This program is used to identify dynamixels on your network and configure dynamixel parameters
- NETWORK SEARCH - Search through the selected baudrates and IDs, identifying the connected servos parameters and models.
- FACTORY RESET -Resets an specified servo to the factory config
- PARAMETERS CONFIG -Configures the following parameters:
- ID
- Baudrate
- Torque Max
- Mode (Wheel/Joint/Multi Turn)
- CW angle limit / CCW angle limit
- P/I/D Gains
- Drive mode (Reverse/Slave)
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Run the shell script to install the Dynamixel SDK, case there is an error follow the instructions in the prerequisites.
Go to the installation folder and run
$ cd mixcell/install/
$ ./
It's necessary to give your user permanent permissions do access the usb port, so
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
And restart your computer to add your user to the group.
To run mixcell, just open the terminal and type:
$ mixcell
Case you have a non-working mixcell version on your computer because of SDK problems, run the file
$ cd mixcell/install/
$ ./
It's necessary to install the linux64 C library of Dynamixel SDK Version 3.5.4 and the PyQT4.
You can find the complete installation guide for the SDK here
Download the file and extract in the desired folder
$ cd ~/foo/DynamixelSDK-3.4.3/c/build/linux64
- Build the library
$ make
- Case there is an error
$ make clean
- And
$ make
- Install the library
$ sudo make install
- Case there is an error
$ sudo make reinstall
In order to install PyQT4
$ apt-cache search pyqt
$ sudo apt-get install python-qt4
This tool was developed as one of my activites during the internetship in the Brazilian Institue of Robotics at Senai CIMATEC.
The code is oficially maintened by the institution, but feel free to use this repository as a tool to communicate.
You can find the complete code documentation at
- Wing - The python IDE
- QT Designer - QT IDE
- Sphinx - Used to generate the documentation
- Cleber Couto Filho - Initial work - clebercoutof
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Dynamixel SDK Code examples
- Python Programming QT tutorials.
Thanks to Pedro Xavier for full time support and Henrique Poleselo for the documentation support.