Coderbunker Canada landing page
- Wireframe (Phase 1): figma
- One-pager (Phase 1): Pull Request
- Refer to this issue
- Phase 2: To be envisioned
Continuous Deployment on Netlify of the main branch of this repo (i.e. everytime code got merged onto the main branch, it will trigger a rebuild on Netlify.
Changes can be seen 👉
You can refer to Netlify deploy preview on the pull request.
You can use gh-pages as an alternative 👉
gatsby clean
npm run deploy
gatsby clean
gatsby build --prefix-paths && gh-pages -d public -r
npm run build
gatsby build
├── locales
├── src
│ ├── assets
│ │ ├── content
│ │ │ ├── members 👈 Where team member info is stored
│ │ │ └── partners 👈 Where partners (& clients) info is stored
│ │ ├── fonts
│ │ └── images
│ ├── components 👈 reusable components
│ ├── pages
│ │ ├── 404.js
│ │ └── index.js
│ └── styles
├── gatsby-browser.js
├── gatsvy-config.js
├── gatsby-node.js
├── gatsby-ssr.js
├── postcss.config.js
└── tailwind.config.js
├── src
├── assets
└── content
├── members
│ ├── 01_ricky_ng_adam.jpg 👈 team member portrait
│ └── 01_ricky_ng_adam.json 👈 team member info
└── partners
"en": {
"name": "Ricky Ng-Adam",
"title": "Founder, Coderbunker",
"linkedin": "",
"github": "",
"image": "01_ricky_ng_adam.jpg",
"highlights": [
"25 years experience in software development",
"Architecture, design, R&D",
"Team recruitment, building and coaching",
"Javascript, Python, C/C++, bash, plpgsql",
"API: REST, Websockets, GraphQL",
"Deployment (Linux, Ansible, Cloud, Docker)",
"Database (PostgreSQL)"
"fr": {
"name": "Ricky Ng-Adam",
"title": "Fondateur, chez Coderbunker",
"linkedin": "",
"github": "",
"image": "01_ricky_ng_adam.jpg",
"highlights": [
"25 ans d'expérience dans le développement de logiciels",
"Architecture, design, R&D",
"Recrutement d'équipe, constitution et coaching",
"Javascript, Python, C/C++, bash, plpgsql",
"API: REST, Websockets, GraphQL",
"Déploiement (Linux, Ansible, Cloud, Docker)",
"Base de données (PostgreSQL)"
Copy an existing JSON file in the
folder, and rename it following the naming convention i.e.01_ricky_ng_adam
Add an image to the same folder
, make sure the image file name matched what was specified in the json file.
Please keep the highlights short and sweet, max 7 bullet points.
├── src
├── assets
└── content
├── members
└── partners
├── 01_drave.json 👈 partner info
└── 01_drave.png 👈 partner logo
"name": "Drave développement",
"website": "",
"logo": "01_drave.png"
Copy an existing JSON file in the
folder, and rename it following the naming convention i.e.01_drave
Add an image to the same folder
, make sure the image file name matched what was specified in the json file.
├── locales
└── fr
└── index.json // 👈 non team-member related translation string goes here