released this
09 Dec 18:01
💥 Breaking Change
🐛 Bug Fix
🏠 Internal
#583 Use top-level await for CLI (@bmish )
#581 Use ES2023 target for TypeScript (@bmish )
#579 chore(deps): update dot-prop to v9 (@bmish )
#578 chore(deps): Update dev dependencies and refresh lockfile (@bmish )
#576 chore(deps): Update to ESLint v9 flat config and TypeScript v5 (@bmish )
#574 Remove typeRoots
and adjust types for Jest support (@y-hsgw )
#553 chore(deps): update @release-it-plugins/lerna-changelog to 7.0.0 (@MikeMcC399 )
#547 chore(deps): update ts-jest to 29.2.5 (@MikeMcC399 )
#540 chore(deps): migrate to eslint-plugin-n@17.11.1 (@MikeMcC399 )
#544 Revert "chore(deps-dev): Bump markdownlint-cli from 0.32.2 to 0.42.0" (@ddzz )
#541 chore(deps): update eslint-plugin-unicorn to 56.0.0 (@MikeMcC399 )
#536 ci: drop node.js 14.x and 16.x testing (@MikeMcC399 )
#539 chore(deps): replace eslint-plugin-square (@MikeMcC399 )
#531 chore(deps): update eslint-plugin-jest to 27.9.0 (@MikeMcC399 )
#530 chore(deps): update eslint to 8.57.1 (@MikeMcC399 )
Committers: 4
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