |
1257 | @BlankerL/DXY-COVID-19-Data | 2019新型冠状病毒疫情时间序列数据仓库 |
875 | @nextstrain/ncov | Nextstrain build for novel coronavirus (nCoV) |
593 | @globalcitizen/2019-wuhan-coronavirus-data | 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus data (COVID-19 / 2019-nCoV) |
334 | @pomber/covid19 | JSON time-series of coronavirus cases (confirmed, deaths and recovered) per country - updated daily |
317 | @GuangchuangYu/nCov2019 | query stats of infected coronavirus cases |
185 | @RamiKrispin/coronavirus | The coronavirus dataset |
155 | @opencovid19-fr/data | Consolidation des données de sources officielles concernant l'épidémie de COVID19 |
98 | @OssamaRafique/Corona-Statistics-And-Tracker-Dashboard-Angular-9 | Corona Virus / Covid 19 Tracker Dashboard With Awesome UI + PWA + NodeJS Scraper |
76 | @jianxu305/nCov2019_analysis | Analysis of 2019-nCov coronavirus data |
47 | @tmacdou4/2019-nCov | Efforts towards proposing a potentially highly active molecule against a target protein of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus |
41 | @covid19india/covid19india | Inactive project. Please use from now |
40 | @alext234/coronavirus-stats | Automatically scrape data and statistics on Coronavirus to make them easily accessible in CSV format |
31 | @RamiKrispin/coronavirus-csv | CSV format for the coronavirus R package dataset |
26 | @arnoudbuzing/wolfram-coronavirus | Wolfram Language code and notebooks related to the coronavirus outbreak |
25 | @artic-network/artic-ncov2019 | ARTIC nanopore protocol for nCoV2019 novel coronavirus |
24 | @virtadpt/exocortex-agents | A collection of sample Huginn agents I use to demonstrate how they're put together, and a little of what they can do. |
20 | @docligot/coronatracker-analytics | Analysis and reports based on novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) data. |
15 | @lazargugleta/coronavirusStats | Track data for Coronavirus for your country. |
8 | @joaotinti75/Coronavirus | this code uses a daily database to display data in the form of a graph and map using the libraries matplotlib and folium |
6 | @kalisio/covid-19 | Données cartographiques concernant l'épidémie de COVID-19 en France |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
720 | @neherlab/covid19_scenarios | Models of COVID-19 outbreak trajectories and hospital demand |
470 | @midas-network/COVID-19 | 2019 novel coronavirus repository |
126 | @pennsignals/chime | COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics |
32 | @HopkinsIDD/ncov_incubation | Estimating the incubation time of the novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) based on traveler data using coarse data tools |
15 | @coronafighter/coronaSEIR | Simple SEIR model Python script for the COVID-19 pandemic with real world data comparison. |
3 | @daveselinger/covid-19-hackathon | COVID state-by-state analysis. Please look at by_state_covid_analysis.ipynb. It can be opened directly into Google Colab. See the readme below for accompanying video and summary result presentations. |
1 | @Mythobeast/epidemicmodels | SIR, SEIR, and beyond |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
273 | @mattroconnor/deep_learning_coronavirus_cure | Using deep learning to generate novel molecules as candidates for binding with coronavirus protease |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
149 | @ncovis/choropleth | Choropleth Map of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak. |
142 | @stevenliuyi/covid19 | an interactive, animated COVID-19 coronavirus map to track the outbreak over time by country and by region for selected countries (including China, Italy, Korea, Japan, France, Germany, United States) |
93 | @jakobzhao/virus | Noval Coronavirus Infection Map |
65 | @opencovid19-fr/dashboard | Tableau de bord de suivi de l'épidémie de nouveau coronavirus |
63 | @konradkalemba/ | 🗺 Coronavirus interactive map of Poland |
43 | @antonlukin/2019-nCoV | Wuhan coronavirus outbreak |
13 | @par6n/ncov-19 | A simple page featuring an interactive map presenting nCoV-19 spread in Iran |
1 | @ankitchouhan1020/corona | Map of confirmed coronavirus cases in India |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
679 | @MhdHejazi/CoronaTracker | Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts |
438 | @phildini/stayinghomeclub | A list of all the companies WFH or events changed because of covid-19 |
231 | @JohnCoene/coronavirus | 🦠 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracker |
220 | @julianschiavo/Covidcheck | Open source iOS app to track COVID-19 cases in a beautiful, easy-to-use interface |
170 | @alfianlosari/CoronaVirusTrackerSwiftUI | Corona Virus Tracker & Advices iOS App with SwiftUI |
109 | @heremaps/here-covid-19-tracker | Using HERE Technologies APIs, fork and build your own COVID-19 Tracker. For a live version, see the website. |
94 | @sorxrob/2019-ncov-frontend | 🌏Map, data and timeline of coronavirus (COVID-19) |
67 | @dsfsi/covid19za | COVID 19 Data and Dashboard for South Africa |
56 | @hysios/coronavirus | 2019 nCoV realtime track system based Scrapy + influxdb + grafana + NLTK + Stanford CoreNLP |
47 | @the-robot/covid19-updates | Monitoring service and bot to give updates about COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) |
39 | @RamiKrispin/coronavirus_dashboard | The Coronavirus Dashboard |
16 | @duarteocarmo/coronabar | 🦠 A mac menu bar app to track coronavirus cases all over the world |
15 | @Bost/corona_cases | 🦠 Coronavirus Informantion on Telegram Chatbot |
12 | @arik-so/coronavirus | |
10 | @YogaSakti/CoronaNotifier | Covid-19 Whatsapp Bot Indonesia |
5 | @yohix/corona | 🦠 COVID-19 Tracker - Mobile App |
4 | @aleskandro/covid19-charts-spreading-rapidity | Covid19 simple charts, spreading, rapidity and acceleration |
3 | @onlyphantom/coronavirus | A Shiny Web App tutorial inspecting the COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic |
2 | @soroushchehresa/iran-coronavirus | IOS & Android app about Coronavirus in Iran built with React-Native and TypeScript |
2 | @MG-ng/Virus-Ticker-Widget | See the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in your country - directly on your home screen |
1 | @cakebatterandsprinkles/whereiscovid | COVID19 tracking app made with React |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
239 | @datasets/covid-19 | Novel Coronavirus 2019 time series data on cases |
26 | @koushikkothagal/coronavirus-tracker | Spring Boot Java app to track coronavirus confirmed cases across the globe |
25 | @eebrown/data2019nCoV | Data on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (R Package) |
25 | @pdtyreus/coronavirus-ds | Jupyter notebooks and python scripts for investigating the 2019 coronavirus outbreak |
25 | @eebrown/data2019nCoV | Data on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (R Package) |
0 | @benhur07b/covid19-load-qgis | A Python script you can run in QGIS that loads the data from provided by Johns Hopkins University CSSE. |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
689 | @ahmadawais/corona-cli | 🦠 Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or the Novel Coronavirus Strain in the command line. Both worldwide for all countries, for one country, or for the US States. Fast response time (< 100ms). |
683 | @sagarkarira/coronavirus-tracker-cli | Track conronavirus cases from command line. curl |
56 | @garrylachman/covid19-cli | Corona Virus (Covid 19) BASH Tracking CLI |
17 | @WarenGonzaga/covid19-tracker-cli | Track Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) or Coronavirus disease cases from command line interface. It Supports terminal for linux and macos, command prompt for windows, and termux for android. Fast response time (~< 100ms). curl |
🌟 | Repository | Description |
1229 | @jcl5m1/ventilator | Low-Cost Open Source Ventilator or PAPR |
82 | @ProtofyTeam/OxyGEN | OxyGEN |
Link | Description |
---|---| | is a community-based project powered by over 460 volunteers from across the globe, ranging from data scientists, medical professionals, UI/UX designers, fullstack developers, to the general public. | | Coronavirus statistics by map. | | Health information on coronavirus infections with detailed statistics from around the world. Data can be exported in 7 different formats. | | Coronavirus statistics by the countries. | | Coronavirus map. | | RECOMENDACIONES Y MEDIDAS PREVENTIVAS PARA EVITAR QUE EL VIRUS AVANCE. | | Map, data and timeline of coronavirus (2019-nCoV). | | Real-time updates and stats for the Coronavirus. | | Malaysia outbreakmMonitor and live updates. | | Epidemic Tracking and Data Science. | | Japan COVID-19 Coronavirus Tracker. | | Coronavirus Tracker. | | Official Update of COVID -19 Situation in Singapore. | | Coronavirus Tracker. | | نقشهی مبتلایان به ویروس COVID-19 در ایران. | | Outbreak map of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV. | | مراکز درمانی ویژه کرونا بر روی نقشه. | | For US. Interactive map, per state data table, chart, news articles. | | Tableau de bord de suivi de l’épidémie de coronavirus en France. | | COVID-19 ITALIA. | | CoViD-19 Dashboard Italia. | | Situazione Coronavirus in Italia - LIVE | | A list of all the companies WFH or events changed because of covid-19. | | Koronawirus w Polsce. | | Corona Virus Near Me. | | Coronavirus en Español - Panel de estadísticas en Español con los últimos datos recibidos. | | Health information on coronavirus infections with detailed statistics from Italy. The data can be exported in 7 different formats. | | COVID-19 Statistics API based on public data by Johns Hopkins CSSE |
CovidStats | Coronavirus charts and reports | | Coronavirus in Abruzzo - I dati aggiornati |
Work From Home Gigs | A weekly updated list of work from home jobs during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Corona-tracker | Web app to track Coronavirus with primary focus on India |
Covid-19 statistics | Web app to get covid-19 statistics around the world, built for french people |
Covid-19 Philippines | Website to get covid-19 statistics for the Philippines. |
Official Covid-19 Philippines | Official government website for tracking covid-19 for the Philippines. |
Coronavirus Monitor | Coronavirus monitor, mainly for Germany |
Covid-19 in Morocco | Morocco COVID-19 Coronavirus Tracker |
CORONAFLASH | World-wide Coronavirus stats and predictions, and a toilet-paper predictor |
California Coronavirus | California Coronavirus Map |
COVID-19 World dashboard | Coronavirus outbreak COVID-19 World dashboard. Data updated everyminute, for every country, state/region, province/city |
class4corona | Teach/learn during the global pandemic. |
corona helden | Platform to connect medical institutions with qualified helpers in case of health care system overload (prototype, oss). |
GocoronaGo | GocoronaGo website shows the latest COVID-19 (CoronaVirus) stats in India along with charts, maps and Growth Rate. | | Get the latest toll numbers for the Novel Coronavirus epidemic, see affected regions, stats, casualties and more information to track, stay vigilant and travel safe. |
Link | Description |
코로나맵100m | 코백 - 코로나맵 정보 알림 서비스. |
Statistics, map of cases. | |
Location based statistics, news, charts, maps based dashboard. | |
COVID-19 Tracker | A Minimal Design application made with Flutter for checking current info on Novel Corona Virus Outbreak. |
Corona Tracker | Open Source project of an Android App for tracking corona virus spread, using public API. |
Link | Description |
Relief Central | Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates. |
HEALTHLYNKED COVID-19 Tracker | Corona virus tracker. |
Coronavírus - SUS | O Ministério da Saúde lança o app Coronavírus-SUS com o objetivo de conscientizar a população sobre o Corona Vírus COVID-19. |
Link | Description |
450-free-courses | Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free. |
Link | Description |
BotCorona | A bot that keeps track of the #CoronaVirus Data gets tweeted every 2 hours. |
coronavcharts | Your number #1 source on charts and “news” for #Coronavirus. |
TrackerCorona | I am a bot that collects U.S nCoV data from John Hopkins University and the U.S CDC and makes graphs! I am still in early development so there may be some bugs. |
COVID19 | Everything we do before a pandemic will seem alarmist. Everything we do after will seem inadequate -M. Leavitt, DHHS. |
Coronavirus CoVid-19 Updates | This account will tweet the current confirmed CoronaVirus #Covid-19 #NCOV infections. |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alerts | #COVID19 (#Coronavirus) Alerts, News & Info from reputed sources. Updates & Verified Facts on #2019nCoV Research, Strategies & Cures. Only truth, no rumours. |
COVID19 Updates in Asia | Updates on #coronavirus #COVID19 #coronaoutbreak #SARSCoV2 #ไวรัสโคโรน่า #VirusCorona #코로나바이러스 #コロナウイルス in the Larger Western Pacific Region. |
The COVID Tracking Project | Comprehensive US state-level coronavirus testing data |
Link | Description |
SG Fight Coronavirus | Let's Fight Coronavirus together in Singapore. |
Coronavirus Updates | Info-sharing on COVID-19. |
Coronavirus Info | Today's top stories regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic. |
Wuhan 2019 Novel Coronavirus | A collation of Singapore News Articles on 2019-nCoV Wuhan Virus COVID-2019. |
SG Wuhan Coronavirus Info Group | Providing news and updates on the Wuhan Coronavirus. |
Wuhan Quarantine #nCoV #武汉封城 | 点击标签查看相关消息:新闻 生活实景 求助信息 捐赠 应灾技巧 专家解答 辟谣 重要通知 疫情动态 |
CoronaTracker-Public | CoronaTracker-Public super group. |
Covid19 live update | Coronavirus outbreak COVID-19 live situation update. |
Link | Description |
latest information about the COVID-19 | WhatsApp Subscription |
WHO Health Alert | WHO WhatsApp Subscription for COVID-19 related information |
COVID19.GO.ID | Indonesian WhatsApp Bot for COVID-19 information |
Link | Description |
Entraide Coronavirus | Forum pour favoriser l'entraide et la solidarité pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 |
Link | Description |
Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Secret Tested Ways to Protect YOUR Business From Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) |
101 Science-Based Tips That Could Save Your Life | From Dr. Wang Zhou and his colleagues at the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention comes a must-have guide for preparing for an outbreak of the coronavirus virus (COVID-19). |
Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic Hits The USA | This is a story of a middle-class family that still has to work outside the home during the event while also observing the responses of the multitude of agencies involved in such an immense task at hand from inside the system and from their home sweet home. |
Coronavirus quarantine/lock down/work from home adventure | You’ve wanted to make a change for some time, maybe wishing you could just escape to a retreat for a couple of weeks to get your head on straight. Well, it might not be Bali, but it’s a break, and you should take advantage! |
The 2020 Coronavirus Recession Economic Crisis Series Bundle | Books 1-4: How to Prepare for the Market Crash, How to Get Rich During the Market Crash, ... Guide (The 2020 Recession Economic Crisis) |
Corona-Virus Wissenswertes und Tipps | Wie Sie sich und Ihre Familie schützen; 50-seitiger Überlebensleitfaden (German Edition) |
Medical Microbiology - 4th edition | Medical Microbiology begins with a review of the immune system, focusing on the body's response to invading microorganisms. |
Answers to Your Coronavirus Questions | Covid-19 cases continue to be confirmed. By following some basic steps, you can help reduce your risk and do your part to protect others. |
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection | Clinical Overviews are easy-to-scan clinically focused medical topic summaries designed to match the clinician workflow. |
Clinical Skills for Nursing - Skills checklist (Isolation Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment) | Clinical Skills for Nursing provides the highest quality evidence for nursing practice procedures for nurses to care for patients. |
Clinical Skills for Nursing - Skills checklist | Isolation Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment. |
Clinical Skills for Nursing - Isolation Precautions | ersonal Protective Equipment. |
Clinical Skills for Nursing - FAQ | based the recommendations made by the CDC and WHO for nurses and patients. |
Interprofessional Care Plans Guide - Fever — Adult | These Interprofessional Care Plans provide an evidence-based and individualizable Interprofessional plan of care to manage fever and the possible development of pneumonia, which is consistent with the presentation of this virus. |
Interprofessional Care Plans Guide - Fever — Pediatric | These Interprofessional Care Plans provide an evidence-based and individualizable Interprofessional plan of care to manage fever and the possible development of pneumonia, which is consistent with the presentation of this virus. |
Interprofessional Care Plans Guide - Pneumonia — Adult | These Interprofessional Care Plans provide an evidence-based and individualizable Interprofessional plan of care to manage fever and the possible development of pneumonia, which is consistent with the presentation of this virus. |
Interprofessional Care Plans Guide - Pneumonia — Pediatric | These Interprofessional Care Plans provide an evidence-based and individualizable Interprofessional plan of care to manage fever and the possible development of pneumonia, which is consistent with the presentation of this virus. |
Patient engagement resources - Patient Education document (Novel Coronavirus Infection) | Patient engagement resources use plain language to support shared decision-making between patients and healthcare providers. |
ScienceDirect Articles | ScienceDirect is a website based on explore and research about scientific, technical, medical and etc. |
Link | Description |
The Lancet COVID-19 Resource Centre | Journal page that aggregates coronavirus related research output. |
American Society for Microbiology | AMS search portal. |
American Chemical Society | Free issue of ACS with a focus on coronavirus. |
Annals of Internal Medicine | Annals page showcasing paper submissions. |
European Respiratory Journal | ERJ journal portal on coronaviruses. |
Oxford Academic | age of journal articles on the coronavirus. |
Jama Network | A variery of papers that span clinicians and researchers. |
Springer Nature | Springer Nature campaign page. |
Link | Description |
University of Virginia: COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard | Dashboard showing. |
Johns Hopkins CSSE: Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases | Dashboard application providing interaction to global case data. |
WHO Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation | WHO data visualization page. |
Worldometer | Showcasing coronavirus stats. |
Coronalysis | Dashboard based on maps and graphs, along with scientific documentation. |
COVID-19 Dashboard | Coronavirus outbreak dashboard. |
Link | Description |
WHO | World Health Orginization. |
CDC | Center for Disease control. |
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