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106 ReleaseNotes En

ershovaelena edited this page Oct 25, 2017 · 32 revisions

Release 1.0.6 Overview

On July 25, 2017 we released Cloudstack-UI 1.0.6. During the past sprint, project team concentrated on extensive code refactoring, which led to several bug-fixes and also allowed us to include new functions in the release.

Most important introductions of this release are new VM filtering and grouping interface, improved representation of resource usage bar, tabs for VM and Template tags and the time format choice.

Another far-reaching point of the release is our decision to migrate from MDL to Material2 with which we expect to deliver even more of the nice features.

An extended summary of the released features and improvements is provided below.


Developers have spent more than a week on refactoring the old code of VM creation which was written without proper design on early project phase. It has been reimplemented from scratch.

New interface for VM filtering and grouping

A new component was created, which allows presenting a new interface for VM filtering and grouping in this release. In addition, this component will help to create a new way of VMs displaying - it will be possible to switch between views and a new form will be added - a table format similar to the one offered by the standard ACS interface.

Renewed VM tabs

Reorganized VM details tabs. Previously tabs were "keyword" labeled, in this release they were changed to icons. It helps to implement more tabs with compact and visually self-descriptive labels.

NIC and SG details and configuration are moved to a separate tab "Network" which will help to implement additional network operations for advanced CS zones.

Improved Resource Usage Bar

Resource usage bar allows switching between "used" and "free" presentations to help users understanding capabilities in a better way.

Virtual Machines and Templates Tags

The release introduces VM tags and Template tags tabs. Unlike the native ACS interface which doesn't use tags, CloudStack-UI uses tags very extensively to provide additional UX capabilities. In future versions tags will interact with UI plugins to provide additional capabilities like clientless SSH access.

Time format choice

Users have the possibility to choose a time format (AM / PM <-> 24h), which is not represented in the native ACS interface. This functionality allows users to use the system in a convenient time mode in different locations.

Moving from MDL to Material2

Since Angular Material 2 is mature now, includes better and more beautiful components we decided switching from MDL to Material2 which will be completed in several iterations.

Deployment Instructions

The release can be found at GitHub releases (

Prepared Docker image is available at Dockerhub (

You can pull it with:

# docker pull bwsw/cloudstack-ui:1.0.6

The project changelog is here:

Deployment guide and project info can be found at GitHub pages:

Release 1.0.7 Expectations

Version 1.0.7 is planned to be released on August, 7th, 2017. The release is expected to include new functionality as follows:

  • Templates to VM tags copy support (client-side);
  • Web-SSH plugin, which enables SSH connection facility to VMs without desktop client installed;
  • Pulse plugin, which enables displaying of CPU/RAM/IO/NET metrics per VM.

Community Message

Dear community member, we will be thankful if you

  • try the project and provide us with a feedback;
  • share the information about the project and the release in social media;
  • mark the GitHub repository with star to support the project;
  • join LinkedIn group.
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