This project builds a Docker image containg an installation of the library system Koha.
If you don't want to build the Docker image yourself we automatically build and push new versions of the image to Docker Hub Registry on every push to this GitHub repository. New images are given tags that correspond to the git head revisions in the git repo. See the section Using the Koha Docker image for more information.
As Docker is only supported natively on Linux, we build and test our Docker image inside a VirtualBox build machine. To make it easier to work with VirtualBox we use Vagrant for provisioning the virtual build machine. If you want to build the image yourself you need to install Virtualbox and Vagrant first (on Windows you also need some 'nix tools through e g Cygwin).
The image is built from a Dockerfile which also invokes Salt states. (The use of Salt preceeded our use of Docker, which is why it is still around.)
The Docker image produced uses currently released Debian packages of Koha.
There is also a Docker setup for a Koha development version from git available in the subfolder kohadev
. Please read the README in this folder for further instructions.
The image will on startup go through the steps of the Koha Webinstaller accepting default settings, and choosing MARC-flavour: MARC21.
This section assumes some understanding of Docker, and a machine (virtual or physical) capable of running Docker.
docker pull digibib/koha:[tag/revision]
The tag/revision
should correspond to the git revisions in this git repository.
docker run -d --name koha_docker \ -p 6001:6001 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 \ -t digibib/koha:[tag/revision]
The tag/revision
is as above.
It takes a little while for the Koha startup to complete.
Starting Koha as explained above makes the OPAC available on port 8080 (http) and Intra on port 8081 (http). The SIP-server is available on port 6001 (tcp).
You should set credentials for the Koha instance database user on container startup (to avoid default values), you can also set the Koha instance name, and SIP-server settings :
docker run -d --name koha_docker \ -p 6001:6001 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 \ -e KOHA_INSTANCE=[koha instance name, default: name] \ -e KOHA_ADMINUSER=[db admin user name, default: admin] \ -e KOHA_ADMINPASS=[db admin password, default: secret] \ -e SIP_WORKERS=[no of workers, default: 3] \ -e SIP_AUTOUSER1=[username, default: autouser] \ -e SIP_AUTOPASS1=[password, default: autopass] \ -t digibib/koha
Log entries from a number of logs will be concatenated into standard out and can be seen using:
docker logs koha_docker
The logs tailed to standard out:
/var/log/apache2/access.log /var/log/koha/${KOHA_INSTANCE}/intranet*.log /var/log/koha/${KOHA_INSTANCE}/opac*.log /var/log/koha/${KOHA_INSTANCE}/zebra*.log /var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log /var/log/koha/${KOHA_INSTANCE}/sip*.log
If you want to build the image yourself you need to install and set up a virtual build machine.
- Install virtualbox and vagrant:
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
- vagrant > 1.7.2 - install deb manually:
- OSX: We recommend using homebrew and homebrew cask, but you can install these manually if you prefer (see download links).
brew cask install virtualbox
-- or Virtualbox Downloadsbrew cask install vagrant
-- or Vagrant Downloads
- Windows:
- Download and install "VirtualBox platform package" for Window hosts: Virtualbox Downloads
- Download and install Vagrant for Windows: Vagrant Downloads
- Reboot your machine.
- [Install Cygwin] (
- Choose the following packages:
- git
- make
- openssh
- We also recommend these:
- curl
- git-completion
- Choose the following packages:
- After installing Cygwin/X Windows users should use the program "XWin Server" for commands like git, make etc.
- Ubuntu:
- Clone this repo from the command line (in a directory of your choice):
git clone
cd ls.ext
into your cloned repo.- From the command line run:
to bootstrap the environment.
Using Makefile, the following commands are available:
: sets up and provisions virtual box
make reload
: reloads box
make halt
: stops virtual box
make up
: starts box (no provisioning)
make provision
: provision box
make build
: build docker image (takes a while the first time)
make mysql_start
: setup a mysql container
make mysql_stop
: stop and remove a running mysql container
make run
: run/start koha container and link to running mysql container
make browser
: start firefox in box and test container (requires XQuartz on Mac and Cywin/X on Windows)
make stop
: stop docker container
make delete
: stop and remove container
make nsenter
: open shell inside container
All docker relevant files are in /vagrant/koha, so building an image manually inside the vagrant box (do vagrant ssh
first) is done by
sudo docker build -t kohaimage /vagrant/koha