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Merge pull request Shopify#79 from Shopify/ajax-browser-checking
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IE8 bug fixes, code cleaning
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cshold committed May 22, 2014
2 parents 01c27a7 + 42a8f20 commit 6c06eec
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Showing 2 changed files with 71 additions and 70 deletions.
117 changes: 57 additions & 60 deletions assets/ajaxify.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -247,10 +247,10 @@ var ajaxifyShopify = (function(module, $) {
var init;

// Private general variables
var settings, cartInit, $drawerHeight, $cssTransforms, $cssTransforms3d, $isTouch;
var settings, cartInit, $drawerHeight, $cssTransforms, $cssTransforms3d, $isTouch, $nojQueryLoad, $w, $body;

// Private plugin variables
var $formContainer, $btnClass, $wrapperClass, $addToCart, $flipClose, $flipCart, $flipContainer, $cartCountSelector, $cartCostSelector, $toggleCartButton, $modal, $cartContainer, $drawerCaret, $modalContainer, $modalOverlay, $closeCart, $drawerContainer, $prependDrawerTo, $w, $body;
var $formContainer, $btnClass, $wrapperClass, $addToCart, $flipClose, $flipCart, $flipContainer, $cartCountSelector, $cartCostSelector, $toggleCartButton, $modal, $cartContainer, $drawerCaret, $modalContainer, $modalOverlay, $closeCart, $drawerContainer, $prependDrawerTo;

// Private functions
var updateCountPrice, flipSetup, revertFlipButton, modalSetup, showModal, sizeModal, hideModal, drawerSetup, showDrawer, hideDrawer, sizeDrawer, loadCartImages, formOverride, itemAddedCallback, itemErrorCallback, cartUpdateCallback, setToggleButtons, flipCartUpdateCallback, buildCart, cartTemplate, adjustCart, adjustCartCallback, createQtySelectors, qtySelectors, scrollTop;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,6 +311,12 @@ var ajaxifyShopify = (function(module, $) {

// Check if we can use .load
$nojQueryLoad = $('html').hasClass('lt-ie9');
if ($nojQueryLoad) {
settings.useCartTemplate = false;

// Setup ajax quantity selectors on the any template if enableQtySelectors is true
if (settings.enableQtySelectors) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,11 +418,33 @@ var ajaxifyShopify = (function(module, $) {
$modalOverlay = $('#ajaxifyCart-overlay');
$cartContainer = $('#ajaxifyCart');

// Close modal when clicking the overlay
$modalOverlay.on('click', hideModal);

// Create a close modal button
$modalContainer.after('<button class="ajaxifyCart--close" title="Close Cart">Close Cart</button>');
$closeCart = $('.ajaxifyCart--close');
$closeCart.on('click', hideModal);

// Add a class if CSS translate isn't available
if (!$cssTransforms) {

// Update modal position on screen changes
orientationchange: function(e) {
if ($modalContainer.hasClass('is-visible')) {
}, resize: function(e) {
// IE8 fires this when overflow on body is changed. Ignore IE8.
if (!$nojQueryLoad && $modalContainer.hasClass('is-visible')) {

// Toggle modal with cart button
Expand All @@ -428,70 +456,41 @@ var ajaxifyShopify = (function(module, $) {
} else {

if ($modalContainer) {
$ 'click', hideModal );
$modalOverlay.on( 'click', hideModal );

sizeModal = function(invisible) {
// Create close button if it doesn't exist
if ( !$('.ajaxifyCart--close').length ) {
$modalContainer.after('<button class="ajaxifyCart--close" title="Close Cart">Close Cart</button>');
sizeModal = function(isResizing) {
if (!isResizing) {
$modalContainer.css('opacity', 0);
$closeCart.css('opacity', 0);

// Reset close modal listener
$closeCart = $('.ajaxifyCart--close');
$closeCart.on('click', hideModal);

// Position modal on load

// Update modal position on screen change
orientationchange: function(e) {
}, resize: function(e) {
// Position modal by negative margin
'margin-left': - ($modalContainer.outerWidth() / 2),
'margin-top': - ($modalContainer.outerHeight() / 2),
'opacity': 1

function positionModal(isResizing) {
if (!isResizing) {
$modalContainer.css('opacity', 0);
$closeCart.css('opacity', 0);

// Position modal by negative margin
'margin-left': - ($modalContainer.outerWidth() / 2),
'margin-top': - ($modalContainer.outerHeight() / 2),
'opacity': 1

// Position close button on slight timeout
var fromTop = window.pageYOffset | document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var positionTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
top: ( $w.height() - ( $modalContainer.offset().top - fromTop + $modalContainer.outerHeight() ) - 15 ),
right: ( $w.width() - ( $modalContainer.offset().left + $modalContainer.outerWidth() ) - 15 ),
opacity: 1

if (!invisible) {

// Position close button on slight timeout
var positionTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
top: ( $w.height() - ( $modalContainer.offset().top - document.body.scrollTop + $modalContainer.outerHeight() ) - 15 ),
right: ( $w.width() - ( $modalContainer.offset().left + $modalContainer.outerWidth() ) - 15 ),
opacity: 1
}, 200);
}, 200);

hideModal = function (e) {
if (e) {

if ($modalContainer) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -658,7 +657,6 @@ var ajaxifyShopify = (function(module, $) {
case 'modal':
case 'drawer':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -709,17 +707,17 @@ var ajaxifyShopify = (function(module, $) {

buildCart = function (cart) {
// Empty cart if using default layout or not using the .load method to get /cart
if (!settings.useCartTemplate || cart.item_count == 0) {
if (!settings.useCartTemplate || cart.item_count === 0) {

// Show empty cart
if (cart.item_count <= 0) {
if (cart.item_count === 0) {
$cartContainer.append('<h2>Your cart is empty</h2>');

switch (settings.method) {
case 'modal':
case 'flip':
case 'drawer':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -929,7 +927,7 @@ var ajaxifyShopify = (function(module, $) {
var row = $('.cart-row[data-id="' + id + '"]').addClass('ajaxifyCart--is-loading');

if ( qty == 0 ) {
if ( qty === 0 ) {

Expand All @@ -956,11 +954,10 @@ var ajaxifyShopify = (function(module, $) {

// Hide the modal or drawer if we're at 0 items
if ( cart.item_count == 0 ) {
if ( cart.item_count === 0 ) {
// Handle each add to cart method
switch (settings.method) {
case 'modal':
case 'flip':
case 'drawer':
Expand Down
24 changes: 14 additions & 10 deletions assets/ajaxify.scss.liquid
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,11 +78,11 @@

@mixin transition($transition) {
-webkit-transition: $transition;
-moz-transition: $transition;
-ms-transition: $transition;
-o-transition: $transition;
transition: $transition;
-webkit-transition: #{$transition};
-moz-transition: #{$transition};
-ms-transition: #{$transition};
-o-transition: #{$transition};
transition: #{$transition};

@mixin clearfix() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -453,15 +453,15 @@ form[action^="/cart/add"] {
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin: -50% 0 0 -50%; // overridden with JS
margin: -300px 0 0 -500px; // overridden with JS
width: 100%;
max-width: 1000px;
max-height: 80%;
height: auto;
z-index: 99999999;
visibility: hidden;
overflow: auto;
@include transition(box-shadow 600ms cubic-bezier(0.47, 0.5, 0, 0.95) 400ms);
@include transition('box-shadow 600ms cubic-bezier(0.47, 0.5, 0, 0.95) 400ms, margin-top 200ms ease-in-out');

.ajaxifyCart--content {
padding: 30px;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,14 +511,18 @@ form[action^="/cart/add"] {
z-index: 99999998;
opacity: 0;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: rgba(211,211,211,0.8);
background-color: #d3d3d3;
@include transition(opacity 450ms cubic-bezier(0.57,.06,.05,.95));

.is-visible ~ #ajaxifyCart-overlay {
opacity: 1;
opacity: 0.8;
visibility: visible;
@include transition(opacity 650ms cubic-bezier(0.57, 0.06, 0.05, 0.95));

.lt-ie9 & {
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)";

// Modal colors and general styles
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -727,7 +731,7 @@ form[action^="/cart/add"] {
background-color: $ajaxifyGreyDark;
background-image: url();
z-index: 999999999;
@include transition(all 0.1s);
@include transition('background-color 100ms ease-in-out, margin 100ms ease-in-out'); + & {
display: block;
Expand Down

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