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Francois Marier edited this page Jan 14, 2019 · 6 revisions

Build and browser start might fail for different reasons, some being:

Database error

Similar to:

[48058:82435:0827/] Web sqlite error 5, errno 0: database is locked, sql: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
[48058:82435:0827/] Cannot call mutating statements on an invalid statement.

If you experience something like the above, consider checking your processes and check if another browser instance is using the same profile. You can run ps aux |grep Brave-Browser-Development and check the console output. If something appears to you, try running pkill -f Brave-Browser-Development to kill these processes or consider restarting your machine and try again.

badTimezone errors during npm run init

If you get errors like these while initializing the repo:

error: object 5e6ecdad9f69b1ff789a17733b8edc6fd7091bd8: badTimezone: invalid author/committer line - bad time zone

make sure you don't have any of the following in your ~/.gitconfig:

    fsckobjects = true
    fsckobjects = true
    fsckobjects = true

Proxy warnings from depot_tools

To silence notices like these:

NOTICE: You have PROXY values set in your environment, but gsutil in depot_tools does not (yet) obey them. Also, --no_auth prevents the normal BOTO_CONFIG environment variable from being used. To use a proxy in this situation, please supply those settings in a .boto file pointed to by the NO_AUTH_BOTO_CONFIG environment var.

Add this to ~/.bashrc:

export NO_AUTH_BOTO_CONFIG="${HOME}/.boto"

and put the following in ~/.boto:


npm run sync -- --all fails

Did you remember to do a git pull of the main brave-browser repository first?

If it's still not working, try deleting your src/out directory.

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