News Today is a social news aggregation and rating website similar to Reddit, built with React.
It has articles which are divided into topics. Each article has user ratings and can be voted up or down. Users can also add comments to an article and these comments can also be voted up or down. It is set up so a sample user ('tickle122') can both post and delete their own comments.
It can be found here:
The API can be found at
The repo for the backend can be found here:
These instructions will help you get a local version running, please see deployment for notes on how to deploy the website live via Heroku.
The app was built using Node 8.9.3 and cannot be guaranteed to work on an earlier version. Please visit for further information.
Please clone the repo from:
Run npm install in the command line to get the required dependencies.
npm install
To launch the development server, run the start script
npm start
This will open the app in your browser at this address:
I have deployed the database to mlab.
To deploy on a live system, set up a Heroku app and link it to your fork of the GitHub repo here.
I eschewed CSS frameworks as I wanted to combine my CSS and JavaScript skills on this project. I embraced the challenge of writing all the vanilla css myself, taking inspiration from the American skateboard clothing brand Supreme.
Ben Marley
Thanks to my fellow students and all the great staff at Northcoders, with special thanks to Jac Darby.