As I learned more about computer graphics and video games a like, I desire more and more to create my own game engine which would allow me to truly study the architecture and development of one. Every resource I found online lacked the friendliness torwards beginners to help spread the knowledge. Teapot is my attempt to remediate that, by designing a readibility-first engine; not focused on eeking out the best performance, or stunning graphics, but instead focused on documentation, readability, and usability.
- OpenGL
- Dear Imgui
- C++
- [GLFW]
- Initial engine refactor, focused on OOP-based design and best standards
- GLFW Window Abstraction
- Renderer Abstraction
- Logging / Testing
- ImGui Revamp
- Cameras
- Geometry Importer
- Scenegraph
- Rendering API Abstraction
- Lighting Update
- Materials
- Light Casters
- Lighting Maps (Diffuse, Specular, Bump/Normal)
- Shadows
- Tonemapping
- Profiling
- Geometry Editing and Processing
- Advanced Lighting
- GLTF Physically Based Rendering
- Materials
- Advanced Lighting Maps (Roughness, AO, Metallic, Mask, etc)
- Image Based Lighting (Cubemaps)
- Deffered Rendering
- Sceenspace Reflections
- Optional Global Illumination (Voxel Cone Tracing)
- GLTF Physically Based Rendering
- Physics
- Entity Component System
- Scene Saving / Loading
- Scene Editing (Picking)
- Skeletal Animation
- Particle System
- Game Scripting (LUA)
- Node System
Brennen Green - @TheBrennenGreen -