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BOUN SWE 2024 Group 10

Hello there!

Our Team

More detailed info can be accessed on our members' personal pages listed below.

Our Project

Animal Trove is an application in which people can share animals they see all around the world. It is a perfect platform for the animal lovers and zoology community since exciting and rare animals can be shared with location info.

You can access the project-related documents below.

Animal Troove

Getting Started

With the instructions given below, you can successfully build and run the application on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


In order to run the application, your machine needs to have

  • Docker
  • docker-compose

Installing project

To install the project: go to the desired location in your machine and run ' git clone'. Alternatively, one can download the code zip folder.

Project Structure

After going to the root level of the project, you can access the src folder there. src folder contains backend,frontend and mobile codes.

Running Frontend

Go to web/animaltrove folder. Run 'npm i' to install project dependencies. After installing dependencies, run 'npm start' in order to start development server. You can access the development server on your browser on localhost:3000

Running Mobile App

Go to mobile/animaltrove folder. Run 'npm i' to install project dependencies. After installing dependencies, run 'npm start' in order to start development server. Metro bundler will return a qr code for expo. Install expo on your mobile phone and scan the given qr code, then app will be started on your device.

Running Backend

Go to backend/animaltrove folder. run 'mvn spring-boot:run' Then you can access the backend api on localhost:8080

Environment Variables

You need to set up these necessary environment variables to run the application. Go to the root of your project and create .env file to keep environment variables. Fill the .env file with these variable.

Spring Boot Settings

Frontend Environment Variables

baseUrl: http://localhost:8080

Mobile Environment Variables


docker-compose usage

Docker compose file helps us to build and run the backend, frontend and the mysql database through volume and image composition. To run the application, multiple images for the apps should be composed into the docker-compose and run there.

Building the docker images:

docker-compose build --no-cache

Running docker containers

docker-compose up

By default, started web application will be running on localhost:3000 and the spring application will be running of localhost:8080 if no other port will specified in the file.

Running the application online

Use that url to access the application: