This is my personal build process for my Mac Book Pro. I rebuild about every 6 months or so. This process and several of the scripts are based on the initial restore process I ran into from Andrew Connell. See Andrew's blog post and Andrew's version here.
Some additional ideas leveraged from Jose Padilla's dotfiles.
Before starting a fresh install or re-pave, backup current virtual machines from ~/Documents/Parallels/VirtualMachines
folder (or other location for virtual machines) to an external drive.
- Screen snap current Moom settings
- Clean out Downloads, backup any files needed
- Clean out Desktop, backup any files needed
- Clean out Movies or backup as needed
- Backup Chrome Profiles in ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome
- Run TimeMachine for a back up
- Open terminal and navigate to /Applications. Run ls -1 to list all apps - print list and update scripts as needed
- Copy config files
- Backup ~/repos - even though most of these would be git projects, some are not in a remote, so for safety back them up
- Run
rsync -aruv * /backups/repos
(or any location you want to backup to)
- Run
- List all global packages
npm list -g --depth=0
- Update with all global packages
- Reboot and press Command+R during reboot when Apple logo comes up
- Delete existing partition (not the 2nd tiny partition listed)
- Install Mac OSX
- Create personal profile
- Configure initial settings with login
Install apps from the store.
curl -L | sh
- Install Homebrew for applications.
curl -L | sh
Install core applications
curl -L | sh
Install Dev apps, databases tools, and more.
curl -L | sh
curl -L | sh
Be sure to add the following to .bash_profile
export NVM_DIR=/Users/pete/.nvm
source /usr/local/opt/nvm/
Ensure nvm version (run nvm --version) from shell, then run
curl -L | sh
Ensure nvm version (run nvm --version) from shell, then run
curl -L | sh
Run the following to install all extensions.
curl -L | sh
If the command fails, try Cmd + Shift + P and then type install and choose the
Shell Command: Install 'code-insiders' command in PATH
and re-run the command
brew update
brew upgrade brew-cask
brew cleanup
- Configure local Git profile
git config --global “Pete Skelly”
git config --global “”
git config --global core.editor “code -w”
git config --global merge.tool code
- Install Google Chrome Extensions
- Configure TagCloud
- Apply .bash_prompt settings or from github dotfiles
- Copy .bash_prompt
- Run chmod +x .bash_prompt
- Add “source ~/.bash_prompt” to .bash_profile
- Copy Virtual Machines
- Create directory for ~/virtualmachines
- Copy virtual machines for dev to new ~/virtualmachines
- Clone desired repositories from GitHub to ~/repos
- Restore selected repos from ~/repos backup disk
To keep homebrew installed things update, do this (you may need to run brew tap buo/cask-upgrade
for cu utility):
brew update # download app updated formulas
brew outdated # what’s old?
brew upgrade # upgrade everything locally
# list all brew casks installed & their versions
brew cu --dry-run
# optionally update everything
brew cu
# cleanup everything
brew cleanup