Numerical Analysis for Julia
To use this you can use the following line,
Pkg > add
Available Algorithm
- Fixed Point
- Newton's Method
- Secant
- False Position
This package is still under development.
julia> h(x::Vector) = 3^(-x[1])
h (generic function with 1 method)
julia> h(x) = 3^(-x)
h (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> Knum.fixed_point(h,0.,10)
0 0.0
1 1.0
2 0.3333333333333333
3 0.6933612743506348
4 0.46685562817398535
5 0.598760657911438
6 0.5179866461166681
7 0.5660536061282596
8 0.5369375702563746
9 0.5543903636000769
10 0.543861823031617
This project is using ForwardDiff.jl.
You can read their paper Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation in Julia on arXiv, or Github Link