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qihang edited this page Jan 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

Generate deposit address


  • PUT /balance/deposit/address/<string:coin_type>

  • Need a signature:Yes

  • Enquire deposit address

  • Request parameters notes

    Name Type Required Description
    access_id String Yes access_id
    tonce Integer Yes Millisecond timestamp with an acceptable error range of ± 60s from server time
    smart_contract_name Integer No If there are multiple chains for a coin, it needs to be specified.

    Currently, the multi-chain coin is USDT, smart_contract_name can be selected as Omni, ERC20, TRC20

    BTC, smart_contract_name can be selected as CoinExChain, BTC

    BCH, smart_contract_name can be selected as CoinExChain, BCH

    USDH, smart_contract_name can be selected as CoinExChain, SLP

    CET, smart_contract_name can be selected as CoinExChain, ERC20

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